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  1. Tim Harrison

    Brighid Sleeps

    Nice, and I like the themed Decoupage...
  2. Tim Harrison

    NA 90 cm Zanguli

    Too much Tolkien...;)
  3. Tim Harrison

    NA 90 cm Zanguli

    Loookin' goood...
  4. Tim Harrison

    Cryptocoryne Parva Carpet

    Definitely in the low-energy category...which makes the carpet even more awesome...
  5. Tim Harrison

    Cryptocoryne Parva Carpet

    Sorry if I've missed the crucial detail but is it a low-energy tank? Superb carpet either way tho'...
  6. Tim Harrison

    collected some stones

    Very nice, and are those swordtails also freebees? - wild caught ones from that stream you posted about a while back.
  7. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Members' Full-Tank Shots

    Cryptic Haven (Low-energy soil substrate) 60xH45x35cm
  8. Tim Harrison

    From This to This!!!

    From this... to this...
  9. Tim Harrison

    The Dimholt Road (rank 260 IAPLC 2014)

    It's amazing what you can do with 60p these days...
  10. Tim Harrison

    The Living Bridge - Video added

    Truly amazing...both scape and inspiration...
  11. Tim Harrison

    My garden 250l - M.Pluta

    Hey plutonow...if you're still out there...any updates on this...?
  12. Tim Harrison

    Where is Alice 130Lt Planted

    Nice scape with very healthy plant growth...shame it went wrong... You can get Neuroleptics for that...o_O
  13. Tim Harrison

    180L planted jungle tank

    Looks great as is...just keep doing whatever it is you're doing:) But if you're looking to change this may help, 1st of 3..http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/aquascaping-basics-part-one.199/ And if you're looking for inspiration try this for starters...
  14. Tim Harrison

    Gradually Getting There

    Looking great. Well done Bertie...
  15. Tim Harrison

    IAPLC 523 - Mighty Bush

    Scaping a tank that size and achieving such a great sense of depth and breadth is no mean feat - excellent photography aside...simply inspirational...
  16. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Members' Full-Tank Shots

    Primordial Iwagumi 60x40x25
  17. Tim Harrison

    From This to This!!!

    Primordial Iwagumi...from this... To this 6 weeks later
  18. Tim Harrison

    My garden 250l - M.Pluta

    I've been advocating the use of soil substrate with CO2 injection for some time now and - judging by your pictures - it just goes to show that it can work really well.
  19. Tim Harrison

    My garden 250l - M.Pluta

    A-ma-ZING...did I read/understand correctly that you are using a soil based substrate?
  20. Tim Harrison

    ADA Video - WOW!

    Yes...and I also think it looks like they are both reinforcing flow - off the glass - in the same direction across the front, cycling the tank in a good old fashioned circular motion.
  21. Tim Harrison

    ADA Video - WOW!

    It's been a while but this has just come to my attention so here goes... ...No worries Ian, no offence taken:mad::D , and you're absolutely right to a point. And I'm one of the myriad...I've often gone way beyond 4cm soil depth with no problems whatsoever. However, it's just as well to try and...
  22. Tim Harrison

    Very large aquarium video

    ummm, nice video and thanks for sharing an' all, but to be honest I think you're right...not liking this at all...whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a vulnerable species and should be out there in their natural habitat, doing what they do best…mating with other whale shark dudes and producing more...
  23. Tim Harrison

    Adrie Baumann and Ian Holdich scape

    Very nice Ian...I like the FTS at the end the most, and I like the different textures particularly the use of the diff length stems in the fore/mid ground.
  24. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Members' Full-Tank Shots

    "Walstad" Naturescape 60xH45x35cm The Dark Side or What Lurks Beneath 60xH38x30cm The Dark Side or What Lurks Beneath | UK Aquatic Plant Society
  25. Tim Harrison

    From This to This!!!

    From this - Somehow to this -
  26. Tim Harrison

    450L Low Tech Aquarium

    Pretty darn cool...you've chosen all the right plants and your lighting is obviously optimized with other parameters. Is the lighting T5?
  27. Tim Harrison

    oddn0ise 270litre rebuild + Cory collection

    Re: New to UKAPS Hi, welcome and none too shabby a tank :) , looking forward to your new efforts.
  28. Tim Harrison

    1 year of ukaps

    Nice tanks and excellent idea - would it be appropriate for others to post their efforts of the past year, or since joining ukaps on the same thread?
  29. Tim Harrison

    Kitchen tank

    N Nice IKEA print, and your tanks ain't so bad either. I especially like the last one; it demands real aquascaping talent to pull all those disparate elements together in to a coherent theme :lol: Seriously though, well done, I like them immensely.
  30. Tim Harrison

    Low tech tank pictures

    Hi faizal, thanks, the substrate is 1:1 mix of J Arthur Bowers aquatic compost and moss peat. The high organic matter content of the mix provides CO2 as it decomposes; IMO a significant enough amount to enhance plant growth. Plus it has a high CEC. The tank measures 60 x 35 x H45 cm...
  31. Tim Harrison

    Low tech tank pictures

    Thanks John - it's a Fluval Roma 90 (litres), with the hood removed.
  32. Tim Harrison

    Low tech tank pictures

    My sons low-energy soil substrate tank...no ferts...no nothing, except neglect. Arcadia Ellipse 24w T5 light - 4hrs on - 4hrs siesta - 4 hrs on, and an All Ponds Solution canister filter. It was a half hour scape thrown together a couple of months ago; the plants have grown really well mostly...
  33. Tim Harrison

    Low tech tank pictures

    Thanks guys, believe it or not I haven't actually seen it yet; I'm hoping to get a copy Monday :D
  34. Tim Harrison

    60cm - Shallow

    It is/was lovely...by the way George did I mention that I've emegrated to Australia and taken the tank with me? :shifty: :)
  35. Tim Harrison

    Low tech tank pictures

    Very nice; reminds me of a woodland glade.
  36. Tim Harrison

    Low tech tank pictures

    Oh yep, it's for real...but I must confess to adding 1/5 recommended TNC Lite dose per week & TNC Complete once a month. I think that the key is lighting especially in the absence of CO2 injection. However, I have found that vallis hates additional ferts dosing and melts completely in a couple...
  37. Tim Harrison

    Low tech tank pictures

    Thanks, the link is viewtopic.php?f=35&t=19761 but unfortunately I moved the photos.
  38. Tim Harrison

    Low tech tank pictures

    What about this one?
  39. Tim Harrison

    Low tech tank pictures

    Amazing...Your nanos - exactly what lighting are you using, what substrate and are they filtered and how?
  40. Tim Harrison

    Low tech tank pictures

    Some great looking tanks, keep them coming. One I did some time ago, a 60x30x30cm (about 54 litres) low-energy tank, no ferts, no CO2, no organic carbon, just a couple of cms of soil under the same thickness of course sand.
  41. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Hi faizal It's ok to just toss in the filter, in a filter media bag of course, and use as is. Although I tend to use the amount that would comfortably replace charcoal, it does, after a while, tend to turn your tank water the colour of tea if there is too much and you don't do regular water...
  42. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Hi most likely the Amazonia has undergone mineralisation, but the colonies of beneficial bacteria may well be absent since it has been dried and stored. The fresh peat will have to undergo mineralisation so it will be likely that some ammonia will be given off. Cycling a tank is a different...
  43. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    It's not a dumb question - I don't see why not; it's always good to experiment and both are safe for use in an aquarium. I have just set up two tanks using 50% aquatic compost and 50% Sphagnum Moss Peat; so far so good. The Amazonia will already have gone through the mineralisation process...
  44. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    My Amano shrimps are partial to algae wafers, brings them out of hiding every time, they get so preoccupied with gorging themselves they are easier to catch...famous last words. Let me know how you get on.
  45. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    It all sounds great, I am doing something similar with ferts but without the organic carbon, and with regular and big water changes - 30-50% twice a week. So far results are good. Before that in the other tank, which I have since dismantled, I was just using soil and the big root feeders did...
  46. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Hi, in the tanks without a gravel tidy I push the plant roots through the gravel cap and in to the soil below, that is if they have long enough roots of course. However, in a tank with a gravel tidy it is only possible to plant them in to the gravel layer. Nevertheless, they will naturally...
  47. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Hi i have capped my soil with 3mm pool sand, but I have also used a gravel tidy/soil retainer in between the two to prevent disturbing the soil during aquascaping. Its all in the tutorial. I haven't tried with CO2 yet but I am experimenting with dosing a new soil setup with ferts according to...
  48. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Wow that's looking amazing, health plants and happy fish, I think you've found the magic balance. Those swords are incredible. Could you post a list of the plants that have done well, it will be very useful to all of us with soil aquariums.
  49. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Hi Stan Tights might rot depending on what they are made of, it they are 100% nylon, then I guess no worries. Nevertheless, you can pick up specially made filter media bags on eBay for a couple of quid. I usually just use the amount of peat that would comfortably replace charcoal in the filter...
  50. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium The latest images. Just over 3 months since the tank was first set up the planting has gone through a few changes, several of the plant species have thrived but one or two species have not done so well for various reasons and I've been pretty quick to get rid of them...
  51. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi what soil substrate are you using and what is it capped with?
  52. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Well that's something positive at least.
  53. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Stan...I don't think your stock levels have much to do with the high nitrate levels in either tank, it sounds like it's to do with your nutrient dosing regime. I would do a significant water change to get the nitrate concentration down to a more acceptable level. I also...
  54. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Christor..thanks for your kind words, I am only too pleased to be of service. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any future queries. Troi
  55. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Stan…in principle there is absolutely nothing wrong with using garden soil in an aquarium as a medium for plants. However, it does entail certain risks. You are right they may contain substances that could prove toxic to aquatic life. However, soils behave differently...
  56. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium I'm no expert, though it looks like a hygrophila spp. I am sure they will all grow well once they have got their feet in to the soil.
  57. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium I have been using very high light intensity and duration for a lower energy soil substrate tank, and until recently I've been getting away with it. However I have noticed, under very close observation, that over the past month or so several species of algae have started...
  58. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Two more images, black background removed and plants trimmed a bit. I think it gives a greater perception of depth.
  59. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Thanks for that, it hasn't been proof read yet so there's bound to be more of the same.
  60. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi the link works now, just experiencing a few technical hitches. http://ssapa.webs.com/
  61. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi for the full enchilada check out the link below. It takes you to an article I've written about getting started with soil substrates, entitled "Zen and an Introduction to the Art of Underwater Gardening with Soil Substrate". http://ssapa.webs.com/ It's only a blog and...
  62. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Good news about the fish, I never doubted for one moment they would be fine. Sounds like you're getting there slowly but surely. Thanks for the link, pretty cool it reminds me of the Amazon biome I set up all those years ago, I pretty much left it to its own devices too...
  63. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi Well spotted on both accounts, yep that is Lilaeopsis and Eleocharis ssp. in the foreground, and it is growing quite nicely despite taking a hammering by being moved frequently. It hasn't really had chance to get established yet and put down roots, but it keeps...
  64. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium I've read some pretty good reviews about All Pond Solutions and their tec. I've brought a few things from them as well and found their customer service second to none. So I should imagine the filters will work well. Looking forward to the photos.
  65. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi thanks I've syphoned my fish before and they've been none the worse for wear. I hope your tank goes well. Keep us posted.
  66. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Just thought I'd post an update of progress so far. This is how it all started, so from this to that in about 8 weeks. The plants are maturing nicely despite frequent moves
  67. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Again I don't have any personal experience using this, but I have read on several similar forums that generally it works well. Personally, I would lay off the chicken manure if you are going to put it in an aquarium :D.
  68. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Be careful using laterite with peat. I always used peat on its own, so I cannot comment from experience. But peat is acidic and it could potentially solubilise metals in the laterite such as iron to toxic levels. However, the dissolved organic carbon released by the peat...
  69. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi any news to report on how you got on?
  70. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi Darrel Reading my reply back it seems a little rude. I will read the thread you kindly picked out for me sometime this weekend, it sounds intriguing.
  71. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi yes there are fish in my tank, it is up to and probably beyond the capacity of my minimal filtration, so perhaps there lies the answer :wink:. I am currently writing an article for this site by way of an introduction to my methods, so all will be revealed shortly...
  72. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium The soil holds nutrients that plants can utilise, the grit just adds structure so the substrate is more conducive to root development, water movement, nutrient transference, and gas exchange.
  73. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi, sorry I don't have the time to read through the entire thread. Would you be so good as to sum up the point your trying to make. I might have some answers. Many thanks
  74. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Sorry both, school boy error.
  75. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium And George (not Mark) Great terminology and so appropriate in more ways than one, I will use it from now on.
  76. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi Mark (not George) That is simply sublime, if I can get to within a country mile of your "low energy" set up I'll be doing well indeed.
  77. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium That certainly is low-tech. Its amazing what some people take for granted without realising its true value. I thoroughly intend to take up the challenge of trying to grow more "difficult" plants the low-tech way. Especially, since it seems that elsewhere in this site my...
  78. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi, thanks for that George. Now I know about Aquatics Live I would love to have gone, it looks like a fantastic event, but unfortunately I can't. Its a shame because I would have liked to meet you too. But I guess its one of several annual events in the aquarists calendar...
  79. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium It had crossed my mind, but then I am far too altruistic so after much deliberation I decided to share my wisdom so that everyone can benefit from its magnificence :D. Also good to exchange views with another veteran pioneer, I don't see why we should let the...
  80. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi exactly my point. The real strength of the method is that most plants preferentially take up most of their nutrients from the substrate and only uptake from the water column when the substrate is comparably deficient, so using soil based substrates sometimes has greater...
  81. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium The High-Tech Way or the Highway? Can I be perfectly frank, and I don’t mean to sound rude or to be deliberately contentious, but when I decided to return to the hobby on a whim after more than 25 years absence to say I was aghast at how much had changed is an...
  82. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Thanks...I mean really? That's very kind of you to say so. I think that once the plants get their roots in to the soil there is no stopping them, all other parameters being favourable that is, not least of which is lighting.
  83. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi not all peat is created equal. Peat is made up of decomposed vegetation of all types - trees, grasses, fungi, and insects and other animal remains. It forms because the organic matter is prevented from decaying completely by highly acidic and anaerobic conditions found...
  84. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi I use my own formula, which is a blend of 20% sterilised loam, 10% grit and 70% Sphagnum Moss Peat. The aim is to provide a nutrient level just high enough to aid good plant growth but low enough to prevent excessive release of nitrate etc. But equally you could use...
  85. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi, thanks guys. No the soil does not come up when I move the plants around, at the very most a get a slight localised clouding, but that disperses in seconds, it also depends on how deep the cap of sand/gravel is. I wouldn't even get clouding ordinarily, but I didn't use...
  86. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium From this to this...my low-tech tank, a work in progress. The photography is a bit suspect, I've used an old digital camera which is well past its sell by date and the only light available is the tank light. Being a newbie to this site I wasn't sure where to post this so...
  87. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi thanks for your comments. The set up is about 6 weeks old, but I keep moving stuff around so it hasn't really had chance to settle down yet, but despite the disturbance the plants are doing very well, and need thinning. The set up is pretty basic: Tank: Juwel Rekord...
  88. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi the full enchilada. This definitely is a FTS. Thanks for your kind comments by the way.
  89. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium The last image is as about as full as it gets, its only 55 litres that is 60cm x 30cm x 30cm.
  90. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium Hi not sure what fts means, but if it means filters only the internal Juwel Biofilter which is rated at 250 litres/hour, so filtration is minimal as is circulation.
  91. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Re: Low-tech aquarium And another
  92. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech aquarium...Update

    Hi thought I'd post an image of my rapidly maturing low-tech planted tank.