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2009 Festival of Fishkeeping Pictures

stuworrall said:
looks cool for nanos, how many gramms is the cylinder dan?
I don't remember, i'll find out for you later.
Dan Crawford said:
stuworrall said:
looks cool for nanos, how many gramms is the cylinder dan?
I don't remember, i'll find out for you later.
no worries and no hurry, was just wondering what size it would compare to my 500g that I use at the mo on my nano
Just to my curiousity.. what happened to the 3footer iwagumi display tank, still up and running or already decom? would love to see the tank mature. 🙂
We were planning on stripping it down, but Dan (and us all) loved it so much he decided to keep it running. Lucky Dan!

I think it's the best Iwagumi I've ever seen in the flesh. It was a pleasure to work with the talents and professionals that are Edwards and Crawford.
:thumbup: :thumbup: two thumbs up from me on the display tank. Sure a heck of a day to poke those glossosssssss if meant to scape it alone. I might turn green by the end of the day :sick:

+1 to let it mature
If it's anything like the hydor one it'll be crap, I had the hydor one and to get good levels of co2 you'd use a bottle in 2 weeks and then they were super expensive to replace in the end I moved over to a real reg and a fe, the tiny bottles are nice aesthetically and for the tank size but they're a luxury in cost.
Garuf said:
If it's anything like the hydor one it'll be crap, I had the hydor one and to get good levels of co2 you'd use a bottle in 2 weeks and then they were super expensive to replace in the end I moved over to a real reg and a fe, the tiny bottles are nice aesthetically and for the tank size but they're a luxury in cost.
Why so negative garuf? I can assure you it's nothing like the Hydor one, I had one of those and it was rubbish! This one is awesome, it's got a proper sexy little metal reg and it's accurate as heck. The diffuser is the standard little one like the Dennerle one or the unbranded ones from ebay. The bubble counter is clear plastic and not quite as cool as the glass ones but it counts bubble none the less. It's the hanger that it really cool IMO, when i heard that i was getting one, i'd already got the acrylic bender out to try and make one for the festival but when i got it it was all supplied, well chuffed.

i did mention the price of refills and it's £12, not super expensive IMO but we'll see how long this one lasts. I'm using it on a larger than recommended tank ie. 160l and it's recommended up to 100l so this'll be a good test.

If you only had a nano then this is a great little CO2 i recon, it'd suit your little tank perfectly garuf.
I'll stick with my fe's for the minute thanks dan 😉.
Which Hydor are you refering to? the tiny one with the metal stand and egg shaped reg? Because that's the one I had and even at £8 for a bottle it was still costing me £16 a month compared with the FE which gives me 6months at £25. I liked all the gubbins that came with it and found it accurate but it's biggest flaw was it's tiny size bottles which run out so so quickly and were difficult to source. I'd have liked to be able to use a paintball cannister like the red sea ones but they're banned in the uk for what ever reason I don't know.

I'll concede that they're nice to look at (I wouldn't attach mine to the tank, it makes the tank look like it's carrying a back pack on a big hike) but I'm still not so sure they're a clever purchase if economy is your drive.
That's an outstanding stand guys - if I wasn't at the opposite end of the country this is a show I'd have LOVED to attend. The tanks look ace, and obviously did the job of winning converts judging by some of the posts here. It's interesting to see how the stand has come on from that (perfectly decent) stand at an earlier show.

Just shows that, if you get good tanks out there in front of people, they win fans!
Garuf said:
I'll stick with my fe's for the minute thanks dan 😉.
Which Hydor are you refering to? the tiny one with the metal stand and egg shaped reg? Because that's the one I had and even at £8 for a bottle it was still costing me £16 a month compared with the FE which gives me 6months at £25. I liked all the gubbins that came with it and found it accurate but it's biggest flaw was it's tiny size bottles which run out so so quickly and were difficult to source. I'd have liked to be able to use a paintball cannister like the red sea ones but they're banned in the uk for what ever reason I don't know.

I'll concede that they're nice to look at (I wouldn't attach mine to the tank, it makes the tank look like it's carrying a back pack on a big hike) but I'm still not so sure they're a clever purchase if economy is your drive.
Garuf, you called it "crap" in the first post and then said you liked it in the next? Apparently it's "crap" purely because it's expensive to run ? I've just bought an ADA Solar 1, halides are expensive to run but is that crap? In your second post you've given the readers much more info on the hydor kit and thats how it should have been referenced in the first place IMO. If your into keeping costs to a minimum then there is no disputing that an FE is the way forward but lets not discount every other option based on a bad experience that you once had with an entirely different product from a different manufacturer hey.
It cross threaded, that was the other thing. In the end it was, it was a horrible product. Just like the D&D reg I had was naff because it leaked profusely.
The Hydor one I could never recommend, after the place I got my replacements from went out of stock it was impossible to find replacement canisters, it did come with some nice things, the stick on plastic drop counter for example the silver tubing was a nice touch too and it did look pretty but the quality just wasn't there it used to knock itself over when the solenoid closed, had no way of shutting off the co2 without untuning the needle valve and in the end it started to leak.
The biggest issue was that the pressure wasn't consistent, dropping quiet steeply as the canister got emptier meaning consistency was difficult to get right meaning you had to change the needle valve every few days to make sure the bubbles were still coming out at the same rate. I hope supafishes new model avoids this issue which seems inherent with smaller volumes of gas as it used to be an issue with paintball guns when I worked as a marshal.

The last comment regarding it looking nice was in regard the the new superfish one.

I'm not going to argue over it since I'm not the one testing, but the two products are very similar, they're even aimed at the same are of the market, that can't be disputed and as such I found the small size a burden as I'm sure many of those who are interested in function and reliability of their product are compared to the asethetics. Yes they look nice but are they as good or as versatile as a cheaper if much larger product? Do you really want the equipmet on the side of the tank or on the shelve it's on, or if the tanks on a stand do you want it on the side of the tank when it could be in the cabinet and if it's there does it matter what it looks like as long as it's reliable?
I think it's a very niche market product at the moment that unless it gets a good distribution base for replacement bottles it will falter like the now discontinued hydor one did.

Is there a way of attaching it to standard bottles or is it limited to the supafish disposables that would help with finding refills?
Great photos guys, great stand, great tanks, you guys are setting the standard in the UK, shame I wasn't there would have been nice to finally meet some of the other guys and gals :|

Thanks to all for sharing the photos, where was the live feed??? 😛
Great effort lads. Stand looks superb :clap:

I didn't know the show was on - I would have been there.
Lisa_Perry75 said:
So what happened after I went home guys? End up in Fuzzy Duck :lol:
lol, no..

Went to a pub (don't know the name? not far from the chinese place), had a couple more drinks, that was pretty much it.