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  1. worthyfella

    This is my 200litre soiled planted aquarium.

    I was so close to giving up at the beginning because of bad algea and the tank just not looking good. However I was told to hang on and persevere and just give it time. So glad I did because it looks completely different today.
  2. V

    Help identify the algae

    Hi all , I have a 30cm cube set up 3 months ago with Chihiros C2 rgb running for 6hrs with 30mins ramp time. I am struggling with algae’s I cannot identify. There are two types of algae mainly green type coating the leaves of Pinnatifidia mainly and black/brown hairy kind on hair grass. Any...
  3. Carbondioxide

    Things are different now - 6-way Splitter vs Pro Elite regulator

    Back in 2014, we offered some products that are no longer available today. One of which was the regulator splitter. A device designed to split the flow of co2 from the regulator to allow the user to inject co2 into multiple aqauriums. This was a great tool. with each connection having an...
  4. Lance Wisher

    First algae alert ⚠️: Brown algae killing carpeting plants. Help!

    Alright everyone, First planted tank - 55 days in. See images for layout and plants. I've got 14 happy harlequin rasboras swimming around a fully cycled tank (still trying to keep nitrates down, taking almost daily water changes for that. But my carpet plants are suffering from a brown algae...
  5. W

    6 Months Old! Pretty Satisfied.

    This is my second planted tank, first was a 5 gallon, this one is 55 gallons with a sump. I inject CO2 and use the Seachem fertilizer line. I have neon, glowlight, cardinal, black neon, rummynose, and blue tetras; harlequin rasboras, otocincluses, blue neon goby, nerite snail, Siamese algae...
  6. H

    Garden Soil

    Good evening all, first post here! Inspired by YouTube videos, I’m having a crack at a low tech planted bowl. I’m I think the soil in my area should be quite suitable and I fancy the idea of it so I’m approaching it as a bit of an experiment (but one which I hope will have a reasonable chance...
  7. Leah95

    First Aquascape!

    Hey Everyone! I’m new to the website and the world of Aquascaping and I wanted to share with you guys my new setup! I’m very new to this so if you have any suggestions or things I could change, they would be very welcome! I’ve stated my specs below, I have been working with my local aquatic...
  8. Davidwebbuk

    New Joiner - Two nano tanks

    Morning all. Just joined after George Farmer mentioned the forum in one of his videos. I've got a pair of 30l Square Nano tanks that I'm intending to plant and keep a Betta & shrimp and either raspboras or tetras and shrimp. They're currently in the kitchen as I try and get them cycled. I...
  9. Crazy_Walrus

    adding more lights?

    So I currently run an interpet trispec on my tank which is running co" and daily ferts. I want a warmer colour ( which ive been told i need more red LEDS) to make my colour plants pop a bit more. If I was to add a cheap light for example fluval aquasky and set it to red, would this help with...
  10. SpeedyTheBetta

    (Week 1) Walstad Tank with Speedy the Betta | No CO2, No Ferts & Heater

    Hi there, I am for 6months now into this hobby and i really loved it! I like Natural planted tanks & Provide an ecosystem where plants and fish balance each other's needs. so learned about it and created my planted tank. I use organic soil and gravel, for plants i picked alot of fast growing...
  11. TAJ-Coral

    Little Bedroom Aquarium Recommendation

    Hi all, been out of the planted aquarium hobby for a few years now and feel inspired to get back into it. I'd love a little planted tank between 40-60 litres next to my bed. Problem is, there are so many nano style tanks these days I don't know what to pick! I've been looking at ones like the...
  12. I

    Searching for new tank - Sump vs canister

    Hi, Im in the process of buying a new 150cm long tank. My previous one was also that size, it was custom built with a sump which I was very happy with. Not sure whether to go down the sump route again for the new one or whether to use a canister filter. I like how everything is more accessible...
  13. P

    Best scissor?

    Hi Guys! I would like to buy a professional scissor. I live in Hungary. There is only one good place in this country, the Greenaqua. I like these products from the shop: https://www.greenaqua.hu/en/ada-do-aqua-do-scissors-s.html https://www.greenaqua.hu/en/oase-hajlitott-ollo-27-cm.html...
  14. A

    Brand New Planted Tank - Total Novice so Advice Appreciated

    Hello, I just created my tank last night using the Walstad method (I think). First time doing this and I really hope my plants survive. If they grow nicely I would like to add in some shrimp too. Don't have a filter on it currently because my one has gone walkabouts - was planning on...
  15. A

    Hello from Edinburgh!

    Hello, Had some tanks in the past but nothing for a long time. Started a planted small tank using the Walstad method and hoping that it grows, eventually to add some shrimp too. Any tips or things to look out for would be great!
  16. MrHammonds

    Questions regarding soft water areas and 'Walstad Method'.

    Morning all, my first post on this forum as I'm struggling to get a clear answer whilst doing my 'google' research! I've been running a couple of planted, 'low/ medium' tanks so far, a 46l and a 125l tropical. They have both seen good planting results with a seachem fluorite base on one and a...
  17. Luke Bassett

    Custom build 1300mm x 560 x 400

    Morning, I thought I'd start sharing my build today as my new tank is arriving. I have ordered a custom made 75gallon (300litre) 52inch long, 16 inch high, 22inch front to back (frag like) tank from prime aquariums w/ 80litre sump as an upgrade from my horrible 270litre curved front. The tank...
  18. Richard Swales

    A Fresh (water) Start!

    Hi Everyone! I am Richard a 23 year old tropical fish keeper from up north (West Yorkshire) and I have kept fish for around 3 years now. I started out with two fancy goldfish and quickly turned my attention to tropical and planted tanks, and I now run a 72 litre planted tank with the hopes of...
  19. Something Fishy

    Betta Fish in Vase Idea

    Hi guys I know I could post on a Betta forum, but I feel people on this forum have a pretty good understanding of how I think and the planted angle, rather than churning out stats about Betta fish haha. I've been keeping fish for years, marine and tropical on and off, so I'm pretty versed with...
  20. E

    Help! plant deficiency or toxicity ? ( new pics)

    hello everyone, as the title suggests I'm not sure whats wrong with my mont carlo, its been carpeting well however i have noticed some deficiency or something wrong. some leaves don't appear healthy. leaves seem to be almost transparent around the outside and lighter in the middle , as the...
  21. Arnalsan

    Nano planted tank from Brazilian newbie

    Hello from Brazil, This is my 1st planted tank setup and I would like to hearing you with tips: Title: ? [It's difficult] Dimensions: 30 x 30 x 30 cm = 27L CO2: - Will be diy next days Filtration: Elite hush 10 hob Lights: Ista LED 876 lumens Photo Period:10 am - 16 pm Fertilisation: - not yet...
  22. alex08

    Roots and Grit

    Figured i start the new year with a new setup in my 200 litre. So, i worked even more on the hardscape part and i'm well aware of the grade of maintenance i'll have to do. But where's the fun in it if there's no challenge? Starter pack : LxWxH - 100x55x45 cm Lighting - 6x39w (3000k and 6500k...
  23. HannahFergusonFan

    Tankmate suggestions for Rummynose tetras

    Hello I have a 29G tank heavily planted, I am looking for a Tank mates more like a center piece fish with my 15 Rummynose tetras I planned to get discus but they are quite large, betta fish always stays top and too mainstream. all sugestions are welcome. I might end up buying 2-3 Small Discuss...
  24. Kakarot

    Amazon feature fish? (not angels)

    Hey all! I'll be cycling my tank very shortly so i still have some time to decide...but I need some help from some wiser and more experienced fish keepers. I'd like to set up an Amazon themed aquarium, I have a 92 long x 50 high x 36 deep cm aquarium and i'd like a fish to contrast a shoal of...
  25. R

    70L Planted Tank - Corydoras Trilineatus | Three Lined Cory Videos

    Hey all, Just put up my first videos of my 70L Planted Tank with my new Corydoras Trilineatus (Three Lined Corys) Really happy with the way they came out. More fish and plenty for videos still to come. Let me know what you think! Enjoy! Ryan
  26. AshleyAttwood

    DoAqua! 30x18x24 Hard Scape Input

    Hey fellow enthusiast, I have got this DoAqua! 30x18x24 cm, i just don't know what to do with it in the sense of a hard scape, i want this to sit on my window sill and be a natural tank capturing the sun, obviously when the winter months come i will apply an led over head light system. I do not...
  27. Pedro Rosa

    Going Dutch by the book - tank sponsored by Tropica

    2015 tanks are over (still have a final picture and video for post on Dark Land)!!! Holidays are over… just like I read on Facebook today: “September is the Monday of the Year” … so let’s start to work on something new. For me it’s really something new: a Dutch Tank by the rules… or so i...
  28. Joel Smith

    Lighting Help Please

    Hey folks, Just signed up, laying down my first post, and in need of help. I run a 90gal tank 48"Lx18"Dx24"H. Hooked up to it is a Rena filstar XP3 canister filter, semi-auto CO2 system, and then my light is a Fluval 32W Ultra light LED strip light. I have a variety of plants requiring...
  29. João Miguel Silva

    The Green Stream - Aquascaping 90L

    Name: The Green Stream Setup Date: 13/03/2015 Description: The Green Stream was born as an idea a few months, the concept was to replicate the underwater image of a river bank with sand bed where the vegetation brings out the transition between the bed and the margin, which is the perspective in...
  30. Silas Felipe

    Yellow Hemianthus cuba + spots on staurogyne

    Hi everybody My Hemianthus cuba is getting yellow. After seeing the symptoms on the internet, I realized that may be lacking in nitrogen. I started last week a treatment (Seachem nitrogen) and the leaves are still yellow. I realized also that my staurogynes are with black and transparent spots...
  31. M

    Suggestions for a 60x30x45cm (WxDxH) on a £150 budget

    Hi all, This will be my first planted tank and I am looking for a suitable light to go above my lidless tank. I am currently looking at a Wave Point 24" twin T5, however have not been able to find any reviews on it. Will 2 T5 bulbs be enough to grow the Tropica 1-2 grow advanced plants? And...
  32. S

    My iwagumi

    Hi guys Just introducing myself I'm Craig from gillingham Kent and below is my tank It is jewel vision 180 with a fluval led light And fluval 306 external filter Substrate is 18l Ada Amazonia soil and I have used aprox 6kg of slate from a local builders merchant Plants Hemianthus...
  33. rustedzeke

    First Planted Aquarium

    This is my lovely 8 day old 100L aquarium - my first attempt at a planted tank! I am extremely pleased with the result. I had an order for a carpeting plant (Eleocharis sp. 'Mini'), which was due to arrive on the day that I started my aquarium, but it has been persistently delayed. Also with...
  34. Kyle Lambert

    Ebay CO2

    UP Aqua CO2 system for Charming Aquarium A149 | eBay anyone know if this system is worth the money or have used this system before? Currently using an ISTA disposable can system and ill have to use that for the meantime as im currently upgrading my tank gradually as and when i can afford to...
  35. Kyle Lambert

    What has eaten my cherries?

    So in my tank i had 4 cherry shrimps (one i thought was a crystal but his colour came in) and 1 blue rilli (a stowaway on so cabomba i had bought). In the tank i also have 4 assasin snails, 10 neon tetras, 3 panda corys and 3 dwarf otos. The other morning i saw the tail of one of my cherries...
  36. Kyle Lambert

    Questions from a newbie.

    So i started a tank 6 weeks ago. Its a 60l which is a little overstocked but i keep up with my water changes regularly and everything seems to be going well so far with an oversized HOB filter (not my ideal filter but it suits my needs and available space). I have 3 cherry shrimps, 4 assasin...
  37. Kyle Lambert

    Trimmings and cut offs.

    So i couldnt find anything on the forums already and ive only been here five minutes, but i was wondering if people would be happy sending any excess plants they have to people. My tank is only 6 weeks old so im in no position as yet but i know i will have some Cabomba i would be happy to send...
  38. Daz2162

    Beginners aquascape

    Hello everyone, After reading a few journals on here and everyone sort of asking for more journals to be made, especially new tanks etc I thought id share my story and progress! Im going to generalise the last year or so and get into more detail when the journal becomes more recent It all...
  39. Reidy

    From Marine to Planted

    OK so today i underwent the 1st stages of the change, i have emptied my tank and had a real good clean out this took nearly 4 hours lol, all algae etc has been removed. After this i have broken down my canister filter (fluval 405), removed all media and carbon etc and all compartments are now...
  40. Reidy

    Hello (North wales here)

    Hi Ok so im new here i am actually a marine fish keeper, i have a nice reef setup and i am thinking of changing to a planted tank set up. I have been reading THIS and other forums exstensively, my tank is 180l and have lighting for a marine tank so ill switch out the bulbs for tropical...
  41. Ady34

    Fluval Studio 900. Sticks and Stones.

    Hello, following straight on from the brief 'Coastal Erosion' journal, i thought id better begin a new journal for the rescape. After considering a hardscape only set up :eh: .... i came to my senses, and used the plants from coastal erosion to start the tank off. These needed adding to and...
  42. krazypara3165

    First Journal - A beginners insight to the south americas! *now with updated pics!*

    As some of you may have noticed i have been pestering everyone for answers recently and i thought i would update everyone on whats going on! So last week i had a delivery of my first 'proper' aquarium' i have a fluval edge but do not really consider it to be in the same league and will be...