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  1. Mark Evans

    Dead camera what to get?

    buy a canon :shifty:
  2. Mark Evans

    More birds with a few rarer ones (Pic Heavy)

    blimey mate. Theres some birds their, i haven't seen in years!..... Bull finches! Absolute quality images John! god bless L series glass eh?
  3. Mark Evans

    Extra Lighting - what would you buy?

    without hesitation, this is what you want. http://www.warehouseexpress.com/buy-bow ... t/p1029931 it'll give you this kind of lighting
  4. Mark Evans

    Jenny Wren shot

    Photoshop, John. crackin shot by the way. You are the 'bird man'! :thumbup:
  5. Mark Evans

    Jenny Wren shot

    hope you dont mind John :oops: , try the heal tool instead...30 second job.
  6. Mark Evans

    Red kites in mid wales

    bloody brilliant john!
  7. Mark Evans

    I love springtime!

    smashing captures George. The bee especially!
  8. Mark Evans

    Walk in the forest

    the first shot is glorious! looks HDR almost. great exposure
  9. Mark Evans

    out door moss. spore bearing organs...i think

    thanks you. for these, i used the canon MP-E 65mm f2.8 macro. :thumbup:
  10. Mark Evans

    Macro lens or macro filters ?

    Re: marco lens ? or macro filters ? macro lens all the time. the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM is stunning. The L series version, is just not feasible if your using flash. the only addition is IS i believe. I use the canon MP-E 65mm f2.8 but it's £1000 and needs additional lights which will...
  11. Mark Evans

    out door moss. spore bearing organs...i think

    some more to the series. The first 2 images are of a different moss. They all seem to be chucking these organs out now. for some reason, i cant get swans out of my head. maybe its how they look. the water droplets were to keep them moist. The second organ is my fave. lovely colours don't...
  12. Mark Evans

    A spring weed.

    thanks guys. lil-lynx, the lens used was a canon MP-E 65mm macro As shot too, Clive. no PS work what so ever apart from resizing for web, and a border. Working with this lens in the field is impractical really, not impossible, but hassle. It's easier to bring the subject indoors and shoot.
  13. Mark Evans

    A spring weed.

    A boring Sunday afternoon.
  14. Mark Evans

    out door moss. spore bearing organs...i think

    many thanks mate. The miniature world of moss is quite fascinating
  15. Mark Evans

    out door moss. spore bearing organs...i think

    Just an update on this thread. These images are from the same clump of moss. It's endured wind, rain, severe ice and snow. The clump. some close ups. I'm amazed at how they've changed form. thanks for looking. mark
  16. Mark Evans

    Saintlys 'wonderful sky'

    As desperate as i am, I'm on hold temporarily. I pray for fancy dress parties, so i can put it on in public, rather than indoors, by myself. :shifty:
  17. Mark Evans

    Saintlys 'wonderful sky'

    I know mate. I'm just having one of those 'crap' days. i need to get out more :crazy:
  18. Mark Evans

    Saintlys 'wonderful sky'

    thanks mate. again, thanks. although, don't feel like this. :thumbup: I was beginning to wonder if anyone has looked at it :? recently my posting in the 'photography' section hasn't seen much in the way of a response.
  19. Mark Evans

    Saintlys 'wonderful sky'

    well, for those few that are experimenting with their canon HD mode (stu :shifty: ....erm..thats it i think... Tonser in the wings I think. oooo, viktor has a 550d) I know it's not everyone's cup of tea...videos and stuff, so please forgive me. I've been trying out a few things. This was how...
  20. Mark Evans

    saintlys 'walk in the park'

    no mate. my tripod is actually quite crap :? i've looking at some pro set ups but there mega bucks. I'm looking at getting a kessler pocket dolly or something similar for small but effective motion. you wouldn't regret it mate, :angel: ....
  21. Mark Evans

    saintlys 'walk in the park'

    Thanks sam. I may go out and shoot a few more clips....alone. spending much more time on each one. :D
  22. Mark Evans

    saintlys 'walk in the park'

    for the new canon HD users, were all aware of the capabilities from these cameras. I thought I'd share a roughly edited vid from this morning. I shot for about 45 minutes before Daniel, my son, wanted to go home :evil: bless him :angelic: .... some shots are ok, some are crap, some wonky...
  23. Mark Evans

    underwater rotala rotundifolia

    if I recall, F8. iso 50 shutter was 1/200th. These are typical settings, with this lens. I just play about with the output of the flash. no worries with questions mate :thumbup:
  24. Mark Evans

    underwater rotala rotundifolia

    for this, it was in camera. I created a pin light effect...correct term i think?.....shielding the light so it fell straight on the stem. The flash head is 200w out put but only used half of that out put. Thanks paulo :D
  25. Mark Evans

    underwater rotala rotundifolia

    Here's a solitary shot of rotala rotundifolia from my Nano. hope you guys like it.
  26. Mark Evans

    Compact photography

    A quick vid...
  27. Mark Evans

    Compact photography

    no probs Andy. it's a killer effect mate. Theres many of us doing it now. just black out the substarte line though to prevent any problems later on down the line :thumbup:
  28. Mark Evans

    Compact photography

    here you go. one i've installed recently. without with it'll help folk with no additional lighting. be sure to tape out the rear substarte line though. and use for when your at home or public viewing :thumbup:
  29. Mark Evans

    Compact photography

    I'm not familiar with LED's. i do know though, either 24, 39 or 54wt5 depending on the tank size, works a treat. add a reflector too. i'll post a pick shortly
  30. Mark Evans

    Compact photography

    everything seems fine exposure wise. maybe place a piece of card @ the top of the tank to shield the light from the camera lens. if you have a spare light kicking around, try placing that at the back of the tank to illuminate the lower half and try to eliminate the grey are at the bottom (rear)
  31. Mark Evans

    Blue emperor head shot.

    pretty little thing :D
  32. Mark Evans

    On the way home.

    Thanks johnny. the more i look at it the more it dont work in B&W. if the shed was more on the horizon line, it would work better. it's lost at the moment. here's the original in colour. uncropped
  33. Mark Evans

    On the way home.

    I drove past this shed on the way home from work. TBH, i shot at the wrong angle. (should of been more to the left) I didn't have time, as my labourer had to get home. Using the wall as my as my aid, i shot 3 shots. The DOF is what I'm liking the most about it. If I had time, I would of waited...
  34. Mark Evans

    Saintly's UK woodland observations

    Thanks everyone. It's true George, for many of us, creating aquascapes certainly makes us look differently at our surroundings. I do remember though as a child I had the same kind of fascination. In my early teens, I was out with my binoculars and bird book, whilst the others were looking at...
  35. Mark Evans

    Saintly's UK woodland observations

    cheers leah, The camera is the canon 5d mk2 and lenses are for some the canon 50mm f 1.4 usm and for most the canon 135mm f2 L series. A truly special lens indeed. Thanks to your expert advice my friend. you got it paulo! :D the powers of low maintenance scapes are slowly drawing me in...
  36. Mark Evans

    Saintly's UK woodland observations

    some mangled roots. a mixture of mosses. and finally, The first flowers of spring.... thanks for at least looking 8)
  37. Mark Evans

    Saintly's UK woodland observations

    the same as what i was thinking :wink: thanks guys. So, on to a few branches. This one is really random. submerged branches....
  38. Mark Evans

    Saintly's UK woodland observations

    Following on from my previous thread, I revisited Rufford park to try and highlight things that, in a way, we can combine within our aquariums. or at least borrow ideas. This is more of a pictorial documenting thread. Just my observations. This time of year seems to be a great opportunity...
  39. Mark Evans

    some park shots

    your welcome. The full res shots are a world apart from the uploaded ones. in actual fact, last night i had the best lesson ever from my best mate jamesm (who is actually a whiz with all things technical) in how to get the best from my images. I've been doing the whole process wrong! things...
  40. Mark Evans

    some park shots

    of course mate, send your email to markevans127@googlemail.com and i'll send the high res shot! :thumbup: thanks for asking gill :D
  41. Mark Evans

    some park shots

    went to rufford park with young daniel today. as you'll see, the robins played ball. tempting them with seed always helps This one was watching Dan place the seed. Rufford is a great place for birds and wild life in general. thier rather tame which helps. there's some great...
  42. Mark Evans

    upside down

    the title says it all :D
  43. Mark Evans

    some more pearling pics

    Thanks Andy. :D it is an awesome bit of kit. it does has a drawback, as in it just does 1 thing. a lot of £ for a 1 trick pony. I don't mate, I let the lens do the work. The first image, was intentionally abstract. I understand, not to everyone's liking :D
  44. Mark Evans

    some more pearling pics

    here's some more pics it's a non co2 tank, but putting 200w of light over it soon brings on the bubbles. i've used f 2.8 for the first to try and create something a little more arty.
  45. Mark Evans

    stumpy woods.

    cheers dude. the particular lens i've used is just amazing. colours are so rich.DPP provides some amazing colour control too he's mad on anything army at the mo. :mrgreen: thanks caroline. :D :D :D All on a tripod john. The live view has changed my picture taking tremendously. i just...
  46. Mark Evans

    Long exposure pics from my trip to london

    great john. the 3rd is my fave. maybe, for next time look at shooting RAW (if you already have not) you can control the W/B and pull out some of the orange tinge. The london eye, could of been shot looking at straight on, you'd maybe capture the motion rendering a perfect white circle. great...
  47. Mark Evans

    My first B/W images

    thanks mate. but no where near as sharp as the original. i'm hacked off with media sites. i'm trying image shack. :geek: cheers dude. :thumbup:
  48. Mark Evans

    stumpy woods.

    thanks mate. that reminds me, i must mail you :thumbup: if i could create something as natural, i'd be well happy. :D A word of warning....there's a young man with a gun in the woods. so be careful. a couple of random shots. This second image shows clumps of grass growing along the...
  49. Mark Evans

    My first B/W images

    Dull days dont allways inpire me when it comes to photography, but recently, i've found my self going out in any condition. Black and white has never been a strong point of mine so i tend to stay away from it and leave it to the likes of George and Dave Spencer who seem to produce great B/W...
  50. Mark Evans

    stumpy woods.

    Thanks George :D F2 for all the images.
  51. Mark Evans

    stumpy woods.

    cheers guys. i think, for me, there more to document all that's wild in the UK. The inspiration these woods give me is immense. moss rules the whole place. this next image was taken after walking through quite a dull part. looking across the fungus stuck out like a sore thumb. cheers james...
  52. Mark Evans

    stumpy woods.

    here's a few from a walk in the woods. it was rather damp and dreary, but the mosses looked radiant in the wet.
  53. Mark Evans

    Black Harlequin Rasbora

    soz samc, i posted the wrong image. i posted my trial version. cheers garuf. TBH mate, i'm not sure if there a true strain, or interbred things. i dont know much about fish at all. :(
  54. Mark Evans

    Black Harlequin Rasbora

    here's a head shot of one of these things. I got the 'butter cup' effect put with hydracotle :P (the green under the lower mouth) click for a larger view hopefully over time, I'll expand my fish images as well as shrimp images.
  55. Mark Evans

    pearling bubble.

    I went the long and expensive way around John. I don't use any software, neither is my monitor calibrated. trial and error for me. way back when i did many prints for people, I ran loads of prints off my epson r2400 and basically fiddled from there. nothing has changed on my system so I now...
  56. Mark Evans

    pearling bubble.

    thanks mate. not quite to his standard i don't think. i did notice mate. that tank is looking ace! i'm at a loss for a name for this plant. bit of a mystery it appears. the following plant is a common one though :D
  57. Mark Evans

    Moss close-ups

    moss is fascinating close up isn't it! nice pics flygja.
  58. Mark Evans

    pearling bubble.

    i've got a similar shot in my nano journal, but here's a close up of a pearling bubble.
  59. Mark Evans

    CRS shot

    lovely mate. can adjust the white balance in camera?
  60. Mark Evans

    A Genius at Work.

    quite outstanding.
  61. Mark Evans

    The closest cherry shrimp shot yet.

    this was 400 George. F16 is all you get, and apparently, (and now IME) even at 16 you cant get good focus through out the image. shame really. 10 x better. the old 5d was quit remarkable, but this thing is insane @ higher ISO, but then many of the newer canon models have better noise/high...
  62. Mark Evans

    The closest cherry shrimp shot yet.

    quite something isnt it. there seems to be a pupil?....beyond the ommatidia. the next image shows this better. meet derick. I've started to name them simply because viewed closely they look so different to one another. i've found that turning the camera to a slight angle improves sharpness...
  63. Mark Evans

    The closest cherry shrimp shot yet.

    george, Thanks mate. this means a lot! paulus, i think the only way to get closer is to take a 'crop' of the image. this is as it was from camera. slight crop. thanks here's a movement of 0000000000.5 mm :lol: to the other detail beyond the eye.
  64. Mark Evans

    The closest cherry shrimp shot yet.

    yes, another cherry shot. This one stayed still for an age. so I was able to get the shot i've been after for ages :geek: because the eye is spherical, it still is difficult to get a pin sharp shot of the eye because of DOP. crazy eh? i think this is as good as it's going to get.
  65. Mark Evans

    Female tiger endler.

    Thanks lozbug :D
  66. Mark Evans

    Female tiger endler.

    here's a shot of one my endlers. I actually find the female much more interesting than the overly coloured male :geek: thanks for looking
  67. Mark Evans

    Macro pics

    lovin the water images john. great captures indeed!
  68. Mark Evans

    Shrimp scenes

    too true paulo. just for you sam :hilarious: trying out backgrounds...well one at least. The tank is only 2 weeks old, so ignore the lack of growth 8) and can you spot the mystery plant?.....
  69. Mark Evans

    Shrimp scenes

    I've just hooked the camera up with HDMI-mini HDMI and i've only just picked my chin up off the floor. :shock: the detail and quality is stunning! now i know what my 42' HD TV is for
  70. Mark Evans

    Shrimp scenes

    another from the nano tank. it's a bit random and contains some still like plants clips. This is non co2 or ferts tank so pearling really is at a minimum. in the future I want to get some really artistic style shots in my high tech tanks. :D
  71. Mark Evans

    Shrimp scenes

    i think the quality is stunning mate. TBH, not much difference at all in terms of resolution from what i can see. The 5dmk2 will however have more creative control. quality glass mate, we all know what that can do for an image. i now need to rob a bank and buy some L series glass. :shifty...
  72. Mark Evans

    Shrimp scenes

    cheers mate, the quality still blows me away too. i've certainly got the video bug. it's quite easy after a day or 2. look forward to what you produce. i did hesitate a little, but on reading and watching reviews, I thought it's a must for DSLR videos. apparently it's good for getting pin...
  73. Mark Evans

    Shrimp scenes

    cheers flygja, definitely a side of the camera I didn't think I'd explore, but glad I have :thumbup: true viktor, but i want to learn the basics first. then I'll expand with music etc. :D me too matey. look out for plenty more vids in the future sam. :D yes mate. about $60 what ever...
  74. Mark Evans

    Shrimp scenes

    not sure if this is in the right section....here's hoping. the flickering is from the ripple from the water. still in learning mode, before i try and make things a little more complex.
  75. Mark Evans

    Best Snow pic

    here's a robin from today and a few other things...... this is a still from a vid i did at rufford park. I put clumber park on the vid, but the wife corrected me :oops: there's a few shots from the feeders that were out. again editing is dicey, but I'm still learning. also no sound.
  76. Mark Evans

    Best Snow pic

    great mark. robins are out in full force at the moment.
  77. Mark Evans

    Shrimp images.

    jessops for a tenner. :thumbup: thanks Caroline. I'm looking for new shrimps to shoot now. it appears their a pain to get hold of bless ya John, it's a lot of fun trying to capture these things. I'll never look at a shrimp in the same way. even now, looking at my cherries, I cant believe...
  78. Mark Evans

    New lens pics

    right click the image...properties :angel:
  79. Mark Evans

    Technical Photography question

    physically raise the light. This will spread the light more evenly around the tank, rather than an intense spot. or if you cant raise the light, make some kind of diffuser out of grease proof paper maybe?..... :D George is right, look at the lighting.
  80. Mark Evans

    New lens pics

    gorgeous John, what a difference glass makes eh.
  81. Mark Evans

    Best Snow pic

    lovely first pic caroline. :thumbup: John! a couple of things i do is....shoot manually. get a correct exposure manually and fire away in the knowledge your camera wont be fooled with dodgy metering. just watch for the sun coming out. if you can, shoot in RAW. giving you way more control...
  82. Mark Evans

    Best Snow pic

    Thats nice Dan, almost has film like quality.
  83. Mark Evans

    Best Snow pic

    cheers mark. it's from the 5Dmk2 mate. i'm still in the process of working out conversation, codecs...etc etc. i'm getting the hang of it now though. editing is a whole new ball game, nothing like stills. i did take 20 or so clips but thought i'd just bang 2 together to see what it looked...
  84. Mark Evans

    Best Snow pic

    here's my wife loving the freezing conditions. and a short, poorly edited, 2 scene vid. you can just see the snow starting to melt a bit
  85. Mark Evans

    Shrimp images.

    you'll have to improvise somehow. This lens requires quite ridiculous amounts of light. to the point that when the modelling lights are on and close to the water surface (just to view things through the view finder) it actually burns the back of your hands. :P for these i got.... iso 50...
  86. Mark Evans

    Shrimp images.

    i think thats a good thing? :shifty: cheers dude
  87. Mark Evans

    Shrimp images.

    last pic for this set. and a higher res of the crop,
  88. Mark Evans

    Shrimp images.

    here's a cherry shrimp shot. I've up loaded the original sized file and a crop from that image. having a nano really lets me get the lighting right.
  89. Mark Evans

    Shrimp images.

    true. I've just set up a shrimp tank, so I can shoot till my hearts content. thanks mate. :thumbup: hi mark. it's the canon MP-E 65mm f2.8. it's a dedicated macro lens, which does one trick and one trick only....close. :D cheers jase cheers Mr S 8)
  90. Mark Evans

    raging planet of moss.

    true mate, even in winter. i've been going to the woods quite a lot. other folks must think I'm strange as I'm on my hands and knees most of the time. :shifty:
  91. Mark Evans

    Shrimp images.

    cheers WBS :thumbup: here's the last decent one of the many i shot. kinda reverse of the last shot. one of the problems I'm encountering is, if i don't get smack in the line of fire ( i cant be angled to the tank at all) i don't get the shot. Another problem is the shrimps have a...
  92. Mark Evans

    Shrimp images.

    Thanks leah and paul. :D
  93. Mark Evans

    Shrimp images.

    A few to share. I must admit, using a lens so close to the glass is tuff! The more I zoom in the harder it gets, but here goes. The first 2 are normal ish kind of pics and the 3rd is my fave. not the sharpest, but one a bit more 'arty' controlling DOP field is near an impossibility, but i...
  94. Mark Evans


    A great idea Aaron, but so much moss would be needed. I do know of one place where it grows over huge meter squared areas, so it would be possible. A nano would be perfect for this.... Damn, you got me thinking now! :?
  95. Mark Evans

    raging planet of moss.

    it's the canon MP-E 65mm f2.8 terrestrial John. there just great subjects. plus, with not having my own tank just yet, I really cant spend any quality time taking aquatic shots :( this needs to change pretty soon. one things for sure, I'll be incorporating plenty of moss on the next set up.
  96. Mark Evans

    raging planet of moss.

    some may recall the 'raging planet of dandelion' shot i did. well, there's a moss version now. :lol: just look to the stars and see....it's there on a clear night :wink:
  97. Mark Evans


    nothing has been arranged in this shot, and it's straight from camera. I went walking by the river and collected a whole host of mosses. The 2 blades of grass were growing naturally.The other things surrounding it are various moss species. i've placed all the collected moss into my moss pot.
  98. Mark Evans

    Out walking yesterday (with camera of course)

    yep probably about 5K worth of utter filth. L series by the looks of things. i see you like the birds john. that's what got me into photography a few years ago. I got a nice set of bins too.
  99. Mark Evans

    Moss...A sense of scale.(large files warning)

    cheers dude. ta John! :D i'm on a mission viktor, to better myself in a short space of time. much to learn, but the journey is fantastic. I may have a dedicated page on the plantedbox site. only if i can get enough quality images. summer and spring should give me many more things to...
  100. Mark Evans

    Moss...A sense of scale.(large files warning)

    I've covered this subject (moss) a few times on here. I thought I'd try to give a sense of perspective or scale through a progression of images using 3 different lenses. The lenses used were sigma 24-70 f2.8 sigma 70-300 macro. canon MP-E 65mm macro for me, the sigma 70-300 is real bang for...