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  1. Ryan Young

    External filters for 30 liter Cube

    Hi all, So I purchased a Dennerle Aqua Cube 30 today from Gumtree, the tank is awesome- clean & fancy. Might have to buy a new bulb for the 11w cause it seems a bit dull and everyone i spoke to said it was bright. Anyway... I set it all up for a fishless cycle then to be scaped but the Dennerle...
  2. Kyle Lambert

    DIY or not to DIY....

    That is the question.... ive contemplated all sorts of ways i could do a DIY external filter and ive come across a way i think would work for my 60l tank, theres one problem however.... can i be bothered to plan it, source all the parts and then build the bugger? Ive figured i could make one...