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  • Users: samc
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  1. samc

    ID MOSS ?

    no pics sorry. but it was grown in an emersed setup with little light, a few inches of water with no filter, ferts or co2 so i guess it should be pretty easy. mine was floating :thumbup:
  2. samc

    ID MOSS ?

    i am growing this in an emersed setup, which i also got mine local. i have grown mine in a submerged setup before a while back and it grew very fast. i might try it again actually.
  3. samc

    HC Melt

    IMO you need more light. i had the same problem a while back. now i have a halide i have no such problems :D
  4. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' thats very good flow around the tank mate. and i see what you mean about the co2. thats the nuts. i might be temped to get an atomizer next tank :thumbup:
  5. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    i have not actually trimmed it yet :shh: i might use it in my next tank though. if i do, i would just cut it to the substrate. i have trimmed some bad bits off and they are still ok.
  6. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    cheers jase :thumbup: i trim the crypts every week :crazy: i take about 10-15 of the biggest leaves or the ones with hole in ect. the ones at the back are at the top of the tank now as they have not been trimmed. i have noticed just lately they have started producing new plantlets :D and yes...
  7. samc

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano so. i have changed this today and half planted it. i only half planted because i changed my mind on the background plants at the last minute :lol: heres some of the planting. first i added the centre-piece plant. crypt bullosa crypt bullosa is a beauty. i cant...
  8. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    just another quick update while i had the camera out. not alot happened really :lol:
  9. samc

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    Re: sams 12x8x10 opti nano there is some frosted backing on the tank. which you can buy from wilko. along with an a4 piece of paper, which fits a treat :thumbup: thanks guys. i have decided this will not be the final layout though :lol: i am going to try and find some nicer wood and change...
  10. samc

    sams 12x8x10 opti nano (DIY lilies)

    i have recently acquired a nice little opti-white nano :wink: it is to replace my old chipped clearseal one which is holding shrimp. It will be a shrimp only nano, although i may add a few celestial danios, as i saw some at the LFS and they are beautys :D the style i have chosen is nature...
  11. samc

    Shrimp and Koralias

    mine tend to sit on it to clean it, so there shouldnt be much chance of shimp pate :D
  12. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' looks good to me mate. maybe its just you not liking freshly planted scapes :wink:
  13. samc

    My venture into my new 760 ltr planted tank .

    Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam. looking good :thumbup: if this was mine i would have the foreground and midground mainly consisting of crypts. check plantedbox or TGM for the names. on planted box it tells you what kind of size they grow too. it also depends on how much...
  14. samc

    UK version of rotala sp. green?

    oh damn! it really is. was it growing 100% submerged?
  15. samc

    UK version of rotala sp. green?

    it isnt starwort is it? http://www.aquatic-solutions.co.uk/water_star_worts.htm i am also increasingly interested in native plants. went down the local river and found a moss i have never seen before. looked very much like a fissidens. might collect a bit to try :D also got some brooklime in...
  16. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' ahh cool. i have looked on google for ages. only information i found is that it can grow up 40cm :eh: good to know it grows small. is it smaller than the wendetii i have? ill look foward to seeing it grown in yours anyhow. and petchii. too many crypts, so...
  17. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' is that bullosa in the nano? i have some in my emersed setup. i was thinking of using it in my next setup, but have no idea how it grows. do you? did you ever find out what the little crypt was in the nano was too? it was a beauty. i have crpyts on the mind...
  18. samc

    Bending Clear Perspex Tubing

    i made a spraybar for my emersed setup which came out very neat. i heated a pin and pushed it straight through the pipe which made a neat hole. it didnt push the tube in when you push which i thought it might. only problem is that spraybars are very hard to clean
  19. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks dude :thumbup:
  20. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks thomas :D i would have liked more foreground too. the crypts soon took over, which i didnt expect thanks mark :D like you say we need more time to get things how we really want them. each tank we do we learn more than we expected. i feel confident with growing plants now, so i am...
  21. samc

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l updated 24th April looking good chilled :D the reds add a nice contrast
  22. samc

    60x45x45 Optiwhite

    looks great garuf :thumbup: do you have any plans of putting a big fern in the middle of the wood? i think bolbitus would look sweet in there.
  23. samc

    Andyh's - Dragon Beach

    looking great andy :thumbup: the fissidens has grown very well
  24. samc

    Aqua Medic Ocean light 150 MH pendant - HQI?

    this is the same halide that i have. i am pretty sure there are no positive and negative as i tried it both ways and it worked the same :D
  25. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks :D i am hoping the new shoots will grow and keep the shape thanks very much mark. i really like the look of the HM under this light :D no regrets! thanks dudes :thumbup:
  26. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    so this has got a little overgrown :? due to neglection. although today i had some time off so gave it a good trim. not had any ferts this week and i can tell. the lileopsis soon gathers algae. although i had the HM growing emersed :D post trim emersed HM cuttings after trim i did...
  27. samc

    Congratulations to Darrell (dw1305)!

    congratulations darrel. you really know you stuff
  28. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' bolbitis looks great when its been in a tank for a while. it has that layered look. i spoke to luiz a while back about his. if you can remember that awesome tank? he said he allways cuts all the leaves off when planting. i have it in mine actually. it grew...
  29. samc

    Hydrocotile leucocephalis pico

    forgot to mention this has cling film over all the time, so humidity is pretty high i did have a think what i could keep in there actually :D
  30. samc

    frustrated or not?

    all the time! i am allways thinking of the next tank. and theres allways different things i want to try in the same layout. foreground is the worst. (seems you had the same trouble the other day) i want sand but then i want to try with HC, hairgrass ect. then im woundering what it would have...
  31. samc

    Hydrocotile leucocephalis pico

    cheers steve :D you sure can have some :thumbup: i was just going to post on the 'for sale' forum as i have loads of the stuff. ill post it for free mate. just give me a pm with you address
  32. samc

    Hydrocotile leucocephalis pico

    since taking apart the comp pico i thought i would take the oppertunity to use the tank, as i can get away with it being small :shh: i have used japan string moss which it turning emersed again. and Hydrocotile leucocephalis which i have lots of growing emersed in various places around the...
  33. samc

    Cherries are cannibals!!

    good idea. i had a dead fish and i could hardly see it because it was covered im shrimp so i left it too them lol. maybe its just your crazy shrimp :lol:
  34. samc

    ID native stem

    that looks like the stuff. cheers :thumbup: glad to hear it grows ok in the aquarium. i put some inmy shrimp tank and some in my emersed tank to see how they do
  35. samc

    Saintly's "purple rain' added HD vid

    thanks mark. the music is great. how many are you in? must have been awesome
  36. samc

    Saintly's "purple rain' added HD vid

    another great vid :thumbup: oh, whats the music to 'walk in the park'
  37. samc

    Island Pico

    this will look great :thumbup: never heard of mixing the moss with buttermilk :eh: where did you hear about that? im interested in how it grow
  38. samc

    ID native stem

    got any pics mark? im interested in what i could use from the uk :D it is a similar size to water cress actually. the stems are very tough and the leaves are thick
  39. samc

    ID native stem

    i went for a walk today and picked up a stem which was growing in a pool in the field over the road. it was growing half immersed and half emmersed. its quite a cool looking plant :D can anyone ID it?
  40. samc

    Steve's 40cm shrimpy mossy concoction

    Re: Steve's 40cm Low light scape - Planning. thats looking ace steve :thumbup: i think crypts suit manzi wood well for some reason
  41. samc

    UKAPS Pico Contest - Results!

    thanks very much for the great comments judges :thumbup: i am really pleased to come runner-up as like many others say james is immaculate the top 5 are all very good, but i like stu's especially. also a big thanks to steve and all the other folk for the great competition :D i am afraid to...
  42. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    i would like this to be done in the next few weeks TBH. too many ideas :crazy: i will be using it in my next scape and the crypts too. i love crypts now
  43. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    good thinking james. do you think the trimmed ones will die off though? or grow algae
  44. samc

    Saintlys 'wonderful sky'

    too right. its amazing stuff. im looking foward to these vids of this new 120cm in a few months :thumbup: thought you'd have it planted by now :eh: :lol:
  45. samc

    My First Planted Tank (The End) Juwel Rio 125

    Re: My First Planted Tank "Never Ending Journal" Juwel Rio 1 i have allways wanted to have a tank with just threadfins but i have not seen any about. they look great :thumbup:
  46. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    this is the first tank i am happy with. saying that there is things i would change if i did the same layout again :lol: you bet :D i have a few ideas i would like to try which i have not seen on here before the crypts are normal wendetii green although under this light they and more of a...
  47. samc

    Welsh Plant ID

    that looks a nice plant. there is a plant in a small natural pond in the cow field over the road. its looks very much like emersed rotala rotundifolia. it has red patches on it, and is growing half emersed and half imersed. ill have to grab some and grow it like you have :D
  48. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks again guys :D its 100 days old today! this tank has been a break through in growing plants. i just made a little video of the progress but cant upload unless i do it to youtube.
  49. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks mark :thumbup: there its lots of dark patches on the photo. like the bottom of the lileoplsis. its not really like that. do you know how to stop that? i have been playing and i think the white background doesnt help. also the preview screen is totally different from when i upload it...
  50. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks very much guys :D another update. not much has changed really, the HM is getting pretty big but it needs to grow a little more before i can shape it. i am going to have HM on the right too as i havent got hold of any other stems yet and the HM has already filled the gap, so ill just let...
  51. samc


    will they be out today? :D
  52. samc

    saintlys 'walk in the park'

    i would love to get into making and editing videos like you are, bet you can wait till the summer :D i just need to win the lottery then ill have plently of money and time :lol:
  53. samc

    saintlys 'walk in the park'

    great video. love the music too
  54. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' i was like that when rescaping mine, dont you love it when you find a new one :lol: thanks very much mate :D im glad i could inspire you some. i have been inspired by your tanks for the last few years
  55. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 'savannah dreaming' it would be such a shame to loose the rocks mate :( i would be very tempted to go for this style http://adana.hk/ephotoimg/M05.jpg simple but very effective. but you wont get your fix of stems :lol:
  56. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape man! that wood is stuff you dream about, and the rock base is first class :thumbup: if i had they money i would love to get some hardscape like this. can wait to see it planted. i was just thinking about this today :thumbup:
  57. samc

    Steve's Opti-white Nano - Ikita Kaseki

    Re: Steve's Opti-white Nano (Now with water!) that looks great steve :thumbup: look foward to seeing it filled in
  58. samc

    My venture into my new 760 ltr planted tank .

    Re: My venture into my new 760 ltr aquariam. i would also consider halides. IMO t5s and t8s dont penetrate deep tanks very well.
  59. samc

    Best Whitespot Treatment

    how much do you do? i allways do 50% plus on mine a week. white spot is caused by stress, normally from ammonia. it may have been building up over time. if it does not go then do bigger water changes or more often. it will be annoying doing it on such a big tank but it will get rid permanently...
  60. samc

    FIssidens Fontanus ??

    must be something with the ferts, what you dosing mate?
  61. samc

    Best Whitespot Treatment

    plently of waterchanges will treat this better then anything and keep it away :thumbup:
  62. samc

    ADA vs Oliver vs Columbo vs Red sea ??

    Re: ADA vs Oliver Knott i think the best option at the moment is Columbo Flora-Base from plantedbox.com it will be the next substrate i will try and for that price you cant go wrong
  63. samc

    Where do you have yours?

    my main one is in my bedroom. its nice to see it in the morning (at weekends) even if the halide is a bit bright to wake up to :lol: view from my bed
  64. samc

    Sakura Sencha - Neil W's Nano

    Re: Sakura Sencha - Neil W's Nano (updated 02/03/10) that looks really good mate. the wood changes the whole feel of the scape. i like it more now :thumbup:
  65. samc

    Jase's 28l Long/Shallow - "Attrition"

    Re: Jase's 28l Long have a look on plantedbox for the echindorus. i was meaning for emersed. they all do ok in the average room humidity as far as i know. i have radicans in an emersed tank and the new leaves are a deep purple colour. i love them :D and i have made the mistake of not cutting...
  66. samc

    Jase's 28l Long/Shallow - "Attrition"

    Re: Jase's 28l Long this will turn out a beauty jase. :D have you thought about an echindorus in the back corner? theres some nice ones out there i would cut the acicularis down more. i normally do it to the substrate as it will die off now, so the less there is to die off the better :thumbup:
  67. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks alot steve :D i didnt think the grass would grow as tall looking at amano using it. but you live and learn. thanks also paulo :thumbup:
  68. samc

    Clean Up Crew

    IMO you cant beat shrimps. if you get some cherrys in there they will breed like mad and they constantly clean :D ottos are good glass cleaners which are reccomended too. i also have a SAE which is entertaining, they should be kept in groups though.
  69. samc

    UKAPS visit Tropica, Denmark 2010

    that place looks amazing :o the acrylic tanks look sweet too :wink:
  70. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    good point. i have given it one trim and ill have to shape it on the next :thumbup: i still have to put some more stems in there yet, especially on the right back. its just a gap at the mo. i have a load of nanjeshan coming as the one or two stems in there are beautiful
  71. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    :lol: no, its a big ball of riccia, its hard to see on the photo actually as it has HM behind. i love to see it pearl like mad
  72. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    update time :D i have got rid of all the algae (cheers in joy) :lol: i did it by turning thelight off for a week and that did thetrick for me. its just about all gone, which suprised me as there was quite a bit on the lileoplsis. i am going to be more strict with my dosing now. i also cut the...
  73. samc

    Lake Inle Biotope

    this actually reminds me of my local river :D whats the fish on the 3rd picture? they look interesting
  74. samc

    Nano sized wood?

    pm saintly or jamesm and they will sort you out :thumbup:
  75. samc

    Nano sized wood?

    plantedbox will help you out. i am sure they will have some nice little bits of manzi :D
  76. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape im lincolnshire and my plants dont pearl that often. even under 7.5wpg. this may be the flow blowing them away though :D i am looking foward to this one more by the day :wink:
  77. samc

    Steve's "Spring Tree" - Planning

    i bought my opti with the idea of the first one too :lol: thats why i got a tall tank
  78. samc

    My New 15L Opti Nano Nº1

    Re: My New 15L Opti Nano thats filled in a little beauty :D makes me want to getmy nano out again :roll:
  79. samc

    Who's entering the IAPLC 2010 (ADA contest)?

    i dont know weather i am a decent aquascaper but i think i am entering my 60cm :D i need to cut the crypts down today as they are getting too big. i am exited to see where i am in the world. its something i can try and beat every year :thumbup:
  80. samc

    Why are ADA Products so expensive?

    they are more expensive over here because of the shipping and tax. its lovely looking stuff though :D
  81. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape i vote for 2x 150w MHs :mrgreen:
  82. samc

    is my shrimp pregnant?

    this is the first stage of the egg development :thumbup: in a couple of weeks they will be in the belly
  83. samc

    Blue emperor head shot.

    they do look smart. i have not seen them in the shops ether i see the mystery plant there too
  84. samc


    im still looking foward to them. i shouldnt say they will be long now. i hope :D
  85. samc

    Saintly's 240L 'savannah dreaming' scape finished

    Re: Saintly's 120cm latest scape i know you love to do maintanance really mark, you wont be able to leave this one alone. im sure. as usual i look foward to seeing your next creation. i would like to see lots of moss personally :shh:
  86. samc

    How the Other Half Live.

    i have been seriously thinking about changing to reef tanks :shh:
  87. samc

    Saintly's UK woodland observations

    great shots. tree trunks have allways inspired me to do a scape replecating one. i love the fourth one also. just thinking what to use as a foreground. the brown it a nice contrast with the moss. you have got me thinking now. :lol: even just using leaves like george did in one of his biotope
  88. samc

    Identification and Problem

    it looks like hygrophilia augustofolia. not sure on the spelling but it something like that :D
  89. samc

    Difffused backgrounds

    Re: TGM backgrounds i have the wilko stuff also in my opti. its really good, thick stuff. with my halide lighting on the wall behind it make the white look loads better.
  90. samc

    Nelson's 35litre play tank

    this should be ace when filled in. i will have some HM out of mine this weekend. pm me if you want it :thumbup:
  91. samc

    weird shrimp id needed.

    i have seen these in with the amanos at my lfs. i believe they are ghost shrimp
  92. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks, the algae is only really on the lileopsis, you have to look close though. thanks, the fish are red eye tetra. they only come out during feeding time :( they are really entertaining though. i have decided ontheold neon or cardinal tetra as the couple i have in now look amazing under the...
  93. samc

    Saintly's "purple rain' added HD vid

    Re: Saintly's "purple rain' ? ahh thats the secret behind the photography. you just hold the lights :lol: cool nano. inspires me so set another up
  94. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    i do need to clean my diffuser more often actually. i think it does help too :thumbup: thanks james :D steve, my glassware is the 16mm stuff thanks anyway :D i would like a nano set one day but i dont have the money to set a nano up :(
  95. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    thanks :thumbup: i just finnished my weekly maintanance/monthly :lol: and i broke my inlet :( :( :( it was my best piece of glassware. it broke on the bend at the top so i have bodged it up for now and ill see if i can make a new bend out of acrylic tube. mark, i will give the HM a trim...
  96. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    quick update; i have been busy this week so have not had much time on the tank. staghorn algae has attacked my lileopsis which dont look so good now and GSA on the glass too, along with the hair algae already on the moss. again from not dosing. i think to save me missing dosing i am going to...
  97. samc

    strange plant....again. ID needed.

    it was a guess :lol: i have never heard of this before. it must be loving your tank
  98. samc

    strange plant....again. ID needed.

    just found this looks very similar flowers
  99. samc

    strange plant....again. ID needed.

    thats very strange. could it be the hydrocotyle flowering?
  100. samc

    car speakers, subs, amps

    i would allways go with a good brand of sub. infinity are very good, worth the extra money