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  1. Nont

    Life uh… Finds a Way

    I want to show you guys this outdoor bucket I set up a few months ago. Which, Initially just to do a test with concrete rock to host faunas in freshwater. The plants includes; Echinodorus ‘Rosé’, Echinodorus uruguayensis, Alocasia cucullata, Cymbopogon sp., Lepironia articulata, and another...
  2. HermFish

    Can I put hornwort from my pond into my tank?

    I have an 8 gallon tank with 2 nerite snails and 7 ember etras. I want to diffuse the light so that my tetras are more comfortable and aren't hiding as much. I was recommended light dimmers but I also have the easier option of taking hornwort out of my pond and using it in the tank. Is that...
  3. chinwag

    Belfast Sink Pond

    It doesn't look much but my belfast sink pond is slowly taking shape so I thought I'd post it up... I have Taro growing in pots either side of it now and I'm hoping I can get the area around it planted up more next year, get some wood or a rock in a few more plants in there to break the...
  4. dw1305

    A question, dissolved oxygen and a pond

    Hi all, I've been surveying, and doing some water quality work, on some of <"Bristol's pond and rivers"> over the last couple of weeks. I had an interesting one today. I won't tell you the location, or context, but it was a pond and the water sample had a dissolved oxygen level of 180% (~20oC...
  5. Hanuman

    Outdoor ceramic pond - Picture heavy

    So this weekend I decided to clean up my outdoor ceramic tank in order to remove all the Clea Helena snails that have eradicated my snail population. I though it was a good idea to have those snails. I was wrong. I also decided to remove some of the plants and add a few new ones. Also added a...
  6. Glenda Steel

    Does green water matter if you don't keep fish?

    We have recently built a small pond (180cm x 130cm x 50cms deep - 635 litres) which we originally intended to be a simple reflection pool (dark still water not too deep), we now have added a small fountain for ambient noise (and keep gnats and mosquitoes at bay). It's a modern rectangle (black)...
  7. Kezzab

    Plant ID please

    Hi - could someone ID this plant please, it's a UK bog/pond plant. I'm sure it's very common but so far not been able to ID it. Thanks
  8. AnnLupeT

    Where I got my plants

    Hi! i just wanted to share how some aquascapers propagate their plants here in the Phil :D I envy them for living next to river :D I'm planning to have a pond like that too :D https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=878345038858294&set=o.522633677814753&type=3&permPage=1...
  9. Nick_593

    Best pond goldfish/ koi food?

    Hi, I'm just wondering what the best food would be for some goldfish and koi carp for a pond? Also is feeding completely necessary as the fish have been getting on well so far? Thanks