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  1. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Twin Specs

    + 5 :o
  2. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Calling UP inline atomizer users

    Why not buy the two end caps and solution? Means you can just take it off, fill it up and put cap on to clean.
  3. Nathaniel Whiteside

    EOTD / Dual Stage Regulators - The Great Myth

    I've never ordered anything from you Martin, so I obviously couldn't comment on your customer care. If I had, and received excellent customer service from yourself, I would be quick enough to sing your praises. I'm not bias, I just gave a review of the company in my opinion. Which I and others...
  4. Nathaniel Whiteside

    EOTD / Dual Stage Regulators - The Great Myth

    Co2 Art will bend over backwards in the name of customer service. I cannot recommend Co2 Art enough. Every single order has come the very next day. Even when I've messaged to add something I'd forgotten (more than once :facepalm: )
  5. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Well, as far back until it feels smooth. The paint will fill the holes. Repeat process till your happy with the results
  6. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Sanding sealer should help somewhat or some end grain sealer
  7. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    If you look close, you can make out two squid in the woodgrain ;)
  8. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Hello Maxlaf, Thank you very much. Massive compliment! I cut the veneer the size of the whole face ( panel and two doors) then cut them down from there keeping margins small when I stuck them to the plywood. Welcome to the forum by the way :) Cheers, N
  9. Nathaniel Whiteside


    China by any chance?
  10. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Show Your Pets

    Naughty husky!
  11. Nathaniel Whiteside

    My unfortunate vacation experience and "who dun it"

    Did you ever work this out then Darrel?
  12. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Biotope Fauna/Flora Lists

    Proving very interesting, thanks again, invaluable information.
  13. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Biotope Fauna/Flora Lists

    Thank you both. I'll have a look into them.
  14. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Biotope Fauna/Flora Lists

    Hello guys, Im currently looking into a biotope setup. I need to source some lists on Flora and Fauna from Borneo / Sumatra in particular. Would anyone please be able to offer me guidance on finding such information? Any Expedition sites worth a look? Thanks, N
  15. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Hey Al, I'm very interested, as are many others on here, by your experiences with Choco Gouramis, so therefore I'm considering a low tech affair on this with potentially a Boneo Biotope setting. So prepare yourself for questions please :) Mr. Choco-King.
  16. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Thanks everyone :D didn't expect that response. It's not perfect up close but it will do me nicely.
  17. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Thank you, kind sir.
  18. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Roots Dyed Dark - Low Tech Blackwater (updated 08-04-14)

    Ridiculously nice all round Lee. I'll have to catch up on the journal when I get chance. But you've done a fantastic job on this. Well done.
  19. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Thanks lee. They exist only to utilise the space between the two sides. As there is a plywood 'U' acting as a support (belt and braces!). should be handy for the bric-a-brac though.
  20. Nathaniel Whiteside

    mixed fish shoals

    Pictures please people :)
  21. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Thanks P. There's a touch more hiding under the hood:
  22. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Pitch pine is beautiful. That has a lovely aroma of it's very own.
  23. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Sorry Lindy, I did mean laquer. Now that's the shiz! Did a little bit in my kitchen and we both couldn't hardly breathe upstairs for an hoe or two. Had to open every window in the house :lol:
  24. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Okay, last one before it's complete! ;)
  25. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Cascamite. It's excellent and doesn't foam up, where as gorrilla glue is a PU glue, which means it'll expand somewhat. Good for stopping squeaks in stair strings especially as it fills the gap around the wedge on the treads.
  26. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Look into using a powdered resin glue such as 'Resintite'. The bond strength in comparison to PVA is immense. Have you got sash cramps? If not, what you intend on pulling it up tight with? Ideal would be both screw and dowel/biscuits.
  27. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Next Gen Consoles

    FIFA. You suck.
  28. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Lol. Done a lot since then! Moved house and been doing a lot at work :) I'm counting down the days to set this up. I hope to have the veneer all on by Friday. Then hit it with about 10 coats of lacquer. So that'll take the most time now.
  29. Nathaniel Whiteside

    DIY Project DIY ADA Style Aquarium Stand

    Wide doors. Should make maintenance a touch easier. Been so busy past few weeks. Just to veneer now. Should be complete and varnished by next week/end
  30. Nathaniel Whiteside

    HC vs bottom dwellers

    I think Ian Holdich had these in a tank with a carpet and they didn't uproot it at all. I'm guessing that it'll vary between tanks, with coverage area etc. They won't uproot to get at food if there's some laying on a patch of sand somewhere else :p
  31. Nathaniel Whiteside

    HC vs bottom dwellers

    I haven't had any, but apparently Pygmy Cories are fine with a carpet.
  32. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Miniscule Shrimp?

    Sounds like seed shrimp to me
  33. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Digital Timer Recommendation Needed

    Anyone tried the Belkin Wemo? Expensive but programmable from iphone over wifi, anywhere in the world.
  34. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Moss/Yoghurt mix questions

    Too much yoghurt used. Use a tiny amount. Just to turn the water white really. Eat the rest. It's delightful
  35. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Moss/Yoghurt mix questions

    No. Specific yogurts are used, containing L. Acidophilus. Used for its anti fungal properties. I used 'Fage total 0% Greek yoghurt'. Cheers,
  36. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Moss/Yoghurt mix questions

    In the end I just used RO water with a touch of yogurt I think. It does the job in allowing the moss to key to the wood. Just takes so bloody long to get going!
  37. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Cheers Dom. :)
  38. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Hey mate, Had a few issues, not directly with the moss. Co2 distribution mainly, and trying a siesta photoperiod out of interest more than anything. Then I had a filter casing break, so ordered another. Plants didn't like that either. In short, moss has attached fine but is taking a long time...
  39. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Split Photoperiod

    I recently tried a 'siesta' period of 1.30 in a 6 hour photoperiod. I found after about a week, my tank was covered in green and brown algae on the surface of both hardscape and glass. I think the plants may find it hard to shut down and start photosynthesising again in such a short period...
  40. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Next Gen Consoles

    Yeah. Throwing it while playing FIFA never helps.
  41. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Next Gen Consoles

    Couldn't get me an R2 button could you? Mines shagged.
  42. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Pond for the inlaws.

    I like it mate. Everything looks great. Decent of you to do all that for them. Good on ya.
  43. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Product Review Precision Flow Controller - Beta Testers required

    Have you seen the proper push fit stuff? You can't pull a connection apart with two JCBs, the plastic pipe would tear first
  44. Nathaniel Whiteside

    EasyCarbo timing?

    I add flourish on a morning, before work, to deal with morning sunshine and light throughout the day. My tank is not currently stocked with fauna though. Otherwise I'd be worried about their health when dosing like this.
  45. Nathaniel Whiteside

    George's 65cm Natural Aquario

    Of course it is, he's a planted tank enthusiast/ Expert playboy extraordinaire.
  46. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Fluval G6 pipe size reduction

    If you intend to reduce the glassware dean, your gonna knock hell out of the flow of the filter. Maybe by upto half! Get 17mm ones.
  47. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Undissolved ADA bacter ball in external filter

    I think the Bacter balls are a media unless I'm. Much mistaken. Similar to Benibachi bee balls or whatever they call them. They harbour nitrifying bacteria on a very porous surface, which neutralises the ammonia. You could have similar effects with active carbon and eheim substrat Pro.
  48. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Why do we aim for 30 ppm CO2?

    Great Terry Tibbs accent D.
  49. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Eco Lamps KR90FW- Freshwater led unit

    Excellent idea Troi Boi.
  50. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Needle valve

    Personally, I find the camozzi valves excellent.
  51. Nathaniel Whiteside

    v2 pure ro system cartridge replacement.

    Persevere pal, it'll all come good. All the best, N
  52. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Eco Lamps KR90FW- Freshwater led unit

    Excellent Al, really impressive lights with a really nice colour rendition. I actually quite like the light fall off at either end. I like the depth it gives to your scape, highlighting the middle perfectly. They look well made too! Nice one.
  53. Nathaniel Whiteside

    v2 pure ro system cartridge replacement.

    Hey mate, I'm good thanks, how are you? Yeah I use RO man mate. I had to replace the two filters and two casings when they froze year before last. He's got everything you'll need mate.
  54. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Does anyone own a JBL m001 regulator?

    No worries Bertie. Give me a shout if you need me.
  55. Nathaniel Whiteside

    v2 pure ro system cartridge replacement.

    You'll probably only need to change the DI resin pal
  56. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Does anyone own a JBL m001 regulator?

    Sorry Bertie, yes. I currently run mine at 3bar. Any more and the valve on top of mine starts blowing co2 out, don't know if that's what everyone else's does..
  57. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Does anyone own a JBL m001 regulator?

    Hello Bertie, My reg was bought second Hand on everybody's favourite auction site, but it's new as the thread for the solenoid on the reg is updated. The solenoid valve is from Homeleigh online. Very easy to put together, there's some instructions in the box aswell if you get stuck! All you...
  58. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Daphnia live food harvesting link

    Anybody have any experience using This? How do brine shrimp compare to daphnia as a live food source?
  59. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Daphnia live food harvesting link

    Subscribed to this, as I want to have a go shortly. Thanks for info everyone.
  60. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Utopia - 60l - 2014.06.05 - Kids trimming Montecarlo :-)

    Glassware! Inlet and outlet ;) Loving the file name :lol:
  61. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Chasing the lime green dragon

    Don't they actually make an oil solution for this purpose?
  62. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Does anyone own a JBL m001 regulator?

    Mine have always been great. I've owned 3 in total. Good solid build with fine adjustment. I wouldn't use anything else. In fact, I've just stripped mine down and added a Jbl solenoid direct to the reg.
  63. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Product Review Precision Flow Controller - Beta Testers required

    I'm awaiting an in tank atomizer, then I'll post up a review. Comparing it in the flesh to a more expensive 'Camozzi' brand, the two look and feel very similar. Threads are nice and tight, so I'm expecting good flow control.
  64. Nathaniel Whiteside

    TMC Signature Aquarium 600mm x 450mm x 300mm Advice needed

    I'm using the 200w on a mini M which is around 18-20L. I'm also using an eheim Ecco on it too. Just for reference.. :lol: 200w should be fine mate, but I'd recommend against an Ecco. They're fantastic filters, but I'd want more grunt if it were me. What about an eheim pro 3 250?
  65. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Blackwater Bayou

    Looking like a great job DTL. Well done. You may have to add some preservative to the blackwater mix, as I made my own and it went mouldy in the bottle, after a while.
  66. Nathaniel Whiteside

    The Winners Of Sony World Photography Awards 2014

    She's just imagining it's Mississippi mud pie.
  67. Nathaniel Whiteside

    The Winners Of Sony World Photography Awards 2014

    I actually thought wildebeest. :facepalm:
  68. Nathaniel Whiteside

    The Winners Of Sony World Photography Awards 2014

    I particularly like the cormorant fishermen photos. I know they're not 'original', but the scenery behind is always, without fail, amazing. The photo seems to always, to me anyway, tell a story. Look at his face, and you'll see how he's done with his catch today. The others are all great photos...
  69. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Easier water changes.

    Surely a massive lad like you should be able to sling a 25litre tub full under each arm
  70. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Easy water change :lol:
  71. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Calling all CO2Art regulator owners. Free upgrade!

    This sounds like excellent customer service. I've had a quick look at the flow controller sent to me to review by Karol at co2Art, and they look to be very well made, I'm sure you'll be impressed with it when It comes.
  72. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Gourami Gloaming #4

    Why do you never put doors on your cabinet? :P Haha. Looking well Lindy, wood is superb. Fits the tank perfectly! You going to ram it with crypts and stuff?
  73. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Aquatic Plant Cultivation

    Wouldn't a misting spray system work? To stop leaves from drying out.
  74. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Beautiful Yakushima Forests

    Get.. Me... There...!
  75. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Hey Lindy, The right- bottom 2 pieces are nearly all going to be 'naked':lol: the back piece is moss upto about halfway, then a bit where it hits the surface, and the others just in little groups. It should look pretty balanced when it grows in hopefully.
  76. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Original UP New Inline CO2 Atomizer Diffuser System Available now on CO2Art!

    I think they will do replacement parts mate. Maybe get onto Karol at co2-art. See if they can be sourced, and if actually viable cost -wise.
  77. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Original UP New Inline CO2 Atomizer Diffuser System Available now on CO2Art!

    Putting on inlet is fine mate, I can't see any bubbles at all really. Plants are now pearling like crazy.
  78. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Thanks Tim! It's quite empty looking at the moment, but should transform when I get the back chocka :D
  79. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Just completed an 80% water change and fitted new up atomiser. I know I'm lacking height at the back, I'm going to be sorting that this weekend with some Hygrophilia Pinnatifida and maybe some Limnophila Aromatica. The branches should also be almost completely covered in Fissidens/ mini pelia...
  80. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Original UP New Inline CO2 Atomizer Diffuser System Available now on CO2Art!

    1st impressions... Excellent! Minute bubbles when running on INLET of filter. Literally just to say visible with nose pressed against glass. Not a drip in sight. Hoses nipped up nicely with plastic nuts ( struggled to get Hose off barbs without nut on, nevermind with!!! ) Really impressed. A...
  81. Nathaniel Whiteside

    CO2 system working pressure

    Looks like an old lunapet model, although I've never owned one, can somebody verify? It should be absolutely capable of 3 bar and very safe, if it is adjustable of course!
  82. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Starting point 1st Aquascape

    What a nIce looking, extremely healthy tank! Moss looks amazing! Well done buddy
  83. Nathaniel Whiteside

    CO2 system working pressure

    What reg you using?
  84. Nathaniel Whiteside

    CO2 system working pressure

    I'd advise running at 3 bar where possible. Nice and misty! Smaller bubbles = better dilution rate of co2 in water ( preventing bubbles wasted by popping on surface) so therefore should allow you to maintain 30ppm with a lower 'bubble rate', so to speak. You'll need a nice diffuser / atomiser...
  85. Nathaniel Whiteside

    CO2 system working pressure

    The more you increase working pressure, the smaller the bubbles get. Why not just adjust pressure while pumping co2 in on one?
  86. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Original UP New Inline CO2 Atomizer Diffuser System Available now on CO2Art!

    Thanks for great service Karol. Very happy! New Inline atomiser: End piece with rubber seal: Internal Rubber to seal ceramic: Ceramic: Ceramic inside: Overall looks good, opens easily enough, just a little pressure with an adjustable spanner and it comes off nicely. Thread feels...
  87. Nathaniel Whiteside

    CO2 Art

    I placed an order late Sunday night, added to it yesterday morning. And it came at about half past nine. Everything present and correct, plus two inline needle valves to review. I've heard nothing but praise, and everything I've heard of has always been next day delivery. Definitely doing a...
  88. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    It did! But, thankfully, in my moment of madness, someone saw sense. My auntie had seen the amount of hours and effort I had put in over that Christmas, and whipped down to the tip. Kept it at hers for like 6 months, and just mentioned it the other week... I was like :o Ha!
  89. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Mountainscape style emersed

    Wow! Surreal.
  90. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Rootey wood

    Yeah, cos we all have 2000 litre tanks al! :lol:
  91. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Product Review Precision Flow Controller - Beta Testers required

    That's great, I'll give it a review. Thanks :)
  92. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Funnily enough, I got that solid oak cabinet back yesterday :o would fit a 60p perfectly ;) Oh, and don't worry! It would be quite a weird thing to do.. :lol:
  93. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Nathaniel's Dry Start Mini-M

    Thanks Gary. I just took the door off today, as blum hinges on the top had pulled out the MDF, so need to fill and refit :) Thanks Lindy.
  94. Nathaniel Whiteside

    Original UP New Inline CO2 Atomizer Diffuser System Available now on CO2Art!

    I'll be ordering a 16/22mm too, in the near future, all being well.