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238l rescape, UPDATED 21st Oct

Re: 238l rescape, New picture july 8th

Just a little update.

Im haveing slight flow issues now growth is here. I have bba apearing within the centre and deep in the rears of the tank where i think flow just is not reaching now.

I have two options, One temp and another that will proberly sort it.

1. Temp trim on plants
2. Buy spray bar kits to fit along the rear. This method would work the best i reckon in proviveding better circlation in conjuntion with my powerhead.

And thanks to hogan
i now have a suppler of Co2 that doesnt usualy refill the kind of bottles i have but is willing too, can refill my 500g bottle for 5 squid wich is saveing me a fortune! So now i can put bps up a little more too wich is also needed with the plant mass i have now.

Thats about it at the moment.

One more thing, hopefully in about 4 days ill have the tank filled again. :thumbup:

Re: 238l rescape, UPDATED JULY 16TH

I don't see very well where is the position of your filter output but anyway this is what I think it will improve your flow.


LE: If your filter output is on the right you can put the diffuser there so that the second powerhead could also recieve CO2.
Anyway for your tank configuration I'd use 3 powerheads one on the left side (like you have already) and 2 in the middle one near the surface pointed to the left of your tank and the other one at bottom pointed to the middle of the tank.
Re: 238l rescape, UPDATED JULY 16TH

Im not sure that would work great for me as im running to filters at both back corners and a sun sun 1100 lph powerhead at top front left pointing down to right. That should be more than anougt but the flow once it gets to the other end cant return due to the huge amount of plantation. Creation flow with the spray bars from back to front in my eyes would creat and over the top towards the front flow avoiding the plantation( rather than through the plants/ Go over and under)
Re: 238l rescape, UPDATED JULY 16TH

So this means you have to trim the plants a bit. On the left side you can bring the plants near the branches like on the right side so you'll have plenty of space between them and the glass for water to flow.

I don't advice to put a spray bar pointed directly to the hard-scape 'cause it tends to grow algae on it.
Re: 238l rescape, UPDATED JULY 16TH


Looking great, congratulations.

Get that brace fixed !! :lol:

Re: 238l rescape, UPDATED JULY 16TH

Thought i best update this journal, Had alot going on my end so have not been able to get on the net much, But Here is a small, Realy bad quality Video of my tank now for you all. I have finally fixed the brace and gave all my plants a good trim. They have just started to get there crowns now and are not looking to bad. The Video was taken after the photo period as you can see the plants are closed up at the moment. Hope you all like. Comments always welcome


Re: 238l rescape, UPDATED 9TH AUGUST

That really does look great. The mix and positioning of plants looks very natural indeed. Awesome.

I can't help thinking how it would look with a different coloured background though. A lighter background may make the layout look more 'open' and show off the complex shapes of the plants more. On the other hand the black does give more atmosphere. Maybe worth a try if you ever get bored :lol:
Re: 238l rescape, UPDATED 9TH AUGUST

NeilW said:
That really does look great. The mix and positioning of plants looks very natural indeed. Awesome.

I can't help thinking how it would look with a different coloured background though. A lighter background may make the layout look more 'open' and show off the complex shapes of the plants more. On the other hand the black does give more atmosphere. Maybe worth a try if you ever get bored :lol:

The backround is actualy white, Its just the picture was taken at night in a dark room with half my light load on. The backround is the white wall of my frontroom. I totaly agree with you too. white is amazing at opening up the space.
Re: 238l rescape, UPDATED 9TH AUGUST

chilled84 said:
The backround is actualy white, Its just the picture was taken at night in a dark room with half my light load on. The backround is the white wall of my frontroom. I totaly agree with you too. white is amazing at opening up the space.

Sorry I thought you'd changed it for black. In which case forget what I said :lol: Any chance of some pictures with the white background? 😀
Re: 238l rescape, UPDATED 9TH AUGUST

NeilW said:
chilled84 said:
The backround is actualy white, Its just the picture was taken at night in a dark room with half my light load on. The backround is the white wall of my frontroom. I totaly agree with you too. white is amazing at opening up the space.

Sorry I thought you'd changed it for black. In which case forget what I said :lol: Any chance of some pictures with the white background? 😀

Yeah sure mate, Ill get some taken soon. :thumbup:
Re: 238l rescape, UPDATED 9TH AUGUST

Nice tank, the whole thing looks lush and clean. The wood looks amazing! 😀
Re: 238l rescape, UPDATED 9TH AUGUST

That's looking really nice Chilled. I'd suggest you hack that Glosso back to about 1cm tall and it'll start to grow in a much more compact manner.
Re: 238l rescape, UPDATED 9TH AUGUST

Dan Crawford said:
That's looking really nice Chilled. I'd suggest you hack that Glosso back to about 1cm tall and it'll start to grow in a much more compact manner.

Ok ill do that in a day or so as its newly planted. Not sure if its rooted yet. 😀 Its all new to me glosso.