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125l - 'on the edge'

Lovely looking tank. I was wondering how you're trimming the E.tenellus, are you cutting out old long leaves at the base?
thanks Will, it's not that precise, it might not be the best way but I just pick a level (about 1 to 2 cm) and trim it with scissors. It does seem to make it grow redder and shorter.

That's interesting as I have been having trouble with my E. tennelus, as I decreased light to reduce alage and ended up with 8" E. tennelus which was not what I anticipated. I will try cutting through leaves and see if I can make it more compact.
I'm going to remove the ET from the front and side I want to try some cryptocoryne parva. If anyone wants some PM me £3.50 (inc p&p) a portion it'll come with free Eleocharis acicularis... it's all mixed in.



what are your experiences with cryptocoryne parva? any thoughts on how it'll look? and how much to get?

done a little bit of a rescape, moved some of the rock and cleaned out the fern... a lot of stuff came out, plus anubius seems to have suffered from being 'under' the fern. so moved part of it out. I bought some crypts sold as parva but I'm not sure it is. It was very large when it arrived but we'll see what we get when it recovers from the trimming I gave it.

so rescaped last night and just done a water change so it's still a bit cloudy.
What's happened to my fave tennellus carpet?....

It's what re-scapes are for I guess, to advance, learn and move on. Do you feel you could of 'pushed' the re-scape a little more chumps?... You've got the skills mate,
thanks Mark, I wish I had the time... (and the money 🙄)... I didn't even mean to rescape... one minute I was doing a water change the next minute I had the fern out getting rid of the build up. I did move some of the rocks on the righthand side and angled them towards the front. It's not very obvious in the pic, but it has created a huge amount of depth.

just looking back at the ET and it was quite nice. I might go for a glosso carpet next, never grown it, and it's such a nice plant. At the mo I'm attempting a crypt based 'carpet' so it'll be a while before I change that.

anyway next rescape will be proper, want to try some graded gravels and better wood for the next one 🙂

I've just read through your whole journal, Chris. It's really good work and I really like the 'scape.

I'm sure whatever you choose to do will look great.

Keep up the good work! 😀
ok... going low tech. my co2 "ran out" yesterday... dumped last bit into the tank and upset the fish. so I turned it off and the fish recovered well. so well in fact, it hit home that they really were struggling with the amount of co2 I was using.

so I'm going for a lowtech tank. (I'm going to remove the shrimp from my nano and go over the top with the co2 on that.)

54watts of light seems too much to me has anyone out there tried a lowtech tank an a rio 125 with the standard lights?

anyone got any idea how to reduce the lighting without raising the light unit up? I have a mad idea that I could use a permanent pen and draw lines over the tubes... not really adjustable though. :crazy:

love it, ive got a rio 125 and wanting to dip in to planted tanks, this gives me hope that i might be able to produce something remotely decent