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  1. D

    Echinodorus in a 45l

    Hi, recently I have been wanting to recreate a jungle style tank in my 45 litre tank. Its 45 cm long, 30 cm deep and 30 cm high. I have also acquired a particular fascination with Echinodorus species and was wondering if it is wise to plant echinodorus plants in such a small tank. I know they...
  2. Nont

    Echinodorus seedling question

    Hi there, So about 2 weeks ago I got some Echinodorus seeds from a dried flower stalk. I sowed seeds into container with only water instead of moist substrate because of my lack of experience and doesn’t read any article prior to that :banghead:. However, one seed did managed to germinated at...
  3. Nont

    Echinodorus identification

    Hi guys, I recently recieve new Echinodorus from the pond store and I need help with the identification. It looks like E. cordifolius but the different is that its leaves have course texture and itchy stubbly hair on the leaves and petiole. It also got almost round stems and rhizome that can be...
  4. Nont

    Echinodorus leaf shape

    Hi all, I had a look at my echinodorus pictures from a year ago, and I noticed that my E. cordifolius (?) leaf shape changed from Oval to heart shape to narrow, which I haven’t notice until now. Could anyone explain what’s causing this?
  5. Nont

    Lighting for emersed Echinodorus

    Hello everyone, I am currently planning on new setup with only Chihiros A501 - 33w I have. I wanted to have Echinodorus growing out like this picture (excuse for bad drawing) below and wondering if the lighting is enough for 3 plants or not? Cheers
  6. taistrietman

    Biotopes with plants from central Brazil

    Hi all, had the pleasure of meeting Jeff (one of the mods) recently and he encouraged me to get a bit more involved with UKAPS and specifically with the biotope section. I've spent a lot of time exploring aquatic habitats, especially in central Brazil, many of them with plants. You can view...
  7. noobscaper

    How to make swords grow tall?

    I have an Echinodorus amazonicus that's started to grow nicely recently (many leaves, seem to be pretty healthy) after stuffing it with root tabs, but the leaves are still very droopy and low (around 25cm high). Is that the average height or am I doing something wrong? How could I make it grow...
  8. jaypeecee

    Echinodorus bleheri - slow growth

    Hi Folks, My E. bleheri is growing very slowly. Generally, it is in good condition. The new leaves are a lush green but I was hoping for faster growth. The tank is brightly lit but, sadly, I have no measured PAR readings. I use CO2 injection to achieve a CO2 concentration of 25 - 30ppm. I have...
  9. wijnands

    Echinodorus Angustifolia flowers and seed?

    Hi all. I'm growing Echinodorus Angustifolia emersed in a storage jar. At least that's what it was sold as. See on this pic in the middle below the wood DSC_7530 by j_wijnands, on Flickr Since it's been in the jar it's growing steadily and flowering constantly with tiny delicate flowers. Is...
  10. Phillip Macken

    Echinodorus problem.

    I added these to my tank about 2-3 weeks back and now they have gone and done this. This happened over the course of about 2-3 days and despite my best efforts I can't get them to come back. The roots have dug in well to the substrate and I have high light and use Easy-Live Easycarbo and other...
  11. Ian Holdich

    The bowl

    I have decided to overthrow the kitchen nano again after the little puffer died last week. I wanted to try something a little different, and have seen a couple of scapes like this in the past. So here goes... One clean P@H nano cube (15l) IMG_3291 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr the base filled...