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240ltr Discus planted tank

Hmm... looks like I have to try ox heart (called beef heart) here. Do you buy ready-made or mix up your own batch with raw ingredients?
I bought ready-made from stendker, my discus really love it.

I have the same tank with discus too! Fantastic scape!
beautiful fish. beautiful tank. I thought discus were supposed to be a nightmare! You have made it look easy.
Thank you.

I see you changed the substrate to a lighter colour. Was that to reduce peppering?
yes, i take glosso off and put some sand instead.

Absolutely stunning! All those fish look in fantastic condition too - are you using RO water?
Thank you, this tank i use 100% tap water.
That vid is awesome. Looks lovely. I see its 240L but can you tell me the dimensions please ?
Wow, now that's a lot of fish!
Nice scape.

It is indeed. I was thinking the same and wondering how many were in there .
That vid is awesome. Looks lovely. I see its 240L but can you tell me the dimensions please ?

Wow, now that's a lot of fish!
Nice scape.
It is indeed. I was thinking the same and wondering how many were in there .
Actually, i think too...
the reason is before i set this tank i got 4 fish tanks and after this one set then i have no time to look after other tanks so i have to put all my fishes into this tank

here latest one
Now i've changed the scape due to lack of maintenance

Use sand as substrate and i'm going to plant the plants on Lava rock not on the substrate.

use fishing line tie Hygrophila Pinnatifida to the rocks and put some Hydrocotyle sp. Japan in the hole.


Looks fantastic Korakot.. I love discus in planted tanks and this will be stunning as it grows over time.. Looking forward to more pics!!

I am not an expert but I buy a whole Ox heart for £5 from the local butcher and its enough to last months and months. I used to buy the pre-made stuff but I too found it almost dissolved when I put it in the tank. When you are feeding juvi discus 4 or 5 times a day it can soon impact the water. I now buy a whole heart and after cutting all the bad bits off it I cut it into smallish 3cm cubes and freeze them. When you want to feed the fish just take one out and rub it down a medium/small sized cheese grater. You wont get any tiny pieces and you if you turn the filter off for two minutes you wont get one single piece uneaten. I do the same with frozen mussels and prawns, although I chop these with a knife. I also mix the feed up with chopped peas, spinach, garlic etc as and when I feel like.

It took the missus a while to accept chunks of beef heart in the freezer though... good job she doesn't see me hacking the huge heart into bits on the kitchen side!

Oh yeah... and If I fail to clean the cheese grater properly... that doesn't go down too well either...haha
Thank you Alan for nice picture!!

And thank you for Twinstar

it's made my tank look a bit more like the picture that you post

What on earth is that? It looks so cool i want one before i even know what it's for!
I was thinking the same thing but looking at the Twinstar website I'm guessing its just an ozone generator. The site was pretty evasive about what it actually did or how it did it. I'm sure Mr. Korakot will let us know and put us out of our gadget envy.
Descriptions here, careful this sites root triggered my anti-virus about a Trojan loading.

Doesn't really help what an earth it does, other than reduce your wallet size.
I tell you what, the bit that sticks on the outside of the tank looks like an iPod with a massive power button... do you think it could be a prototype of an iCeg: massively increases CO2 injection and ferts while simultaneously reducing lighting?