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  1. Matt Warner

    Tropica Plant Nutrition discontinued? alternatives?

    They have just changed the name and the bottle. It's exactly the same stuff though.
  2. Matt Warner

    The mysterious case of the melting frogbit

    You could try taking the lids off and then see how it does?
  3. Matt Warner

    new set up when to start dosing ferts

    +1 to what ceejay said. There is no harm in dosing ferts from day one, this way your plants will get the best start possible and won't run into deficiency problems.
  4. Matt Warner


    Hi, the best way to dose is to dose high and then lower it gradually. If the Plants start showing deficiencys then up the dose slightly until you find the right amount. There is no harm in overdosing though, your plants will love you for it.
  5. Matt Warner

    Magnesium Sulphate in Hard Water?

    Thats a very interesting read Darrel, I was sure I had read about that before somewhere but couldn't remember where. So basically then, the majority of Britains hard tap water area is buffered from Calcium rather than Magnesium.
  6. Matt Warner

    Magnesium Sulphate in Hard Water?

    Hi, I have moderately hard water, but I add magnesium just to make sure I have enough. If I leave out the magnesium, I find that my plants suffer from deficiency. Also, my water quality report doesn't say how much magnesium is in my tap water. Just because your water is hard, doesn't mean it is...
  7. Matt Warner

    Which water to dissolve salts with?

    I just use water straight out of the tap for my mixes without a problem. I have never had a problem with Precipitates in the micro mix, as I only make up 3 weeks worth at a time.
  8. Matt Warner

    Clive will love this one!)

    It makes one wonder what the point is!
  9. Matt Warner

    What ferts would you recommend?

    That is correct, just put your old smelly socks in water for a few hours and then feed you plants! :lol:
  10. Matt Warner

    What ferts would you recommend?

    I would definitely use dry ferts in that size tank. You can either use the EI dosing regime or make up an all in one feet mix.
  11. Matt Warner

    Does it matter what kind of water is used in trace mix?

    Not a huge amount of difference, I just like to make sure that the plants never lack anything that's all.
  12. Matt Warner

    Does it matter what kind of water is used in trace mix?

    Well in my 125l I mix two and a bit teaspoons of trace in 500ml of water. I add 50ml 3 times a week and it lasts about 3 weeks normally.
  13. Matt Warner

    Does it matter what kind of water is used in trace mix?

    Thanks hoggie. I thought that was the case I just wanted to make sure.
  14. Matt Warner

    Does it matter what kind of water is used in trace mix?

    Hi all, I was thinking what kind of water is best to use to mix chelated trace powder to make trace solution. Is it ok to use water straight out of the tap? I have up til now been using boiled and cooled tap water which I was told to do. Is there any particular reason I should boil it first? Thanks
  15. Matt Warner

    What time of day should I add FERTS ?

    It really doesn't matter when you add your ferts the plants aren't really going to care when you add them. I always add mine in the morning before I go to work.
  16. Matt Warner

    Calcium Nitrate

    Are you sure it was a calcium deficiency which killed them. Do you live in a really soft water area then?
  17. Matt Warner

    Calcium Nitrate

    Hi. I don't know what the exact dosage should be but I wouldn't of thought you would need a lot. Just increase the dosage slowly until you see an improvement.
  18. Matt Warner

    Aquarium plant Food

    What lighting are you using on this tank and how long are they on for? Also do you have good flow around the whole tank?
  19. Matt Warner

    Aquarium plant Food

    Hi, the general plant growth should improve quite a lot. You can overdose micro nutrients as much as you want, but if the plants aren't getting enough macro nutrients they won't grow. Are your plants showing any signs of deficiencys at the moment?
  20. Matt Warner

    Switching to EI Ferts

    You should be good to go then!
  21. Matt Warner

    Switching to EI Ferts

    Nope, sounds to me like you have everything you need there. You don't need any trace as your chelated trace will be mixed with water in a separate bottle to everything else. Do you have suitable bottles to mix and dispense the ferts?
  22. Matt Warner

    EI dosing calculator - are UKAPS guidelines inconsistent?

    Re: EI dosing calculator - are UKAPS guidelines inconsistent Yeah I see what you mean now. The APF recipe is very lean on the nitrate. I add pretty much triple what that recipe says. I add around 2 tsp in 125l every week! I guess the recipe is just a guideline really. It's always better to...
  23. Matt Warner

    EI dosing calculator - are UKAPS guidelines inconsistent?

    Re: EI dosing calculator - are UKAPS guidelines inconsistent Hi, who cares how much of which chemical gives a specific ppm. The whole idea of EI dosing is that it is meant to be simple. It doesn't matter if you add way too much fertiliser over a week which is the whole idea of it. All that will...
  24. Matt Warner

    E I Dosing with soils

    Hiya Alastair. I don't see that it would do any harm dosing full EI whilst using soil. I know that the soils contain the macronutrients, but I'm not sure how much of the micro nutrients they have. I have recently planted up my fluval flora which has nature soil. I didn't dose anything for the...
  25. Matt Warner

    EI and water changes

    Hi, I don't think they pearl because the tap water contains a lot of co2. It is more because the tap water contains a lot of oxygen and when you pour the water into the tank, you oxygenate the water more. Because the tank then has a much higher oxygen content, the water is then at saturation...
  26. Matt Warner

    iPhone fert dosing app

    I haven't downloaded that one mate. I didn't know such apps were available. I might give it a go for 69p!
  27. Matt Warner

    what ferts to use?

    Hi, yes an EI starter kit will have all you need. You will get all of your dry salts and two dosing bottles. Aquarium Plant Food are your best bet. I think it is about £18 which is an absolute bargain for what you get included. The replacement salts are cheap too when you run out. Hope this helps
  28. Matt Warner

    what ferts to use?

    Hi, I would probably use an all in one fertiliser such as TPN+ or the cheaper option would be to get a set of dry salts and make your own and EI dose. You can get an EI dosing starter kit from here: http://Www.aquariumplantfood.co.uk as well as an all in one mix which you just add water to. Hope...
  29. Matt Warner

    EI trace mix question

    Hi, I am dosing EI so therefore 3x per week. Plants aren't really showing any deficiencies but just wondered what everyone else doses. Cheers
  30. Matt Warner

    EI trace mix question

    Hi all, I was just wondering how much cheated trace powder everyone uses in their EI trace solution. At the moment I am using just over a teaspoon mixed in 500ml of water and I am adding 10ml per 50l aquarium water. Cheers
  31. Matt Warner

    EI Dosing what to do I'm on holiday for three weeks??

    You should be fine skipping one water change I can't see that it would do any harm missing one week, just be sure to get on top of it when you get back. Also be prepared for a marathon pruning session when you get back :lol: Feeding the fish every other day will be fine as most people over feed...
  32. Matt Warner

    EI Dosing what to do I'm on holiday for three weeks??

    Hi, I would try and keep things the same as now when you are on holiday. I definitely wouldn't cut back on your EI dosing schedule. You could tell your dad to add the EI ferts for you while you are away. Just give the plants a really good pruning before you go and that way it won't be overgrown...
  33. Matt Warner

    EI dosing calculation

    Hi all, I have in the last month started EI dosing. I have a 125l tank and my dosing was as follows: 4tsp of potassium nitrate 1tsp of potassium phosphate 6tsp magnesium sulphate 500ml of water 20ml dosed 3 times a week I now realise that this dosing is a bit lean as I have a lot of plants too...