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Search results

  1. G

    Moss trimming, no mess - now with video

    Hi all, I love moss. Only recently have I used it properly in aquascaping and I've realised the biggest PITA for me with it is dealing with the trimmings. They usually sink to the bottom of the tank and require siphoning. Any leftovers usually get entangled with carpeting plants and end...
  2. G

    Dennerle Scaper's tank

    These look good. New Scaper's tank from Dennerle | News | Practical Fishkeeping Another company switching on to the growth of aquascaping. I wouldn't mind one of these in my office, full of shrimp. :)
  3. G

    Do any of you actually own a Fluval G3 or G6?

    Interested to know people's personal experiences with these filters, please...
  4. G

    George's 80cm set-up - lighting and filter options

    I've just ordered a new tank and cabinet from sponsors, Aquariums Ltd. 80x45x45cm opti-white with cabinet. I'm still debating lighting and filtration options. Lighting I'd like an ADA Solar I or possibly 2 x TMC GroBeam 1000ND. Or I already have a 60cm Arcadia 4x24w OT2 luminaire that...
  5. G

    Cleaning glassware

    How do you guys clean you lily pipes etc? My JBL hose brush is too big for 12mm glass, but ok for 12mm hose...
  6. G

    Juwel Rio 125 safe without brace?

    I'm considering removing my Rio 125's centre brace and hood. I know it's there for strength etc. but I've seen glass with the same thickness being used on larger tanks, without a brace. Also I won't be using as much water. Has anyone else done this successfully with a Juwel? Thoughts welcome.