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1st day at MA aquatics!

aaronnorth said:
I have just rung up and they said i can go for 2nd week, just got to ask school now... guessing it will be a no
If you don't ask you don't get, the worst they can say is no 🙂
Egmel said:
aaronnorth said:
I have just rung up and they said i can go for 2nd week, just got to ask school now... guessing it will be a no
If you don't ask you don't get, the worst they can say is no 🙂

They said yes, because i organised it myself, it isn't so bad if i had choose one of schools placement and it made it easir with my mum's brother being the manager at BJ's so that was simple 😀

I added 10more harlquins to the tank today.
are you still there? was at the Dukeries for the first time yesterday, must say I was very impressed with the people running it, the selection of kit and dry goods. Fish looked excellent, some fine looking fish some real beauties, including chocolate gouramis and panda garra

yeah, had 2 long chats, went back today for some panda garra's, no idea the name of the chaps I spoke too, know there stuff though🙂

johnny70 said:
yeah, had 2 long chats, went back today for some panda garra's, no idea the name of the chaps I spoke too, know there stuff though🙂


Yeah, the owner Sam, he is posh speaking (he has 2 other stores, he just set a up a few week back and hoping for another by december so that will be 4!)

Dd you see the tank on the door as you walk in on the right? I scaped that one 😀 Looking nice now.
Yes I did see it, nice little tank, looked very healthy when I was there last time, good job 😀
