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120 x 55 x 55cm 'On the sea shore'

The Sinking type is a PITA to get rid of, does not pearl(the aerchycma is crushed) and does not have the nice contrast.
It's like getting rid of Cladophora. Took me 2 years to get it out of a tank, finally broken the entire tank down.

It's the same as normal Riccia, but as it grows faster and faster, some of it morphs and crushes the aerchncyma, then it keeps growing that way.

They use to think it was a different species (Tropica,), they later recanted.
wow got told to look through this thread for advice etc and its amazing, beautiful looking tank mate

thanks Dean :thumbup:
Deano3 said:
wow got told to look through this thread for advice etc and its amazing, beautiful looking tank mate

thanks Dean
wow got told to look through this thread for advice etc and its amazing, beautiful looking tank mate

thanks Dean :thumbup:

Thanks Dean. and thanks to whom ever pointed you in this direction. :thumbup:

plantbrain said:
The Sinking type is a PITA to get rid of, does not pearl(the aerchycma is crushed) and does not have the nice contrast.
It's like getting rid of Cladophora. Took me 2 years to get it out of a tank, finally broken the entire tank down.

It's the same as normal Riccia, but as it grows faster and faster, some of it morphs and crushes the aerchncyma, then it keeps growing that way.

They use to think it was a different species (Tropica,), they later recanted.

Interesting Tom. Your right with regards to it's speed....it rockets along.

tim said:
Are they also sold as rocket panchax scapes looking stunning as always mark

Cheers mate. I bought them as the above name of rocket panchax.

Antoni said:
Awesome! I like the "pollution" And the Clown killies are my favorite fish at the moment - keep a pair of them and they are spawning quite often in the plants. Rising the fry though is a different story. You need to separate them if you want to get an offspring. They like to jump...
Awesome! I like the "pollution" 🙂 And the Clown killies are my favorite fish at the moment - keep a pair of them and they are spawning quite often in the plants. Rising the fry though is a different story. You need to separate them if you want to get an offspring. They like to jump... 🙄

Hi matey. 😀 The riccia has grown quite nicely. I might use it this manner again, rather than making riccia stones.

Mick.Dk said:
Yep, I guessed it was pollution. Been there - but I was always told to remove it, 'cause it polluted. Kinda liked it, myself, and hopefully your good presentation of it will make it more acceptable. It's really a good contrast-effect and stays put, as long as you trim it now and then to avoid too much updrift........... Let's see more of that around the scapes
- The sinking/heavy form is nice too....... but doesn't give as good a contrast. Can end up quite a "bush" in the tank, though, given time.

I still plan on doing a 'dream scape' with lots of riccia Mick. A rather surreal idea. Mick, you need to get growing the riccia faster over in Denmark :lol:

Antipofish said:
The one (ok of many) thing I love about your scapes is your variation in texture and how well one plant blends to the one next to it. This scape is no exception Mark.

Thanks my friend, very kind of you to say so.

ianho said:
have been thinking about that Riccia and i reckon it's sp Dwarf.

Dwarf is much smaller Ian, and the lime green colour. I was tod the name of the dark green sp. from the guy @ living waters, but i've forgotten.

I went into living waters today (love the place) picked up some rare species of plant today :shh:
Cheers Troi. Just need to tend to the 90cm now. It's been running for about 5 weeks now. I'm really not sure if it's going to be ready for Aquatics live though :?

My slowest growing tank to date....but pretty clean. check out that stone...in full sun and still clean :geek:

the-90cm by saintly's pics, on Flickr
Awesome videography as usual Mark. Have you added more clown killis yet ? They might just become my new favorite fish, lol. Lovely little characters.
Antipofish said:
Awesome videography as usual Mark. Have you added more clown killis yet ? They might just become my new favorite fish, lol. Lovely little characters.

Thanks mate.

No, I havent got anymore. I think Ian is giving me what he's got. They're devine little things.
Mark Evans said:
Antipofish said:
Awesome videography as usual Mark. Have you added more clown killis yet ? They might just become my new favorite fish, lol. Lovely little characters.

Thanks mate.

No, I havent got anymore. I think Ian is giving me what he's got. They're devine little things.

Are they quite timid ? I have Apisto's and Pelvicachromis in my tank.
Ohhhh You got a stunning Male Clown, great colors on him, you can see him courting the female in the Vid.
Where did you find such small White skirts, not seen them that small before. And they will be stunning when mature, and even better if the carry the Vieltail trait.
Gill said:
Ohhhh You got a stunning Male Clown, great colors on him, you can see him courting the female in the Vid.

All 3 males are of equal colour Gill. The females are quite pretty too.

Often with fish, there's usually a dominet one which looks better than the rest, but these are even in colour. 😀
Very cool vid. I silently follow your updates on this tank. Progress very well. Super healhty plants, perfectly maintenanced tank. Well done mate. This is one of my all time fave from you. :thumbup:

I feels that the plants maybe not that bushier than it would be with more light, but i can't tell you if this is a problem or not. The tank looks very healthy no algae at all. Very balanced growth there. The mosses would be bushier for this time just as the stems and stauro etc, but would be a crazy initial run not that smooth you had from the start.

Love the vid mate. Hope you do not mind if i share it on FB. Perfect example for any scapers. :clap: :thumbup: