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  • Users: samc
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  1. samc

    removing water marks?

    :lol: i gave it a good wash after. thats an advantage of lemon juice i guess
  2. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 thanks tom :D this is the ada scape is that the one? i dont think it is, but i know which one you mean. i really like that one too. the tank dimentions are 60x40x40. i really like the depth but the height is sometimes hard to work with. that was my inspiration...
  3. samc

    Native moss

    i have no pictures of it in a tank but its still there on a rock in the garden :D ill get a pic tomorrow
  4. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    liking the blue background. reminds me autumn blush :D very amano
  5. samc

    removing water marks?

    i just tried full strenght vinegar and it worked a treat :thumbup: thanks guys i dont know why i didnt think of that before :crazy:
  6. samc

    removing water marks?

    my area is a very hard water area and i cant seem to get rid of the water marks left around the water line. and also on my lilies. do you know any good ways of getting rid of them? :D
  7. samc

    Native moss

    i got some moss out of my garden a while back and put it in a tank. it looked like java when i found it so left it floating and it grew very quick :D
  8. samc

    New Scape (critique needed) PICS

    they should be under the same name but any shrimp will do a good job. make sure you co2 is not high though as they jump out :( i have lost quite a few that way
  9. samc

    New Scape (critique needed) PICS

    all otos should do the same job :thumbup: the amano shrimp are also a good option. if you get a good group of each they will do a good job
  10. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 i dont mind a good debate guys :D i really want the HM to grow low and bushy especially for this scape. i am sure the ferts and co2 wont be an issue but only time will tell :D one thing about me is that i allways want everything to be perfect. really healthy plants...
  11. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 i know what you mean but the stems just didnt like the low light. i double dosed EI and had the dc on yellow and flow all around and nothing pearled. if the MH does make things worse then i learn. this tank should be better with planting. also there will be a pathway...
  12. samc

    60cm nature scape v2

    i decided to take my tank down the other day as nothing was going right with it. i belive there was not enough light. i am going to buy a MH soon :D . i wanted to try a naturescape again using manzanita wood i got yesterday which is great. i was inspired by an amano scape in the gallery. after...
  13. samc

    Memorable Night / My 20 liter ADA Nano

    looking great viktor :D i really like the first picture. it shows how clear the water is too :thumbup: i will remember this nano for a long time
  14. samc

    Frog O Sphere

    poor frogs :( they wont last 10 minutes
  15. samc

    Hungarian Aquascaping competition 2009.

    congrats also on the comp. there is some great tanks there. :D
  16. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    great choice of fish mark. they look amazing in big shoals
  17. samc

    "Serenity Peak" Final Tank Shot

    well done! this scape is top notch :D great photo too
  18. samc

    Comp_Nov09: sams opti pico

    not yet mate :D not much change really i might wait until the end of the comp now i used a tile cutter to score the line then coverered with a cloth and put in a vice to snap it :D
  19. samc

    Cryptocoryne Riparium

    looks amazing :D from seeing this i am now setting my own up. its more of a paludarium though. very inspiring
  20. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    your very welcome :thumbup: mine is doing well too. its a beautiful moss.
  21. samc


    some people who use lily pipes raise them at night to add o2 when the plants dont produce it. this is to not only help the fish but for the bacteria which is all over. the bacteria does help stop algae which is why mature setups get less aglae.
  22. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    looking good mark :D the pathway looks alot more natural
  23. samc

    60mm Macro

    cool shots dan! :D i like the third one
  24. samc

    plantedbox shop

    I have just noticed that plantedbox now has a shop 8) it has lots of great products and is very cheap. well worth a look :thumbup: these guys have worked really hard to get the shop open. well done again :clap:
  25. samc

    Paul's 200L, "Punishment of Luxury"

    looks great paul :D if possible i would chuck some shrimp in. they normally sort that algae out
  26. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    shame. i look foward to seeing this progress
  27. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    no pics :eh: bet you cant wait until the next one now you can have it at home :D
  28. samc

    Glenns 15L Nano Iwagumi Journal (lots of pics)

    iwagumis are all about triangles. ether 1 or 3 look best IMO. take a look at saintlys instore iwagumi. thats a good example. good start all the same, if your happy get it planted :D i would double my plant order to get a good plant mass in there.
  29. samc

    arcadia classica

    i guess knowone has tried one then :lol:
  30. samc

    arcadia classica

    i am looking to buy a halide for my tank and came across the arcadia classica had anyone had any expierience with thislight or know anyone who has? i have not seen anyone use one before. they are cheap to at £120 for the single 150w HQI freshwater :D
  31. samc

    Wood scape critique!

    i like the second one more :D i would keep playing though until your really happy else you will regret it. one thing i have noted from my expierence is that having a centrepiece draws your eye straight to the dip in the wood, rather than to the rest of the aquarium. i wished i had spread the...
  32. samc

    Nicks 4x2x2

    thats the problem i am finding with mine. the height makes a big difference. see how you get on anyway
  33. samc

    Nicks 4x2x2

    looks a cool tank so far i would recommend more lighting though.
  34. samc

    Cheap Soloenoid

    great stuff. i might invest in one :D
  35. samc

    Cheap Soloenoid

    hey amy how is this doing? still working ok?
  36. samc

    Wine Red shrimp £1200 each???!!!

    i also agree and i wouldnt pay over £12. it also depends how you look at it. if you are very confident on looking after them and breeding them then its not all bad :D
  37. samc


    i found this guy a while back. whenhe first opened and theshop was much smaller. i never ordered from him in the end, but found him very helpfull
  38. samc

    Amano the master (post changed)

    just looked through them all :D such inspiring pictures. thanks alot mark. well kinda.....i wanna rescape my tank now :lol: i have a few ideas anyway :wink:
  39. samc

    Amano the master (post changed)

    Re: Amano the master man he packs the plants in!
  40. samc

    Christmas '09 PFK - Planted tank stuff

    the questionaire sounds good. i have not got a subscription though. ill see if i can get a copy
  41. samc

    Comp_Nov09: VW Decay

    great idea :lol: my brother wanted a bigger tank like this, being a VW fan too :D
  42. samc

    sams 60cm (planted!)

    i do need to get a soleniod. i have been meaning to for a while. i am have a powerhead behind the hydor one which inject o2 24/7 and moves the surface quite a bit, and TBH i have seen a bit of an improvement since doing so.
  43. samc

    sams 60cm (planted!)

    yep sure is
  44. samc

    sams 60cm (planted!)

    thats why i am out of ideas. my co2 was at the point where the shrimp were jumping out. i am dosing double EI already and i have all the plants moving slightly as i have been moving the powerhead about until it was best. having said that the picture is pretty yellow compared to real life. ill...
  45. samc

    sams 60cm (planted!)

    i am still not that happywith this tank. something is not right still :roll: the plants just are not growing as well as i hoped. you can see the HM is not a nice green colour. sorry for the poor photo
  46. samc

    320l Discus tank, becoming planted !

    its looking better very time i see it :D good to see you about again too
  47. samc

    Comp_Nov09: Fern Vale

    thats gonna be a beauty tony. :D
  48. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    Re: Saintly's 120cm private scape looking good mark :D your plants are allways pearling :P mine never do
  49. samc

    Surface Agitation

    what you should do according to amano is raise the lily when lights go out to add o2 to the water for the bacteria. the bacteria get o2 from the plants during the day from photosythesis. high co2 levels can lower the numbers of bacteria in the tank. i have tried this and found that it does help.
  50. samc

    Comp_Nov09: Pico Paradise

    thats really cool jase :twisted:
  51. samc

    what car are we driving?

    Re: what car are we driveing? im 17 too. respect :lol: i got a corsa c 1.0l its rather like a lawnmower :lol:
  52. samc

    Comp_Nov09: My Fault

    i like the rock layout too :D very cool for filling i would use the oliver knott method of putting tissue in then filling. i would also use airline hose good luck!
  53. samc

    DIY external filter

    i have made a small one with a lunch box which was working well when i tested it. i have not used it on a tank yet though
  54. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    Re: Saintly's 120cm private scape it looks good to me :D i dont normally like my tank just after filling ether. if it changes as rapidly as autumn blush we wont be starved of pics for long :lol:
  55. samc

    Shrimp Tank - Juwel Rekord 60

    real nice paulo :D the fissidens carpet is looking smart too. really green
  56. samc

    nano - 323 for 8

    looking good :D the nanjeshan looks good :wink: its my fave plant in my tank
  57. samc

    ADA Solar I

    might be worth giving dan a pm :D i am sure he would be happy to help
  58. samc

    mixed foregrounds

    parvula does grow pretty low. you could get tenellus to grow about the same height by trimming, so that could be interesting with the different size leaves
  59. samc

    planting stems

    one thing amano does aswell is to plant them at an angle away from you, starting at the back. this way they dont get in your way and also dont uproot as easy :D
  60. samc

    riccia macro.

    thats really cool mark. you can see each cell :D have you tried shooting a stem plant? i imagine they are quite interesting
  61. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    Re: Saintly's 120cm private scape will she be planted today? :P i have been looking foward to what its gonna look like.
  62. samc

    Comp_Nov09: sams opti pico

    thanks guys :D :lol: thanks dan. i am sure you could better my attempt though
  63. samc

    Warning to all external heater users!!!

    i thought the same. surely your themostat in it was broken as i would have shut off
  64. samc

    Comp_Nov09: sams opti pico

    thanks alot guys :D i really enjoyed putting this together. i was thinkingof doing something similar in my 60cm :wink:
  65. samc

    Comp_Nov09: sams opti pico

    Name:samc Tank Dimensions (height/width/depth): 13/15/14 Aquascape Name: none yet Hardscape/Materials used: westmoreland stone Plants: taiwan moss, e. parvula, e.acicularis Fertilisation: 0.5ml easylife profito daily About the aquascape: this has cost me £0.00 as i made the tank myself...
  66. samc

    No Imagination

    thats a real nice layout mate! :thumbup: with some moss in the cracks it would look very nice indeed.
  67. samc

    No Imagination

    thought that was the case. its hard to get a good feel of how it will be until you do it in the tank. if you could run the filter in a bucket with the fish in. and plants in another bucket, they should be ok for a couple of days which would give you some time with the tank. for some reason...
  68. samc

    No Imagination

    have you tired it in the tank? i normally go into a scape with no real idea of exacly what i want and play about for a few days until i am really happy with it. sometimes it is not what i planned and is totally different :D
  69. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    Re: Saintly's 120cm private scape damn! they look real fresh and green. :mrgreen: you sure you'll need all that moss? :lol: i can imagine this one taking a while to plant. get your boy tieing them moss stones
  70. samc

    My Private Island - 240l tank

    Re: 240l tank rescape (name coming later) very nice viktor its changed alot in a short space of time. very green :mrgreen:
  71. samc

    65L iwagumi , new lay-out

    really like this tank nico. the rocks are very nice.it must be good to go and collect your own :D i also like how you have done the moss stones. saves alot of fiddling
  72. samc

    Life BBC1

    i was more interested in the freshwater species, like the gobys. i bet they are good algae eaters :lol:
  73. samc

    Metal diffusers

    i saw tis the other day. cant say i am too keen on it. i would be interested if anyone got one what they think about it though :D
  74. samc

    Life BBC1

    i was going to post about nearly missed the program altogether :lol: thanks for reminding me :thumbup:
  75. samc

    Without Foundation - James Maslin

    thats pretty cool mate. you plants allways look so good :D
  76. samc

    UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010, Germany

    Re: UKAPS @ Interzoo 2010 wow, what a great chance to get the uk up there :thumbup: i am interested into what ideas you have for the scape.
  77. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    Re: Saintly's 120cm private scape :lol: i knew you couldnt keep away from them. cant blame you TBH when you are really into the hobby you look at the tank so often and want to see things grow and change to what you imagine
  78. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    Re: Saintly's 120cm private scape Interesting plant list mark i thought this was going to be mainly crypts. i am quite looking foward to this. the walachii is a good choice as my nanjeshan is a beauty and is pretty similar. i will use it in many more scapes for sure
  79. samc

    Achieving redish color in plants such a eleoharis and glosso

    i am not too sure about that. you may have to experiment. dosing higher in Fe cant to it any harm though
  80. samc

    Achieving redish color in plants such a eleoharis and glosso

    the red on the second picture is e tenellus. the way to get it red is to keep trimming it right down. the new shoots on mine are pinkish but thats with less than 2wpg so light doesnt have to be extreme with it
  81. samc

    Rate My HardScape

    i have to agree that UG it very tricky. HC is a good option but likes alot of co2 if i were you i would go with glosso. its quite easy and if kept low can look very good :thumbup:
  82. samc

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    Re: Saintly's 120cm private scape there must be some stems involved here surely :P
  83. samc

    A bugs life...

    now thats got a funky hairstyle another cool pic :thumbup:
  84. samc

    Help with Bolbitis heudelotti

    i have read that takashi amano trimms all the leaves that get too big off and the plant 'learns' to grow smaller. thats what he does with needle java so i should imagine that it would be the same for bolbitis. cant say for sure this works as i have never tried it :D
  85. samc

    Is this convertor for FE?

    i should say that it will be ok :thumbup: the disposible and refillable bottle are allways the same size (apart from hydor) and the threads should also be the same
  86. samc

    Aquasoil Powder increases Diatoms?

    Re: Low Lght + Aquasoil Powder = Diatoms? high light causes diatoms does it not? i cant see that amazonia wouldbe a cause of diatoms. it happens in most tanks and especially nanos regardless of amazonia IME
  87. samc

    90x45x45 "Llyn Peninsula"

    Re: 90x45x45 has arrived! what i would to for all that gear 8)
  88. samc

    New Scape (critique needed) PICS

    no big guns here ether :lol: TGM sell a number of graded gravels at a reasonable price :thumbup: the layout you have would be good for a jungle style scape. just use mountians of moss. bolbitis is a plant that i love and when mature makes a layered look, which is pretty cool.
  89. samc

    want to learn more....

    forgot about that dave cheers here is another good bit of info http://www.adana.co.jp/nabook09/index_en.html click on the bits at the bottom of the page
  90. samc

    New Scape (critique needed) PICS

    i would break some of the rocks up a bit. keep some larger pieces. that way you can make a more detailed foreground and more places to put moss in. i really like that effect
  91. samc

    Rate My HardScape

    i can tell you have had marine before :D you have that piled up rock thing going on there. the rocks are a good choice :thumbup: rock placement in a planted tank are something i would recommend on taking some time on else you may want to change them half way through. have a look on google for...
  92. samc

    New Scape (critique needed) PICS

    welcome back :thumbup: the thing with wood is that it can look ok before planting then really good after and it can work the other way round. one thing i try to do with wood it make the tips of them at different levels. if you look at yours they are all on a similar level. i try and make...
  93. samc

    90x45x45 "Llyn Peninsula"

    Re: 90x45x45 has arrived! thats gonna look the nuts stu. ill give you a tenner for the lot :P
  94. samc

    where can I buy wood

    local fish store :wink:
  95. samc

    Hair algae

    if i was you i would increase fert dosing (maybe double) and get your co2 as high as you can without harming your fish. when the problem has gone slowly decrease dosing and co2 if nessasary, i would keep it up though
  96. samc

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    me too :thumbup: dont think there will be one for a while though. Toms cleared the country :lol:
  97. samc

    Hair algae

    what about your co2? thats normally the problem
  98. samc

    Viktor in PFK

    well done viktor :clap: i can tell you are one of the very enthusiastic people in this hobby which i like to see :D
  99. samc

    8l mini mountain scape

    thanks for the comments :thumbup: the rock is from a local place that does rocks for gardens ect but this was aquatic rock called westmorland. the place is awesome, they have petrified wood that must weigh up to 1 tonne a piece
  100. samc

    Moss dangly bits ?

    i have seen one on mine before :D yours is obviously happy. looks quite natural too