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Search results

  1. Fox

    Moss ID

    I've been told one was "Spicy Moss" (I presume he meant Spiky). Think he said the other was willow, but I was in a rush as my shrimp had been in a cooled plant van all day, so wanted to get them home, warmed up and acclimatised.
  2. Fox

    Growing Moss Emersed 'Loose'

    I'm trying to grow mosses so when I want some for shrimp tanks I don't have to buy more. In a moment of boredom today, I popped into my local MA branch as not been there for years (Chipperfield). It's an absolute joke, the place is crying out for modernisation. Anyway, the branch is part of a...
  3. Fox

    Moss ID

    Nothing too exciting then, thanks guys. I'll try and get better pics when I have a mo.
  4. Fox

    Moss ID

    Anyone? If you need better pics/submerged or whatever let me know - I can try. Suppose it doesn't matter in the bigger scheme of things, but interested to know.
  5. Fox

    Moss ID

    I asked a friend (who has a shop) to order me "a mix of mosses" with his next plant order, and today I picked up the whopping THREE items that arrived :lol: Only he's gone on holiday and they weren't marked so I have no idea what they are. First one was a nice 20cm piece of slate with a thick...
  6. Fox

    Java Moss?

    I asked a friend if I could piggy-back his plant order from the Netherlands and asked to get small portions of different mosses. Saw him yesterday and asked if my moss arrived "nope, but you can have this" I'm trying (without much success) to grow some mosses, so that each time I set up a...
  7. Fox

    Plants from substrate thru surface

    It's a white & blue LED, for some reason everything looks blue in the pics (taken on a ropey smartphone) This seems the fastest growing - another angle Another tank with a plant just coming through Then this one with reddy/browny kind of leaves, some appear to be struggling a bit
  8. Fox

    Plants from substrate thru surface

    I have some very basic shrimp tanks. Substrate: Akadama on some, Fluval shrimp Stratum on others, bit of moss and a few plants (no idea what they are but picked from a 'shrimp friendly' list), no co2, no ferts (other than bit of shrimp food/waste), and several tanks under a cheapy Hong Kong...
  9. Fox

    'Kids' Project. Moss on Bogwood in the Garden

    So... I can add 'growing moss' to my list of plant-life failures :lol: I drained the tank leaving a few cm of water, sprayed and covered. It looked pretty humid and moist, but came home and the moss had been frazzled by the sun. I'm glad I can keep fish alive as appear to be hopeless with...
  10. Fox

    Low-tech Moss idea

    Thanks for that, I'd like to get some different mosses growing as currently enjoying a shrimp-keeping phase of the hobby. I already have a few (no idea what) but they've not grown much beyond the original 5cm pads they arrived on!
  11. Fox

    Low-tech Moss idea

    The alternative would be to have it on my water-prep container. The same container but re-filled several times a week with tap water. I guess no nutrients other than what's in it already, but I've seen some people with plants in water-prep so must be something in there to find.
  12. Fox

    Massive selection of Aquatic moss @ great price.

    I emailed to ask if he was listing more and he has another ebay ID :lol: Here's a link to one of the other auctions http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/180931003783 I think there's also another ID selling moss balls and plants, so looks like ebay closed down number 3 :mrgreen:
  13. Fox

    Low-tech Moss idea

    I have some floor-standing plastic fish tanks (670 litre tubs used for importing fruit juices etc), and was wondering if this would work.... (there are fish in the water) A small hydroponics tray sitting on top of the container (at a slight angle). Fed by an airpump (or maybe small...
  14. Fox

    Massive selection of Aquatic moss @ great price.

    Good shout - do they come individually labelled? I bought a load of different mosses from ebay (not same seller) and launched them in my shrimp tanks - but no idea what's what! Would like to know so can see which ones (appear to) do best.
  15. Fox

    'Kids' Project. Moss on Bogwood in the Garden

    well, the wife's away for a few days (visiting MY parents :lol: ) but I did notice a bit of algae already on the wood today. If I go emmersed, does the wood just sit on a bare-bottomed tank or should I provide a substrate for bugs and stuff? The lid currently has holes drilled, should I cover...
  16. Fox

    'Kids' Project. Moss on Bogwood in the Garden

    I think if I go emmerse, it'll be a covered tank with a shallow water level to keep the humidity up. If they stay interested in the submerged project for a while (managed about 3 days so far!) then we'll think about project #2
  17. Fox

    'Kids' Project. Moss on Bogwood in the Garden

    Hmm, maybe that sounds like project #2 :) Would an emersed set-up still be ok in direct sunlight or will it dry out too quick?
  18. Fox

    'Kids' Project. Moss on Bogwood in the Garden

    I planned to fill with the hose each day, won't the chlorine wipe them out?
  19. Fox

    'Kids' Project. Moss on Bogwood in the Garden

    I nearly fell out with my good lady a few years ago as had 2 outbuildings as fish-rooms. The rooms are now a utility room and a kids playroom - and not a fish-tank to be seen anywhere at home. I have a little unit on a friend's farm with my fish, but earlier this week I got one of 'those looks'...