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238l rescape, UPDATED 21st Oct

Re: 238l rescape.

Bolbitus is like java fern. The important part is the rhizome. If you cut the leaf towards the base then all is good. You won't be able to re-plant the leaf, as there is no rhizome attached to it.
Re: 238l rescape.

SteveUK said:
Bolbitus is like java fern. The important part is the rhizome. If you cut the leaf towards the base then all is good. You won't be able to re-plant the leaf, as there is no rhizome attached to it.

So i cant pass on trimmings??
Re: 238l rescape.

you can, but you have to cut a piece off the rhizome like you would with anubias or java fern. Needs to be cut with something sharp too else the ends that have been cut tend to die off (though not the whole plant).
Re: 238l rescape.

SteveUK said:
you can, but you have to cut a piece off the rhizome like you would with anubias or java fern. Needs to be cut with something sharp too else the ends that have been cut tend to die off (though not the whole plant).

I understand now, Hopefully some time down line ill help members out with the plant.

Another thing, I have real dark back corners in my tank, makeing hardly anything grows in these areas, Will this bolbitus thrive ion these darker areas?
Re: 238l rescape.

Ok, so the time is now nearing and im getting all set for the day i tear down my old scape 🙁 , But it hopefully going to be worth every minute i spend doing so. I have now had my akadama soaking for three days and have done back to back 50% water changes in the tank its soaking in, Not sure how much longer itll need to soak for as i dont have any test kits to test levels :?
I have also just bought myself a cheap bin for fish and filters, to keep both alive while i scape.

All im waiting for now is exspected amounts of moss bought of members in forum to arive,Only two batches, I still think im going to need more moss for the scape plans as it is a key plant, ANY BODY WHO HAS THIS PLANT, PLEASE GIVE ME A SHOUT. :thumbup:

I have so much work ahead of me with splitting java ferns, and sorting out my plants that have been growing for a long time with EI, so you can just tell that the roots are going to be massive and tangled! Joys!

Keeps tuned people. The time is comeing and im chargeing the camera batterys! 😀
Re: 238l rescape.

come on then Chilli.lets see some pics of the rescape 😉 .
Re: 238l rescape.

nelson said:
come on then Chilli.lets see some pics of the rescape 😉 .

Ha Ha, Youll have to wait as i have dongle net and its exspensive to download pics, Im haveing a problem to with broken braces too now after last night, So i now have a fifty percent filled tank 🙁 Apart from that it went great! :thumbup:

Ill update very soon thou.
Re: 238l rescape.

So here she is! 😀 Rescaped and feeling fine! Apart from the fact that a top brace broke and now its half full until i fix it somehow, Apart from that it took me from 7pm until 2 am in the morning lol. Hope you all like.

Comments very welcome! :thumbup:






Special thanks to all at ukaps and to Planted box for the wood!! Without you guys my scapes would not be possible! :thumbup:
Re: 238l rescape.

Awesome new layout! Ive just been looking back through your old journal and its amazing how far it has come. Definitely getting to ADA Showcase standards!
Re: 238l rescape PICS ADDED NOW!

that looks fantastic mate 😀 .and its just the start.can only get better 😉 .
did you break the brace getting the wood in.
Re: 238l rescape.

hensintheshed said:
Awesome new layout! Ive just been looking back through your old journal and its amazing how far it has come. Definitely getting to
ADA Showcase standards!

LOL, THANKS MATE BUT NOT QUIET, I can only dream, Thanks ya comment on my improvement.
Re: 238l rescape PICS ADDED NOW!

nelson said:
that looks fantastic mate 😀 .and its just the start.can only get better 😉 .
did you break the brace getting the wood in.

Yeah i did, wish i never because once one went the other joined and now im screwed!
Re: 238l rescape PICS ADDED NOW!

bummer 🙁 .is that the other one that looks like its sagging ?.
Re: 238l rescape PICS ADDED NOW!

Looks brilliant. It looks so clean and fresh. Why can't you fill it up to the top?
Re: 238l rescape PICS ADDED NOW!

is it glass ?.does it go taut when the tank is filled.