It may be either the well known 'Anubias sickness' (not sure whether to blame bacteria or nematodes but attempts to save such plants are largely futile), or (also well-known situation) too much organic compounds in the tank, increasing microbial population above limit and with it oxygen consumption. The plants get suffocated.Just an update, 5 weeks today I set my new tank up, I have lost all my anubias to rot. Buce to melting.
The plant itself may survive but leaves once lost never grow back.Now all the leaves on my limnophila hippuroides has melted will these grow back?
Organics, low oxygen. Incomplete decomposition is the source of many harmful organics, actually more dangerous than ammonia.I put 3 netrite snails in 2 weeks ago and 1 died today is this common? Still no live stock yet just got my self a pH pen and tds pen.
I suggest vigorous aeration & water changes.
(Didn't I say a few days ago that a plantless cycling is a safer way?) 😉