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  1. dw1305

    Future Mars astronauts may chomp on Wolffia plant to survive

    Hi all, As some will know I have a bit of a <"floating plant obsession">, and this has just come my way via my day job (and "Botany One" <"🌻 The Week in Botany October 23, 2023">) <"Future Mars astronauts may chomp on Earth's tiniest flowering plant to survive"> Photo copy write Christian...
  2. Nont

    Duckweed Index questions

    Hi everyone, I’m currently use a complete fertiliser for my all of my aquarium, and I usually follow the dosage and frequency instructions on the bottle. I must admit that I have not a single idea of how chemistry works but I want to try out the duckweed index to reduce ferts expenses so I...
  3. S


    Hi everyone. Duckweed question. Ive got a pond and a tank with persistent duckweed issues. The tank I can keep on top of manually, but the pond is 16x10 feet, fed using half EI doses, and that's a battle I don't think I'm going to win. Been looking at a few treatments. NT labs do a chemical...