I took more photos today, the improvement in quality is unfortunately not massive, but unless you all are interested in crowdfunding a microscope then there is not much to do 😅
I tried to include small photoseries that show its movement. When it encounters a wall it will retract its front end into its body, I dont know if youve ever seen a manatee or a
seal crash into a glass pane but it looks exactly like that.
The dark patches that looked like eyes in one picture, I think are not eyes, just some other anatomy. It always carries its tail in a point, and the nose is also quite pointed but looks to have a slight indentation (opening?) ala
@X3NiTH 's nematode pictures. Its very fat as some of you have pointed out, and is the same thickness all the way around, it does not appear to have a typical underside and will roll around indiscriminately. Sorry to disappoint but it is not a turd.
The tank is being treated for Scutariella so has been dosed repeatedly with Praziquantel and Levamisole.
Critter is obviously not fussed about these medications.
Based on this my ID so far is: Not planaria
Treatment plan: kuhlii loaches