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120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 5 weeks

I'm really interested in Mark's observations on the low flow after say 3-4 months since the setup of his tank.

I use Koralia nano in my 65L planted for extra flow, but will definitely try without it for some time and leave the flow to Tetratec EX700 external filter only. After all, looking at Amano's tanks, flow there is really low to almost non-existent. Same with CO2, where diffuser is half way up the tank's height and no extra CO2 mist bubbles are seen all over the tank, yet plants are growing and pearling nicely.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 5 weeks

Been having the same thoughts as you Schraptor.
You're using an atomizer right Mark? Do you still see the micro bubbles flowing to all areas of the tank?

This is very interesting as your growth is amazing and still you do not do what is normally preached with the huge amounts of flow and co2.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 5 weeks

Alastair said:
How often are you keeping up with water changes

! x 50% weekly. 8)

schraptor said:
I'm really interested in Mark's observations on the low flow after say 3-4 months since the setup of his tank.

AndersH said:
You're using an atomizer right Mark? Do you still see the micro bubbles flowing to all areas of the tank?

This is very interesting as your growth is amazing and still you do not do what is normally preached with the huge amounts of flow and co2.

Cheers guys. I've recently been rethinking about what i put into my tanks.

My last layout in this tank was of similar dosing regime, filter etc and it worked great. Just the 5 hours of light daily via 2 x 54t5.

I think the lighting is key here. Lower light = lower co2, ferts and flow.

I've looked at amanos tanks and racked my brains wondering 'how the hell do you do that?" After lowering light intensity, i now understand :angel:
Don't be fooled by the ADA 150wsolar 1output...i dont have a par meter but just by looking, they dont chuck out the kinda light you think they do.

Of course with lower 'everything' comes slightly slower growth, but i can handle that. Also my tank does not pearl. It will only pearl if i put the Metal Halides on...within 5 minutes of MH being on it's fizzy lemonade.

I dont use them because i dont want the 'mad' style growth. 🙂
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 5 weeks

I also thinks it's good to add a certain amount of experience is involved here. I'm unsure a newb would get away with this approach, i'm sure Mark wood agree with this??
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 5 weeks

Piece-of-fish said:
ADA Soil and method?

I'd put a lot down to substrate. It takes the pressure of the dosing. I dose so little, without a special substrate, I'd suffer tremendously.

ianho said:
I also thinks it's good to add a certain amount of experience is involved here. I'm unsure a newb would get away with this approach, i'm sure Mark wood agree with this??

To some degree yes, but if they followed guidelines, it's within any ones grasp.

I've gone from a full EI doser, to next to nothing, and they both grow....something to think about there!
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 5 weeks

Here's a shot of the rather shy gouramis. They used to hide, but slowly, they're getting braver.

It's quite rare to see them all out at once

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 5 weeks

aaahhh i wondered when they would make an appearance!

did you get some more?
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 5 weeks

I'm a bit late on the 6 week update.

I syphon on a regular basis. Have done for some time.

Here's one of the reasons why. Fish and shrimp crap builds up and you really need to get rid of it. Detritus to.

This image is my bucket. It was clean, and this is what came out of the HC carpet.


Clean around all of your plants and gravels. It makes a difference to the over all health of the tank.

Soon, i'll be deciding on the final fish choice. 😀

Here's the usual 'waterchange' shot :lol:


Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 5 weeks

Mark Evans said:
I'm a bit late on the 6 week update.

I syphon on a regular basis. Have done for some time.

Here's one of the reasons why. Fish and shrimp crap builds up and you really need to get rid of it. Detritus to.

Great tip and lovely tank still. I've been syphoning with my new tank and it makes a hell of a difference, especially in areas of lower flow.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 6 weeks. Why you should syphon!

Mark, I thought your fishes and shrimps do not poop :lol:

I'm always amazed how much crap you can siphon out from my 65 liter. Especially mosses like to hold lots of it.
Also I usually end up with too much water siphoned out to continue the process.
I wonder how those battery operated gravel vacuum cleaners with internal water flow work (the ones where crap is supposed to be filtered out and held in some kind of woolen bag or smth).
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 6 weeks. Why you should syphon!

thats some crud mate!

do you need me to come fish shopping with ya ?lol
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 6 weeks. Why you should syphon!

WOW...I started on page 1 to about 3, skipped to here and well, that is exactly something id love to recreate
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 6 weeks. Why you should syphon!

You are a very brave man to siphon such a great carpet. Most folks would suck it right off the substrate. How do you manage to do this without pulling HC out at the same time?
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 6 weeks. Why you should syphon!

Orlando said:
You are a very brave man to siphon such a great carpet. Most folks would suck it right off the substrate. How do you manage to do this without pulling HC out at the same time?
I can't speak for Mark but before every WC I simply wave my hands above the substrate and around ALL plants. This kicks up the detritus etc. ready for siphoning from the water column with minimal disruption to carpeting plants. I do this with the filter off to maximise suspension times of the floating particles.

I think it's worth reiterating that if you choose to not have particularly great mech filtration and circulation then effective substrate maintainance and general cleaning husbandary becomes even more prudent. Especially with carpets/mosses/dense stems that attract so much waste organic matter.
120 x 55 x 55 @ 6 weeks. Why you should syphon!

Great point, and I am glad that it was brought up.

Won't the hovering of detritus also catch shrimp or fish?

I use a air pipe to hover the substrate, time consuming but I am always worried if sucking up any fish.


I don't know what is the secret of success, but the secret of failure is trying to please the world!
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 6 weeks. Why you should syphon!

I usually use a couple of fingers to lightly brush plants whilst siphoning. As I use a hose that goes straight down the drain outside I partially cover the end with my thumb to reduce the flow. I used to get loads out of my moss in the past. The stuff is like a magnet for dirt.

As always, looking good Mark :thumbup: