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  1. Courtneybst

    'Cozen' - Journey to IAPLC '22 (Next stop: Cenote Aktun Ha!)

    I simply couldn't bare it anymore. I'm currently working on my (first) IAPLC entry and it just felt totally wrong not sharing it with my UKAPS family. It's like having some kind of secret affair! I'm aware that there's some stuff I can't show you but I'll share what I can. Also I'm a total...
  2. Gill

    IAPLC 2014

    Who is entering this year. After the resounding success of last year, and getting a place last year. I am entering this year, and started the scape in October of last year. Decided to go a little larger than 30ml and this one is just under 1Gallon.
  3. Stu Worrall

    Stu's 90x45x45 Apalala Shore - IAPLC 2012 #114 - AGA 2012 #3

    Following on from this last scape which to be honest got too grown in. Final photo for IAPLC 2011 - #577 - The Unknown Valley The Unknown Valley Stu Worrall - 90x45x45c IAPLC 2011 - #577 by Stu Worrall, on Flickr Ive now stripped the tank down and started on a new design. this time its...
  4. George Farmer

    IAPLC 2013 - Results are out!

    Hi all, The IAPLC 2013 is now open for entries. Closing date for entries is May 31st 2013. More info - The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2012 I'd like to encourage as many UKAPS Members to enter as possible. I think the UK aquascaping scene is growing well, and would love to...
  5. LondonDragon

    Top 20 IAPLC 2012 Entries + UKAPS Member Entries

    Well better later than never, here is the top 20 IAPLC Results plus UKAPS Members entries. Well done everyone that participated. 1. Zhang Jianfeng (China) 2. Siak Wee Yeo (Malaysia) 3. Long Tran Hoang (Vietnam) 4. Song Pin Chen (Taiwan) 5. Yutaka Kanno (Japan) 6. Duc Viet Bui...