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1st planted tank


11 Mar 2012
Hi i have decided to try my hands at a planted tank. I have talked about it for a while but now im fed up with just talking about it and want something to show. I am 18 and have kept fish for about 6-7 years but have never given the planted side of the hobby a go, yet so here the bits i have gotten.

The Tank: Its a 48"x30"x24" nice tank get get things started off.

Filteration: 36" sump with lots of bio media with 2x 300W heaters.

Lighting: I brought an aqua medic halide 2x 150W halide and then my brother offered me his 150w halide to so if needed i could have 450w.

Substrate: Im not sure what would be best to use and how much i need to get a good depth for planting ?

Co2: im going pressurized but im trying to find a place i can get it from in the Grimsby area any ideas? and then get a regulator fully built or build it my self not sure which one.

Fertz: again i have no experience with this atall so i have ALOT more reading up to do on this subject but any advice would be super awesome.

I think i have covered most aspects but just let me know if any more details is required. Other questions are would i have a chance at growing a carpet variety atall, in this kind 0f set up. If so what would you suggest, im looking for all the advice i can get so i can minimize the costly mistakes.

Nice size tank!
Think about the C02, like bubbles in a can of coke, always trying to escape so don't run huge amounts of water over the sump weir or agitate the surface to much.
You want to get the gas to stay in the tank for as long as possible but to also get it into every corner & across the bottom.
This means you need to pay lots of attention to flow & distribution of the gas - this is the key factor!!
Ferts are easy, just study the EI method = very easy.
Lighting is best based on the minimum required rather than the max possible, 2 x 150 MT will be more than adequate!
You would be best to suspend them up pretty high & stick to 5-6 hours of light a day & even then you will require very good C02 control. (I am running 70w MT on my 90 x 600 x 400 tall tank)
You can run a needle wheel pump to return the sump water, you just feed the C02 into the pump to get a very good gas exchange in the main tank but, you will see a very fine mist of gas.
There are reactors & atomisers & all sorts of gadgets to treat the gas but a needle wheel works extremely well & is maintenance & adjustment free unlike most other methods.
Thanks Foxfosh that was really helpful, im going to replace the bulbs in the twin 150 but what kelvin should i be aiming for my plants ? As for the plants could i grow most plants under the conditions i will be suppling.

Any sugestions on the planting substrate theres quite a few out there which ones are better then the other. I have seen stuff like ADA or eco complete and flourite ?? im confused as to which one i should opt for and how much.

Is there a article or thread on this site where i can read the EI method? and where i could get a suply of co2 from my area? and buy a fully made reg or build one yourself?
Hi alastair have you got a link to these bulbs by any chance I've found a possible place to get co2 from its about 50mins or so it's £55 for deposit on a 3kg tank and £16 refill If I can remember £12 delivery in Lincolnshire so it's a break through. I have done some reading up on ei ferts and it seems like a jolly good way forward. Where do some of you guys get it from I have seen a starter kit for £18 pound from planted tank ?
They do seem to be another good website to, would you suggest to buy a starter kit or individuals. how long would it last in a tank this size.

does anybody use eco-complete instead of ada wwhat are the pro's and con's on each substrate?
i bought that starter kit potbelly and its spot on, my tanks a 125l and it will last ages. can then buy as salts to top up as and when
Thanks Ceg4048: i am just going to read that now

Whinnie: Thanks i think i will be getting it as it seems pretty good deal

Another question to bother you with (sorry guys) is the flow of the tank it hasn't got a brilliant flow from the sump return so i am thinking of a getting a power head or smaller wave maker. my questions are would a lower lph rated wake maker be ok if i was planning on keeping discus in the tank. i worry about getting co2 distributed around the tank and ferts.
Can you not just use a stronger sump pump? That would be a better way and will allow you to migrate to external in-line CO2 devices.

This would give you about 2000lph & you can use 20mm pipework as there is no need for any other Co2 reactors or diffusers.
http://www.charterhouse-aquatics.co.uk/ ... -2701.html
I would then look at some form of additional internal water movement, the other option as Clive suggest, is to use an even bigger NW pump but you will then use more gas as the flow goes down the overflow.
I am liking the idea of a wave maker or two to keep the flow up but not to much and to distribute the co2 better, have you ever tried that before. What sort of bps would i be looking at? would a glass diffuses cope with it or a couple one each side of the tank be better?