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120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 E. Vesuvius sprouting

ianho said:
wow that E vesuvius really is taking off mate! It looks really good at the back

I'm licking it mate. It's different to the 'norm'

Piece-of-fish said:
Which shop did you go to? Can I have a contact number to ban you for future harlequin purchases please


Gill said:
Natural Honey Gouramis Look Stunning when in breeding Colors. Such a Deep Burnt Sienna Color

I'm loving mine Gill. :thumbup:

Gary Nelson said:
This is looking fantastic Mark and the rock layout is great!
I am currently starting a new tank and I have had 3 days now of moving rocks about and I still don't think I have it right!
This is my first tank with rocks so I have great admiration for your layout after realizing just how tricky it is to get every peace just right and show each rock off to its best.

Cheers Gary. Stone is my fave hardscape. Especially mini Land scape rock. 🙂

So, 2 weeks have passed and all is currently good.

This is by no means inspiring imagery, but i seem to like to take pics during a water change 😵 how odd....

it has to be done before aquatics live.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 2 weeks

ianho said:
and guess what...you can see the Harlequins!

Ta da.... And for my next trick. :lol:

Yes mate. What a difference. The rummy's are there too, but the Harley's stand out a treat.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 2 weeks


Looking great as always :thumbup:
How do you find 2 x 54w t5 for 5 hours daily working for you or maybe you have already increased the period / wattage?
It is 55 cm tall tank after all.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 2 weeks

yes, upon closer inspection you can see the red. I think Ed needs to eat his hat on this one!
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 E. Vesuvius sprouting

Mark Evans said:
it has to be done before aquatics live.
Looks about ready for the show 😛 looking forward to seeing it 😛
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 @ 2 weeks

LondonDragon said:
looking forward to seeing it

You'd have to travel to me to see it mate!

ianho said:
yes, upon closer inspection you can see the red. I think Ed needs to eat his hat on this one!

I'm still confused on the whole fish front.

schraptor said:
How do you find 2 x 54w t5 for 5 hours daily working for you or maybe you have already increased the period / wattage?
It is 55 cm tall tank after all.

I'm on 6 hours daily, with just 2 x 54wT5

The following image shows how well the light grows stuff. (i've not saturated colours here neither)


We must remember that i'm using geissman lighting, and the reflector design really is second to none. The light spread is just amazing, unlike Arcadia's attempts.

The tank does NOT pearl, but it's really no issue to me.

My friend Ed gave me a SS grade shrimp yesterday, a pregnant one at that. She's settled in nicely.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 quite low lighting

That is a quality photo Mark. That moss is really coming on isn't it, its great it didn't have that brown transition.

ps, sell me some shrimp when they have shrimplets.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 quite low lighting

i can 'clearly' spot the rummy and the cardinal.... but no harlequins, was this shot post harlys or are they blending in too!! :lol: ha ha!
Hopefully youll have some quality shrimplets soon.
Would have been good to have a chat with you yesterday at AL, but i think you made a fast one after the aquascaping contest! ... great effort by the way, theres some very different styles of scaping on show, all intriguing in their own right.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 quite low lighting

ianho said:
That moss is really coming on isn't it, its great it didn't have that brown transition.

It's doing great. My last attempt at crimbo moss was not a good experience. I'm finding lower ferts and cooler temps favour moss, and many other plants for that matter. :shh:

Ady34 said:
Would have been good to have a chat with you yesterday at AL, but i think you made a fast one after the aquascaping contest!

I wasn't very well. I put a brave face on it. I nearly didn't even come down at all. Scape a tank and go home was all about i could muster up i'm afraid 🙁

Here's a portrait shot, with no fish at all. Sometimes i wait until they move out of the way. with large apertures, a stray fish can look so out of focus.

If you look carefully, there's hardly anything in focus :lol:

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 quite low lighting

like how the tank is changing
As always very crisp and clean 😉
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 quite low lighting

I am just going to say - It is sooooo Tranquil and Calming. Even the family have asked whose tank is that. And why don't mine look like that.
You should have the last 2 shots Printed on Canvas they would look stunning.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 quite low lighting

Thanks Gill. Thats very kind of you to say so :thumbup:

I'm always thinking of different ways to light tank. With this one being so big, i'm not so enthusiastic about it. Just because it's such a mission to set up.

This is image is different to the norm in terms of lighting.


To photograph this properly, i'll need at least 6 lights.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Lighting and photographs.

*claps* quality vid, and i see the clarity of that water...its gin clear.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Lighting and photographs.

Great vid mate. Always loved them, pity you don't do the often. 🙂
You should've stripped the last part with the hose. 😀

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Lighting and photographs.

WOW!!! :jawdrop .....
watching this video gives a more 'real life' impression of the quality of this scape than images alone.
Seeing a motion picture of the flora and fauna expresses a truer relationship than stills, as the character and activity of the rummys makes them stand out rather than blend in with the lush greens of the plants.

The cleanliness of the tank overall and especially the water is superb. My tank has always had a slight 'milky' look to the water and im wondering if you can attribute your water clarity to the purigen you use? I think i noted also that you run your filters with activated carbon, is this only in the early stages or is it a constant also?

Personally id like to see more video of this set up, maybe a full tank scene running without interruption from maintainence to give a full impression of the relationships between the fish, plants water movement etc.

Great video Mark, and im pleased to have seen it in action!

p.s. sorry to hear you wernt well at AL, sterling job for making the effort.