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120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

George Farmer said:
Do you prefer this aquascape to your entry last year, Mark?

In many ways no. Many have said this might be my best yet, but i tend not to think like that. There all different for me....well at least iwagumi V nature, if you know what i mean.

This is probably one of my better 'wood' scapes. I think I've looked at it too much. That's half the problem.

That said, and as I've mentioned, the image that i took last night (which i could class as a 'final' image) is quite nice and quite possibly I'd enter it with that shot alone. I still dont feel the scape' strong enough for a high ranking, and after all, that's why we enter...anyone who's says different, is telling a lie.

George Farmer said:
Nice one one the YouTube subscribers! It's no surprise though. Your videos are second to none in this hobby, ADA View included.

Cheers George. It seems to have gone viral in the last 8 months.

Lets not get too confused though mate, The quality might be way better than ADA, but the content simply does not, and never will match ADA :angel:
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

Hi Mark,
i love it like this. A small group of the vallis slightly to the right of the existing group and i feel itll be perfect to me anyway. I can see there is some growing up there anyway so just let this fill out a little or transplant some of the thicker bunch on the left for instant impact. Your probably worried about centralising too much, but with the natural water circulation taking it to the left anyway there will always be a natural bias to that side.
The stems were good, but i feel this is a better look for the scape as a whole.
I also think the wood adds so much more interest to the scape, but i can see the appeal of removing it for a shot before decommissioning the scape just for 'curiositys sake'.
Looks great. :clap: :thumbup:
Cheerio for now.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

Do you know what? I prefer the new look despite what I said earlier. Just shows the truth in the old saying 'it's best to keep silent when people think you're thick rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt' :crazy: Regards the wood I think your right but try a few pieces at a time to see how it fares. Oh no, I'm ignoring my new philosophy, there's a wall next to me - I run into that for a couple of times just to reinforce the point
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

Dream scape, my friend! It is pure beauty. Honestly if I have to compare it with the tanks currently in Niigata, I think your is better in all ways!

Regarding the stems...the new clean look allows the hardscape and the details to stands out and I love it, but also kinda like the old ''wilder'' version with the bushy stems. Perhaps with more light over the hardscape, it will look even better..

But you probably already have tried that 😳
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

mrjackdempsey said:
Do you know what? I prefer the new look despite what I said earlier. Just shows the truth in the old saying 'it's best to keep silent when people think you're thick rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt' Regards the wood I think your right but try a few pieces at a time to see how it fares. Oh no, I'm ignoring my new philosophy, there's a wall next to me - I run into that for a couple of times just to reinforce the point
Do you know what? I prefer the new look despite what I said earlier. Just shows the truth in the old saying 'it's best to keep silent when people think you're thick rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt' :crazy: Regards the wood I think your right but try a few pieces at a time to see how it fares. Oh no, I'm ignoring my new philosophy, there's a wall next to me - I run into that for a couple of times just to reinforce the point

Oh mate, you make me smile :lol:

Ady34 said:
i love it like this. A small group of the vallis slightly to the right of the existing group and i feel itll be perfect to me anyway. I can see there is some growing up there anyway so just let this fill out a little or transplant some of the thicker bunch on the left for instant impact. Your probably worried about centralising too much, but with the natural water circulation taking it to the left anyway there will always be a natural bias to that side.
The stems were good, but i feel this is a better look for the scape as a whole.
I also think the wood adds so much more interest to the scape, but i can see the appeal of removing it for a shot before decommissioning the scape just for 'curiositys sake'.
Looks great.
Cheerio for now.

Again Ady, very constructive mate. Thanks! :thumbup:

Antoni said:
Dream scape, my friend! It is pure beauty. Honestly if I have to compare it with the tanks currently in Niigata, I think your is better in all ways!

Antoni, far too kind my friend. :angel:

Shortly, i'll be doing a water change, and take some more full tank shots without stems. I also need to take some detail shots.

I wish my fish would play ball....The damn things! :evil:
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

Feedback for the stems: feed them back to nature :lol: looks much better without for me.
It is top 100 and higher than last years at least or I drink all my tanks water. Amano simply Will cut all the judges into pieces with samurai sword for all those greens if it scores lower 😀
Are we still coming for a shoot :shifty: ?
Kill the rescaping bug for couple weeks plz. Me want to see this so much.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

Did I understand your earlier post right Mark ? You are thinking of taking out all the wood ? Will that not totally mess everything up ? (Im a beginner so who am I to question you, lol).

Also, Im thinking of finding some wood that resembles a tree (or a few trees) and want to cover the "branches" with moss like on some of yours. Is it just java moss tied on with string ?

Tank is stunning. Truly stunning ! All you need is remote control fish hehe.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

Mark Evans said:
I still dont feel the scape' strong enough for a high ranking

Step outside of your comfort zone and try other angles/lighting.


(sorry for messing your photo ..)

Mark Evans said:
... and after all, that's why we enter...anyone who's says different, is telling a lie.

Just don't take it too seriously and forget to enjoy yourself, in the end it's just a hobby. (me ducking for cover now) 🙂
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

clonitza said:
Step outside of your comfort zone and try other angles/lighting.

Unfortunatley, i have a brief/outline of what the client wants.

I've a few images of my own though....look down.

George Farmer said:
How's the new toy mate?!

Probably the best lens I've had. hard to compare with the 135mm f2, but they're different lenses, different jobs.

Antipofish said:
You are thinking of taking out all the wood ? Will that not totally mess everything up ?

It'll be fine mate. The wood is just laid on top of the stone. it'll come out a doddle :thumbup:

As George hinted at, I've bought a new lens. It's a Canon 16-35mm f2.8L...and what a lens it is! I've not used it properly yet, and I'd love to set some 'flash' shots up or even just go down to the woods.

Here's a couple of test shots. These dont show it's full potential at all.It's tack sharp through out the range.

Full tank shots should take on a different look now :angel:

uwa4 by saintly's pics, on Flickr

uwa3 by saintly's pics, on Flickr

uwa2 by saintly's pics, on Flickr

uwa1 by saintly's pics, on Flickr
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

wow, for quick shots, that lens is amazing. Love that last shot mate, very crisp.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

ianho said:
that lens is amazing.

It is real nice.

here's about 10 seconds worth. I can now get the quality my 135mm gives but wider angle shots.

must watch in 720p to get the higher res.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

Mark Evans said:
It'll be fine mate. The wood is just laid on top of the stone. it'll come out a doddle :thumbup:

As George hinted at, I've bought a new lens. It's a Canon 16-35mm f2.8L...and what a lens it is! I've not used it properly yet, and I'd love to set some 'flash' shots up or even just go down to the woods.

That is indeed a sweet lens, It goes a little further than the Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8 that I am after.... But I then get the excuse that I would also need the 24-70mm f/2.8. Oh and while I am at it the 135mm f/2 70-200mm f/2.8 and the 200mm f/2 !!! And that will come when, and only when, I win the lottery :crazy:

As far as the wood goes, I will take your word for it and bow to your greater experience. You obviously have an idea in mind so I will await the images with interest 🙂
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

Antipofish said:
But I then get the excuse that I would also need the 24-70mm f/2.8. Oh and while I am at it the 135mm f/2 70-200mm f/2.8 and the 200mm f/2 !!!

It's about working out what you need and what you shoot the most.

My 135mmf2 fills a particular gap, and is a fave of mine. It gets used a lot.

My 50mm is OK, but not great. and my sigma 15-30 gets used a lot, but is low quality, so the canon 16-35 fills a massive gap. almost to the point where i might not use the 50mm all that often.

I nearly bought the zeiss 28mmf2, but was swayed on the advice of Tony, and he made absolute sense.

In an ideal world the zeiss21mm would of been the lens of lenses! but £1500! the canon 16-35mm is just under £1200.

George, Dan and co....i bought a new bag, you'll be pleased to hear 😉

I'm now just gearing up for some more images. I had to stop last night, as the tank was pearling far to much, giving streams of bubbles which looked unsightly in the images.

As you can see,for the next image, i'm using a lot less blue...
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

Mark Evans said:
Antipofish said:
But I then get the excuse that I would also need the 24-70mm f/2.8. Oh and while I am at it the 135mm f/2 70-200mm f/2.8 and the 200mm f/2 !!!

It's about working out what you need and what you shoot the most.

My 135mmf2 fills a particular gap, and is a fave of mine. It gets used a lot.

My 50mm is OK, but not great.

Very true. I have the nikon 50mm f/1.4 so good for light but not the wider angle that you can get with lenses like yours. Oh, and watching your videos makes me very jealous that my D700 does not have movie function. Bit ironic cos when I bought it I was all huffty and "I dont need a movie function, its a camera !! I will use the camcorder for movies" but seeing the amazing results coming out of cameras with movie functions now is making me wonder about changing. I may be comparing the price I can get for mine against an upgrade hehe... Anyway I don't want to bog your thread with camera chat. I am still very curious about this image you are considering with the wood gone. If you dont want to keep the wood, I can give it a loving home, LOL.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

Great lens choice mate. No regrets over the Zeiss then?

The 16-35 is a far more versatile lens and I'm really excited about seeing what you produce from it; both stills and video.

With its low minimum focusing distance I like the way to get get up close to the subject to really get that distorted illusion of depth. And at 25-35mm I'm guessing it's sweet for full-tank shots.

I have officially got kit envy now! 😀
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

George Farmer said:
No regrets over the Zeiss then?

A little, but not too much. As you've said, the canon is far more versatile, and optically close to the zeiss 28mm.

Here's a fts at the widest 16mm. It's just tank lighting to illuminate...which i use most of the time.

AT full resolution, the images are mightily impressive. These 2000 pixel images dont do it justice.

Still a while left in this tank, so a few more weeks until i dismantle it. 8)

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

That's sublime. With the blue background and some decent fish 😀 , I can see that doing very well in the IALPC.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

A shoal of plastic fish 😀
Looking very nice Mark, you can register it to your wife if you want to compete with another. 😀
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 getting close to the end. Feedback on ste

Mark Evans said:
ianho said:
that lens is amazing.

It is real nice.

here's about 10 seconds worth. I can now get the quality my 135mm gives but wider angle shots.

must watch in 720p to get the higher res.

What's the name of the music used?