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120cm. Green Neons Fly


22 Apr 2008
Harrow, Middlesex
Hey everyone! Been a while since I've shown any of my tanks but thought I'd show this one as id like some feedback and advice on it since I've been having a nightmare with algae issues and plants not growing. Basically, it was like this up until a couple of days ago..
Dirty, murky, algae covered plants that were not growing. (sorry about the picture. iPhone)
Substrate is Columbo. Top layer turned to mush pretty quickly. Not happy. Pressurised Co2 and easy carbo added. Tropics PN+ ferts. 5ml a day. Aaaaaaanyway. Changed it up a bit mainly because I hated it and the moss on the wood was a mess. So it now looks like this.
I need more plants.

120cm. Nearly given up.

I dose 30ml in my 100cm 200ltr tank dosing 5ml is prob the main reason your getting algae. Especially with pressurised co2 and I'm assuming good lighting which all lead to increased nutrient uptake.

I'm sure someone else will pop over and confirm my suspicions soon 🙂
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

I was doing 20ml but still getting algae. I dropped it down over last couple days after rearranging it since there is such a low plant mass. Sorry, should been more specific. The lighting is 2 x 54w Osram t5's. Raised about 2 foot above the tank. Co2 is about 2-3 bubbles per second.
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

Hi, your light is just right. I would probably put powerhead on the same side as filter inlet blowing horizontally across the tank to create circular flow. Ferts sound about right as well. CO2 however is too low i would say. I would run 4-7 bubbles depending on bubble counter for the tank of this size.
Icrease the plant mass if you can.
Do not give up, you will get there.
Your hardscape is beautiful and well balanced. Really like it. Will be pity if you give up. :thumbup:
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

Yeah I've increased the bubbles to around that this morning and last night I was reading a post from ceg about the one flow direction so I moved the hardware around. Like this?
Dosed 6ml easy carbo. 20ml TPN+ drop checker is lime green/yellow. It's low near the substrate on the other side of the spraybar and pump. I really need to get out and get more plants, even just to help with balancing out the tanks nutrient cycle etc. I do have myriophyllum mattogrossense behind each wood mound.
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

Yes regarding flow 😉
I would dose at least 25-30ml of carbo as well for a few days. I am dosing up to 50-70ml in 300L when need to get rid of algae 😳
What algae do you have in there btw?
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

Woah! That's a lot of easycarbo. Does it not affect the inhabitants at all? I've got green neons, checkerboard cichlids and amano shrimp.
In terms of algae, it's the same usual culprits. Staghorn. BGA, anything related to poor/fluctuating Co2 levels.
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

Whats the size of the tank?
Staghorn is one of the easiest to get rid of so its not that bad.
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

48L x 15W x 18H. Inches obviously. The staghorn hasn't been too bad lately, but the beard algae was tufting around EVERYWHERE!! Wood was covered. So just yanked it out and scrubbed it with a metal plumbers brush. Also, Ive been noticing that my plants stop pearling after a week or so after set up on my last couple of 'scapes. Know it sounds terrible to the EI crew but the only time ive had great consistent growth was with the ADA substrate and fert system. 😛
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

25-30ml with no problem. You just need more plants. All will be ok.
I will say one more time,second hardscape is great.
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

Well I've just got some HC Cuba and Rotala. Probably add some crypts from my othe tank. Yeah the water changes or lack of has always been a problem for me and I know they do wonders. I will give the easycarbo overdosing a go along with 20ml TPN+. 1/2 tank waterchamge every week. Or 1/4 twice a week. Whatever I can do. I it works out and blooms the plants and no algae, I'll then start to bring it all back to slow it down am make things easier for me. Thanks for the advice fella.
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

You dont want to slow down 50% changes a week. Thats about a minimum you can go 🙂
Do 2-3 if you can for 3-4 weeks now.
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

Half a tank 2-3 times a week? Doesn't that make the Co2 concentration fluctuate?
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

Well here it is getting a 50% WC after getting some new planting. HC "Cuba" dotted around front and on the rear middle hill, Rotala rotundifolia behind the larger leaved myrophilliam(sp?). Some crypt varieties around the wood and weeping moss stuffed in a few nooks.

Again, sorry about the picture quality. Theyre all from my iPhone.

Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

For co2 you turn it on 2 hours before lights (i do it 3 hours before) and it is enough time to saturate. Water changes will only help you 🙂
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

My Co2 is on 24/7. No solenoid I'm afraid. That's my next purchase though as it ploughshare through gas that's not needed. Do you think this constant co2 and obviously high levels at lights out is triggering algae?
Re: 120cm. Nearly given up.

Nope, i have heard that 24/7 is even better. Have tried once and it was one of the cleanest tanks i had. Might be due to other reasons though.
P.S. Twice actually. But both times without fish for the most of the tanks life. Fish when added was fine. Just for the record.