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Search results

  1. G

    How I deal with BBA - no chemicals

  2. G

    I love BBA

    A lot of discussion about BBA, which is great... Sometimes it can look good. Funnily enough this is the only area in the tank with it. choc2 by George Farmer, on Flickr
  3. G

    Salicylic acid

    Apparently this is the active ingredient in the relatively new anti-algae product, Easylife Algexit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salicylic_acid It makes interesting reading.
  4. G

    Algae images required

    Does anyone have any decent photos of algae - close-ups or tanks riddled with it, please? In particular I'd like BGA and BBA. A 'nice' aquascape with obvious algae would be great too. Post 800 x 500ish pixel shots on here and I'll PM you if I can use them. The originals need to be high...
  5. G

    Dusko's Algae Guide

    Some of you may have seen this. For those that haven't - http://www.aquariumalgae.blogspot.com/