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  1. N

    Angelfish disease

    Hello everyone! I need a help with diagnostic angelfish disesae. Two weeks ago I bought from (not LFS, but some guy) pair of angel albino dantums. They both looked health and active and eat on the first day. But on the second day one of them stopped to eat. I waited 2-3 days and after moved him...
  2. Nont

    Worrying about TB

    Hi there, I bought 20 zebra danios 2 months ago, all of them are fine in the first month. Then, a week ago, they started to show a symptoms including bent spine, sunken belly and doesn’t eat before losing 9 of them. I’m quite concerned about it being fish TB. What are you guys opinions?
  3. Nont

    Need help finding root cause of the fish diseases

    Hi everyone, Ever since I started fishkeeping 4 years ago, I have been stressing by the fact that I loss over hundred of fish and it’s mostly to my ignorant and stupidity (Believe in everything LFS told me to buy/ accidentally decapitated betta with a gravel cleaner, happens 3 days ago, still...
  4. Savi_g

    Help me not kill my GF’s betta

    Hi guys. Rather than searching around for hours and end up not knowing any better, I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea as to what’s going on around the cheek area. The flow is a little high so I’ve turned it down after I noticed but if someone could please check the picture, I would...
  5. S

    Betta - Slime coat damage or something else?

    Hi, My betta has some white slime on his back and under mouth. I am not sure if it's slime coat damage or something else. Any thoughts? Tank is fully cycled. Photos Water parameters: TDS 200 ppm PH 7 GH 6 dGH NO3 10ppm NO2 0 25 °C / 77 F I am dosing liquid CO2 every day (can be an issue?)...
  6. Aqua Hero

    White spot on german ram

    i bought a new german ram for a pet store. he was active and the most dominate in the tank so i decided to take him. i decided to quarantine it for a while and i noticed 3 small white spots on the fish. im guessing it has white spot. the temperature is 86F and i have already done a 50% water...
  7. Manuel Arias

    Serious problem with a new plated aquarium

    Dear all, First of all, thank you very much for all your comments and support. Even before signing up to this forum, I have been reading you, as many nice advices and comments are found here, so good work done by all of you. I am new in terms of planted aquariums as this is the first tank of...
  8. Ted

    Many fish illnesses in a short period of time

    Hi guys, Hoping for your diagnostic help. I'm trying to understand what I have on my hands. Bacterial, Fungal, Viral, Environmental (e.g. toxin)? I don't think it's water quality. In the last week, I've had the following fish deaths: 1) Glass catfish, ich and death 2) Betta albimarginata...