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  1. Dutch

    Heater temperature not correct!

    Hi all, I have an internal heater in my 90p aquarium. It’s an Oase Pro Heater 300W should be good to heat 125-200 liter. My aim is to get the temperature at 24 degrees Celsius. So I’ve set the temperature at 24. I recently checked the temperature with a thermometer and noticed it was only 21...
  2. Aleron

    Journal Biotope of Chorhun river (Crimea, Ukraine)

    Greetings from Ukraine! Here, as promised to OP, I start a new thread dedicated to the European temperate freshwater biotopes. And let me introduce my first project - biotope of the Chorhun river in Ukrainian Crimea. This project is special to me as I explored and reproduced the biotope of the...
  3. Kyle Lambert

    The shrimp bowl, suggestions needed.

    Hey everyone. I've decided that as I cannot currently set up a new full system, due to current circumstances, to take on a different project just to satisfy my need to get planting. I'm attempting a shrimp bowl. It's unfiltered (daily water changes are obviously a must) but there will be a...
  4. jamie_99

    Temperature range of plants

    Hi Will be setting up a new open top tank in the next few weeks, plan is to be a planted coldwater high-tech tank. Reason for coldwater and not tropical is rate of evaporation is too high (tank in bedroom), tried it before and condensation formed on walls etc..not pretty. Was wondering if...