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  1. dw1305

    Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals

    Hi all, Traditionally it hasn't really enjoyed life in the UK, our climate is a bit too oceanic for it. Global Climatic change may change that as it is a tree that does well with a warmer summer <"Red oak (ROK) - Forest Research">. cheers Darrel
  2. MichaelJ

    Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals

    My front and back yards are covered in those leaves now :) ... we don't rake them, we just have them mulched down so they can fertilize the lawns. Cheers, Michael
  3. dw1305

    IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator

    Hi all, Lab. (technical or food) grade chemical are a lot more expensive than fertiliser grade, just because they are more refined. "Analytical grade reagents (AGR)" are an order of magnitude more expensive (and of higher purity) again. Unless you are making up standard solutions (to use with...
  4. G

    What eggs are these please?

    Hi, can anyone tell me what eggs these are? If they are indeed eggs?! I’m guessing Pygmy Cory eggs, but I also have otocinclus, green neon tetras and micro rasboras in the tank so I don’t know for sure… I don’t have a breeding box so I will leave them in there but is there anything I should be...
  5. Ratvan

    Low Tech Sumatra Biotope

    Indeed it was, thankfully I added a lot of Moss to both of these small containers Worms in one and "Shrimpy Things" as the kids call them in the other
  6. dw1305

    Low Tech Sumatra Biotope

    Hi all, That was always likely to be an issue once you had the Gobies. Water Louse (Asellus aquaticus) <"are great survivors">, but Crangonyx and Blackworms (Lumbriculus variegatus) are both highly palatable and <"cat-nip for most fish">. cheers Darrel
  7. dw1305

    Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals

    Hi all, What @Courtneybst says. I've used them as well (there is a tree close to my room at work) - <"Botanicals that last longer?">. They are easy to find at this time of year, mainly because we don't have many trees in the UK that <"reliably go red"> in the autumn. <"Liquidambar...
  8. dw1305

    sand as bottom layer shure to create toxic gasses?

    Hi all, I wouldn't have any worries about that, I'm sure the substrate is fine. If you were concerned some Malaysian Trumpet Snails (Melanoides tuberculata) might help I feed them to the Corydoras pygmaeus as well <"Microworm culture">, although mine might be <"Banana Worms">. cheers Darrel
  9. curlingmom

    sand as bottom layer shure to create toxic gasses?

    Hi mlgt. THANK YOU so very much. Love your suggestions. Good to read that you have had sand this way withoiut problems for so long and that you have been able to uproot and redecorate without any problems. Regarding bubbles: During the first weeks I several times Iiberated trapped air in the...
  10. curlingmom

    sand as bottom layer shure to create toxic gasses?

    WOW. it worked this time. .. and voila. Egeria densa is the dense, floating green plant. I regularily cut ist roots and keep it as shade to the anubias untill the frogbite have taken a bit more over but will kepe some as some of the more skiddish fish thrives in its canopy . :)
  11. curlingmom

    sand as bottom layer shure to create toxic gasses?

    Hi Bradders. A most reasonable request. :) I have tried to upload but withut succes. I will try again. :)
  12. curlingmom

    sand as bottom layer shure to create toxic gasses?

    Thank you, Darrel. Now I remember. I bought them as "micro worms". And they indeed are micro.
  13. tam

    Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals

    Thank you! I will pick up some more then :)
  14. Maf 2500

    FluVal Hose’s on Oase Biomaster Thermo 250

    The fluval hoses are the weird black corrugated ones with the rubber end pieces for connection to the filter barbs, and there are several sizes. The rubber connecting pieces are not the same outer diameter as the actual hoses. Even if you could find one with the right diameter end piece to fit...
  15. Ratvan

    Low Tech Sumatra Biotope

    So I have noticed that since adding the Tank janitors and Gobies as well as increasing my fertilizing regime with TNC Complete (the one with phosphates and nitrates) as per directions on the tank that I have had a serious reduction in the growth of "Green Hair Algae's". My Amazon Frogbit and the...
  16. T

    IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator

    Hi Darrel, thank you for the informative response. The easiest accessible Potassium Sulphate available near me list the composition as: K : 425 g/kg (42.5%) S : 170 g/kg (17.0%) Based on the formula you have given me, this one would give 35.27mg/l (ppm). Quite low compared to Niloc & GLA. I...
  17. funkymonk1984

    Advice on newly setup Tank

    5 days in and nothings melting yet. Doing 50-60% water changes regularly despite doing a dark start method first. I’m going to give the plants a full 2 weeks growth to root in and settle before testing properly and changing water change schedule. If tests are good I’ll add amano shrimp and...
  18. Andy Pierce

    ro water

    No worries. Another option is potassium bicarbonate as a 'kinder, gentler' way of boosting potassium and KH. If you wanted to add a straight-up base to increase pH (and thereby KH) more aggressively you could also consider a dilute solution of KOH. Once in the water column and equilibrated...
  19. chickennublet

    90x30x30 low maintenance

    Small update I've lost 2 Gastrodermus hastatus and have just 3 left. 2 of these are quite big and round. There is is one that is small and also starting to look a little rough. Tail fin appears to be torn. A little scared to repeat what happened the last time so I've quickly set up another tank...
  20. RichardM

    Planorbis rubrum low temps?

    Hi, was there high winter mortality?
  21. hypnogogia

    FluVal Hose’s on Oase Biomaster Thermo 250

    In that case probably not as Oase are 16/22, so 16 inside diameter and 22 outside diameter. if the outside diameter of Fluval is 17, then the inner is much less that 16.
  22. Bradders

    sand as bottom layer shure to create toxic gasses?

    @curlingmom - do you have a picture, please, so we can see what you are looking at?
  23. mlgt

    Hello all

    Hello and welcome :)
  24. mlgt


    Hello and welcome :)
  25. mlgt

    sand as bottom layer shure to create toxic gasses?

    For what its worth I have a 350l Rena tank that I set up 13 years ago with argos play sand. It is between 3.5-4 inches and there are times when I have rescaped and pulled out a thick root such as crinium or large swords and crypts in the back and there was some sulpher smell. but I was already...
  26. dw1305

    sand as bottom layer shure to create toxic gasses?

    Hi all, Grindal Worms (Enchytraeus buchholzi)? or the, much smaller, "Micro" worms? (Panagrellus spp.) cheers Darrel
  27. Bradders

    ro water

  28. dw1305

    ro water

    Hi all, In @Zeus.'s signature, download from <"IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator"> or from "Calculators" in the Menu bar. We also have a link to the Rotala Butterfly nutrient calculator <"Nutrient Dosing Calculator">. cheers Darrel
  29. Cazza


    Hello there!
  30. Cazza

    Hello all

    Hello there!
  31. G

    Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals

    That’s good to know. I have some pieces sat in the vegetable patch I could saw into pieces.
  32. dw1305

    Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals

    It is the bark, the wood can be regarded as neutral and is fine to use. Although some bark may contain tannic and humic compounds, that could reduce pH in water that has very little carbonate buffering. If you take something like seasoned Ash wood (Fraxinus excelsior), or a coconut shell...
  33. S

    ro water

    When do i find the ifc cert calculator
  34. curlingmom

    sand as bottom layer shure to create toxic gasses?

    Should I empty all and start over? Or is it not as dangerous a set up as I am told? I have topped a bagged substrate with 2-3 cm. chiclid sand. (Do not remember the name of the substrate. It was a gift. Something amazonian-ish. Texture and color as wet: grey clay) Along the edges of the sand...
  35. dw1305

    IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator

    Hi all, Simple enough, you just need the RAM of potassium (K) and the RAM of chlorine (Cl) to give you the RMM of KCl. <"Potassium - Wikipedia">= 39.1 + <"Chlorine - Wikipedia"> 35.5 = <"Potassium chloride - Wikipedia"> = 74.56 and 39.1 / 74.56 = 52.4 % K and 100 - 52.4 = 47.6% Cl It is...
  36. G

    Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals

    Will our fish die if we pull unknown driftwood out of a river and use it? Could boil it possibly? Also what does everyone think of ash? Seems like the wood is alkaline? But could soak it to overcome this?
  37. Fiske

    Journal Vivarium

    Guess I better update this. So, it's a girl. After refusing food for a good while, she passed an unfertilized egg. After that, she went back to being a picky eater. So, she's still not gorging herself, but feeding is fairly regular now. I'll check with a vet at some point, and provide sepia...
  38. ScareCrow

    Biotope info resource

    Found this video this morning. Beautiful imagery and very detailed information. I hope they produce more like it:
  39. FrozenShivers

    Hello all

    Welcome to the forum :D
  40. FrozenShivers


    Welcome to the forum Abi, got any photos of your tank? :)
  41. Luciën

    Using Sweet Chestnut

    I use sweet chestnut all the time, they last a bit longer if you don't boil them. And there are hardly any tannins coming of these leaves. If you ever want tannins you are better of using peat.
  42. dw1305

    IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator

    Hi all, That still isn't quite right, if it is 50% (K2O) x 0.83 = 41.5% K It is just because horticultural fertilisers express the potassium (K) content as "potash" potassium oxide (K2O), this means to convert from K2O to K you need to multiply by 0.83. The details (and calculations) for...
  43. Zeus.

    ro water

    Or ask if you have any issues using it. I have teamed up with another expert and have plans on some prescriptions for DIY remineraliser's for various GH/KH scenarios/remin regimes for keeping various livestock and an update to the IFC so the remin regimes can easily be used with it as well.
  44. A

    How/Where did you hear about Ukaps.org?????

    Found you via a Google search
  45. A


    Hi Everyone, my name is Abi, been keeping fish off and on fo 20+ years. I am based in Harrow, Middlesex Love keeping plants in my aquarium and enjoying binge watching MD Aquatics on Youtube for inspiration! Look forward to learning on this forum.
  46. B

    FluVal Hose’s on Oase Biomaster Thermo 250

    Hi all i can gather is the outer diameter is 17mm i don’t know if the rubber at the end will fit the Oase BioSmart thermal 250 ?
  47. Ratvan

    Low Tech Sumatra Biotope

    Thanks if i get around to creating and stocking another tank i shall bear them in mind along with the others that have been recommended
  48. hypnogogia

    Hello all

    Hello, welcome to UKaps. :wave:
  49. F

    Hello all

    Hello all Thanks for accepting me into the group. Been keeping Tropical for years but never Aquascaping before. As Aquascaping is new to me I'd all ears to learn from people who have the real experiance. Thanks
  50. Zeus.

    IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator

    Well knowing the K% allows you to calculate the mg of K per gram of product, a higher K% doesn't always indicate its purity. A pure salt of K2SO4 has 44.87% K and 18.40% S and a pure salt of KCL has 52.45% K and 47.55% Cl There will be other K compounds in the salt as well. which IMO suggests...
  51. N

    Cabinet for superfish tanks

    Yeah scaper 90, it is 60cm.
  52. RichardM

    Are a lot of fishkeepers wired differently?

    I'm not into stereotyping, however I find those fish keeping social media groups can be very "cliquey".....
  53. The Miniaturist

    Using Sweet Chestnut

    With 50% WC twice a week you should be able to fine tune the water colour by adding more or less botanicals. One of the most strong in terms of colour are alder cones. I use one or maybe two in a small tank. Hawthorn leaves are a nice size & shape but they don't last very long.
  54. bazz

    ro water

    I assume with that RO unit your tank is fairly large so using that remin product would prove quite costly, 250g for £14.50 using 1 level (presumably supplied) spoon per 15l. If you're familiar with Excel using the IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator along with Calcium Sulphate and/or Calcium...
  55. hypnogogia

    ro water

    My mistake, I meant potassium carbonate, and have corrected original post.
  56. T

    IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator

    I just noticed: This one is actually 50% K and 17% S. Looks like majority of them are around this 50% K and 17-20% S range
  57. T

    IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator

    Yeah, I didn't know this was a thing, either. It was only after comparing the product from NilocG to one that I found locally that I noticed that the percentages vary. Unfortunately, in both cases, the manufacturer only provides this guaranteed analysis and does not include any information about...
  58. T

    IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator

    I see. So ideally, I should be looking for whichever supplier can offer me the highest % of K. So far, GLA and NilocG both offer this 52% K and 18% S mix. I will check with some horticulture/industrial farming supply dealers. Locally, I was able to find a few of these farming places that sell...
  59. Courtneybst

    Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals

    That is oak indeed! It's an American Red Oak. I use them in my current blackwater setup.
  60. tam

    Using Sweet Chestnut

    They usually sink in under 24 hours, if you don't want them in the tank, just stick them in a jug of tank water and put the whole think back in once they've sunk. Or, if you have decor, you can usually find a spot to wedge them under water, pop a little pebble on top or a sprinkle of sand. Rip...
  61. Andy Pierce

    ro water

    Potassium sulphate doesn't add KH... just saying...
  62. M

    Cabinet for superfish tanks

    Are you sure that's not a scaper 90? the number in the superfish scaper line represent volume not the length of aquarium. scaper 60 measures 50cm and scaper 90 measures 60cm
  63. Onoma1

    Low Tech Sumatra Biotope

    ...hmm I am not convinced... Alternatively, have a chat with Tony in the Fishshop in Waterfoot. He used to own and run a much larger shop elsewhere before selling it (the shop is still operating) and downsizing to Waterfoot. He kept hos contacts and he tends to import every second Friday...
  64. hypnogogia

    ro water

    You could just use magnesium sulphate and calcium sulphate for GH and potassium carbonate if you want some KH. This will save you a ton of money. The IFC cert calculator will help you to work out quantities.
  65. Onoma1

    Would people be interested in an endangered plant sharing project?

    Given the rapidly changing nature of the ecosystems which we draw our plants (and fish), I think this would be a particularly useful approach. Particularly, if we could link to either an academic institution or zoological society engaged in conservation.
  66. S

    ro water

    Hello I am looking to see want is the best Remineralise for my plecos i have super red long fin my tap water is so bad i cant use it for anything atm looking to see what is the best salt/Remineralise products are available on the market i have cherry shrimp in the same tank would i need to...
  67. Onoma1

    IAPLC 2024: World Rank #22 - 'Closing' - A Journal on Contest Aquascaping

    Superb thread. Illuminating. One to print off and reference!
  68. tam

    Ripe for Picking: a Guide to Collecting your own Bountiful Botanicals

    Is this an oak variant? The leaves are bigger than my hand. Probably too big for my tank really but they were lovely and crunchy.
  69. N

    Cabinet for superfish tanks

    Here are some photos
  70. N

    Cabinet for superfish tanks

    Hello, Im using juwel lido 120 cabinet for my scaper 60
  71. Bradders

    The Great Mechanical Filtration Experiment

    I think that is a pretty good suggestion!
  72. hypnogogia

    FluVal Hose’s on Oase Biomaster Thermo 250

    What are the internal and external diameter of the Fluval hoses?
  73. B

    Using Sweet Chestnut

    Forgot to ask, how much tannin do Sweet Chestnut release? I don’t want the water to be too dark but I am doing 50% WC twice a week so maybe it wouldn’t ever get that bad?
  74. O


  75. O


    Thanks ordered
  76. G H Nelson


  77. O


    That one works but this doesn’t https://solufeed.com/products/tec-sodium-free
  78. G H Nelson


    Try the link now! https://shopfront.solufeed.co.uk/214-high-k-1-kg-18-p.asp
  79. O


    Yeah, I tried several times no luck. I will wait till tomorrow. See what happens.
  80. M

    Cabinet for superfish tanks

    This is my current setup too, works excellent! Only thing I wish i did was replace the original feet with height adjusting/levelling feet, currently using rubber leveling wedges and that seems to be doing fine. Levelling wedges
  81. B

    FluVal Hose’s on Oase Biomaster Thermo 250

    Hi has anyone tried this ? can you use FluVal Hose’s on an Oase ? cheers
  82. B

    Pipe reducers

    excellent many thanks 🙏
  83. Maf 2500

    The Great Mechanical Filtration Experiment

    If I had a foam pre-filter in the tank, I'd probably just switch the internal pre-filter foams for the new 10ppi ones.
  84. Bradders

    The Great Mechanical Filtration Experiment

    Yeah, it does seem somewhat overkill. The Oase pumps water into the pre-filter chamber and then sucks through the pre-filter media into the pipe which leads to the temp chambre. I cannot think of a reason removing the media would be a bad thing to do. What I am humming over is whether you can...
  85. Maf 2500

    Using Sweet Chestnut

    Not really any need for hot or boiling water, if you want to soak them first so they sink use a bowl of tank water. That's the easiest way.
  86. Maf 2500


    It is a bit strange, https://solufeedshop.com/ and https://shop.solufeed.com/ are not loading, but Solufeed (//shopfront addresses) is. I'd probably wait till tomorrow too if I wanted to order.
  87. B

    Using Sweet Chestnut

    Ah, ok, thanks. Prob a daft question but do I need to use dechlorinator if I pop them in a bowl with hot water?
  88. O


    Thanks I’ll try it tomorrow morning.
  89. Maf 2500


    It looks like their shop might be down, but the info part of the website still open. Try again on Monday, I am sure it will be back up when they have some people in the office.
  90. The Miniaturist

    Using Sweet Chestnut

    I only have small tanks & small fish so big leaves like sweet chestnut & catappa would blot out most of the plants! What I do is tear the leaves into suitably sized pieces, put them in a bowl & simply pour boiling water over them. A few hours later or overnight they are waterlogged enough to...
  91. O


    Hi, just wanted to ask if this is ok to get: https://www.bhgsltd.co.uk/ProductGrp/horticultural-products/fertilisers/trace-elements/solufeed-tec https://shopfront.solufeed.co.uk/214-high-k-1-kg-18-p.asp
  92. O


    I can find Solufeed2:1:4 but can’t find Solufeed Sodium Free TEC
  93. B

    Using Sweet Chestnut

    That’s great, thanks. My tank is only 58l so I won’t fit many of the large leaves in (might have to rip some in half). Is there a way other than letting them sink naturally - I’ve read a quick boil would do but that may reduce some of the benefits?
  94. O


    Hi guys, I want to order Solufeed2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC For some reason the website Top Quality Fertilizers From Solufeed Sold Worldwide doesn’t work for me anyone know where can I buy some. Thanks
  95. shangman

    Using Sweet Chestnut

    Yes sweet chestnut leaves are totally fine to use as botanicals, they're one of my favourites to use. I'm sure your shrimp and snails will find them quite delicious too. I'd start with a small handful (personally I just put them on the tpo of the tank dry and wait for them to sink over a day or...
  96. Aqua sobriquet

    The Great Mechanical Filtration Experiment

    In effect I’m pre filtering twice. One on the inlet pipe 40ppi and again on the Biomaster 30ppi. I’m not sure I really need both and I can’t see the internal one is doing much. The reason for the in-tank pre filter is to protect baby shrimp.
  97. Gill

    All That Remains - Take II

    Male been digging out a pit and adding empty snail shells.
  98. B

    Using Sweet Chestnut

    Evening, I quite like the idea and look of using leaves on the substrate and I’ve read the post on botanicals in the aquarium. I have collected a bag full of fallen Sweet Chestnut leaves (all brown and dry, and also took some from the tree which were practically falling off) and I’m wondering...
  99. G H Nelson

    Pipe reducers

    That is an In-line Co2 diffuser!
  100. B

    Pipe reducers

    HI scaperinc can i ask what that small tube is for on i think is your outlet pipe please intrigued thanks