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200-liter Riparium Setup for Synodontis Catfish

Great work, I love looking at all your journals/tanks as you never fail to deliver! Just a wee daft question, if the tank is 60x45x45 then wouldn't that hold just over 121 liter's at full capacity (and not the 200 in the title), or am I missing something?

Anyway, keep up the great work! 😀
The emersed part looks stunning. I'm loving all the vertical 'stripes' of the grasses and the green-on-green colours. Really, really nice.

I would always be wondering what to do with the underwater section in a riparium tank, it seems really difficult to connect the two levels, its almost like two different scapes. I wonder what it would be like to go for a full on Nature Aquarium for the underwater part with tall stems at the back disguising some 'bolt on' riparium planters ...

Maybe the riparium style better suits biotope/riverbank tanks like you own? Food for thought anyways 😀
Hey Devin

Tank is looking sweet!

You are continually convincing me that one day i may have try something like this!

Keep up the good work and the journal!

Always like looking at your setups on here and TPT. Would like to do this but my own way without having to use the supplies you have used. I have so Many Ideas, but lack the space to do it.
Gill said:
Always like looking at your setups on here and TPT. Would like to do this but my own way without having to use the supplies you have used. I have so Many Ideas, but lack the space to do it.

You can use any shower caddy that has suction cups on them, or get magnets for them. For the rafters, you can use any closed cell foam, simple and effective. 🙂