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120cm - Harlequins' Haven

The harlequins make a great addition to an all ready cracking looking scape.
Aeropars said:
Wowzers.... how much did 60 harequins set you back??

DevUK said:
What make are the inlet and outlets? Are they standard Eheims that came with the filters? Also, are your filters fed from a single inlet and to a single outlet?


I use the supplied pipework that comes with the filters, without spraybar, just elbows. I have two inlets and two outlets, all in same the corner.

Gill said:
Loving how the Harlequins look in this scape, very nice.

This 'scape is finished now. The tank is leaking very slowly from the bottom, so I'm stripping it down soon and re-sealing.

The final shot is really quite good, one of my best aquascapes yet I think. I can't show it off due to ADA rules... Sorry.

I'm torn between entering this or my 80cm Blyxa Hills into the ADA. I can enter both into the AGA though. And then there's my 30cm or 60cm...
Looks lovely as best we can tell 😉
George Farmer said:
The tank is leaking very slowly from the bottom, so I'm stripping it down soon and re-sealing.
I hope your wife is as calm about that as you sound 😀

Just how many tropica pots of crypt wendtii 'Green' did you put in there and how many little plantlets came out of each pot? Trying to figure out how many pots I'll need for my 90cm (I'm undecided between getting tropica or Aquaspot...)
Ray said:
Just how many tropica pots of crypt wendtii 'Green' did you put in there and how many little plantlets came out of each pot?

10 Tropica pots. About 10-15 plants in each pot.

Thanks guys.
beeky said:
How have you found keeping the vallis under control? I really like the look it gives, but it just grows too fast!

Not so bad.

Before a weekly water change I nip off the runners and plantlets that grow into undesirable areas.

Growth is managable due to lighting with just 2 x T5 for 8 hours.

Here's a 'final' shot...

Very nice George (I'm going for understatement today! 😉 :lol: )

I know you love the 'quins and they will probably look stunning in real life, but I think a big shoal of Neon rainbows or similar would have been a little more arresting in the photos though maybe...
(But then what do I know!!!)
Themuleous said:
...its grown out a fair bit. Perhaps a bit too much?
aaronnorth said:
I think it would look better if you removed the p.helferi and just had plain sand, it would brighten up the scape a little.
Ed Seeley said:
...I think a big shoal of Neon rainbows or similar would have been a little more arresting in the photos though maybe...

Three critiques in a row. That's a new record! 😀

Thanks for feedback, guys. It's always interesting to hear different opinions, of course.