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  1. J

    What/who are you listening too?

    :lol: :thumbup: I've got 'can I have a bit more chocolate' of repeat atm. Must be broke too, because it just will not stop :crazy:
  2. J

    upside down

    Mmm, so fresh... :thumbup:
  3. J

    what car are we driving?

    The Galant is a real supercar is disguise! The times I had boyracers sitting next to me at lights, revving the bits off their 1.8 8V or 16V Golf engines :lol: I only had my '92 model for a short while, but the pace of it I'll never forget :thumbup:
  4. J

    Back to Nature

    Re: Galaxy paradise (宇宙天堂) I honestly thought I was either going mad, or I somehow suddenly had the ability to see in to the future :lol: Everyone is in for a nice treat on this one :)
  5. J

    Blixa japonica - tell me about it

    Watch it closely at the start bud, as Blyxa tend to melt really bad in transit and when introduced to its new home. No livestock at this stage will allow you to really up the co2 helping the plant recover and root in :thumbup:
  6. J

    Blixa japonica - tell me about it

    Blyxa loves co2 and medium to high light. Loves Po4 too, which tends to bring out the flowers. 2x24w over a 60cm is a great start, but mine loved the extra kick of another 24w bulb after a month or so.
  7. J

    Active Carbon filter do u or not?

    I don't think I could imagine a day now without stumbling upon a good internet debate :lol:
  8. J

    Active Carbon filter do u or not?

    Welcome to the interwebnet :lol:
  9. J

    200-liter Riparium Setup for Synodontis Catfish

    AquaFleur state their Juncus repens can get to 50cm, but I'm not sure if that's when in emersed or submerged form. They arrive emersed, some around 10cm, others much bigger.
  10. J

    Back to Nature

    Re: Galaxy paradise (宇宙天堂) Deja vu moment. Have you posted this journal before somewhere or is it all new? I can swear I know what coming, but can't pinpoint exactly what it is :lol: :crazy: Great cabinet bud, looks really well made and organised :thumbup: [edit to add] Nelson to the...
  11. J

    200-liter Riparium Setup for Synodontis Catfish

    Stunning :) Do the plants get a daily misting, or is the moisture down to the conditions?
  12. J

    60cm nature scape v2

    Spot on Sam, looking really good bud :thumbup:
  13. J

    CO2 atomizer and DIY reactor

    Try it on the filter output instead of the inlet. Mine was naff on the inlet pipe too.
  14. J

    CO2 atomizer and DIY reactor

    Surprising. I find my Boyu diffuser to be a brilliant piece of kit. Personally, I use it on the filter output and while I do get a mist in the tank its so fine it isn't noticeable from a few feet away on my sofa :thumbup:
  15. J

    Ad's Low tech-ish 54l-Updated!

    Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l That is quality bud :thumbup:
  16. J

    drop checker?

    Drop checkers and BPS is a good way to start off, but there is no better method than watching the plants and livestock. Just remember to give it a good two or three hours between changes as the results wont be immediate. BPS can also vary from regulator to regulator, bubble counters, tubing...
  17. J

    stumpy woods.

    You've such a good eye bud, really, really nice pics man 8)
  18. J

    car speakers, subs, amps

    Well unless the stereo has RCA output aswell, you'll only be able to run 2 speakers and the sub... having that sub and some decent speakers will make a difference though. Would help more if you could amplify the speakers too...
  19. J

    What/who are you listening too?

    Metallica - Suicide and Redemption
  20. J

    car speakers, subs, amps

    I haven't done stereos for years, but has your headunit go dedicated phono/rca outputs? If so, use them for the sub, otherwise you would need to use the rear channel speaker wires, meaning you can only have two speakers plus the sub. The 4x50w is the headunits output - putting 50w to each of...
  21. J

    My Private Island - 240l tank

    Re: 240l tank rescape (name coming later) You are my hero :thumbup: I love this tank bud, please come do mine :D
  22. J

    diy cabinet (for tank 70x40x40)

    Love it! Really liking the hood too :thumbup:
  23. J

    Nicks 4x2x2

    Check your PM bud - loving the tank and cabinet :thumbup:
  24. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CO2 HELP PLEASE! Yeah, leave it on 24/7. Trying to manually turn it off every night will cause no end of problems.
  25. J

    My first Layout "Two Tribes" updated 29/4

    Re: My first Layout I'm liking that, very different and would look superb with the right planting. I can't see that sand holding its shape for long though...
  26. J

    DIY Filter Schematic.

  27. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CALLING ALL BRAINS! Yes, I've had to rebuild 2 AquaticMagic solenoids because the springs they use are too soft and break.
  28. J

    DIY Filter Schematic.

    http://canvaspaint.org/ :lol:
  29. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CALLING ALL BRAINS! That's the one! Bargain price atm too.. Brilliant solenoid imo.
  30. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CALLING ALL BRAINS! Look for a German solenoid as use a Euro plug adapter. It'll still cost you £30 odd, but well worth it. And yup, as Garuf said, FE's will fit that Regulator and save you lots of cash.
  31. J

    Black Harlequin Rasbora

    Wow! Bud, that's awesome! Send me a larger version please! :D
  32. J

    Help identify this moss

    Fissidens can be really hard to tell apart, especially when you only have one variety in front of you. From what I remember, there are at least 50 different species, with hundreds more varieties. Fissidens Fontanus 'US' (Phoenix Moss) is perhaps the most common. Fissidens zippelianus...
  33. J

    Tank for moss and emersed growing - DONE :)

    Tony bud, any updates? Hows it working out for ya?
  34. J


    Detritus Worms? http://www.fish-as-pets.com/2007/11/pla ... swers.html
  35. J

    Clear acrylic tube lily pipes

    http://shop.ebay.co.uk/?_from=R40&_trks ... Categories :thumbup:
  36. J

    FujiFilm Finepix s1500

    What model have you got? I can only speak for my S5600... which, for a cheap camera, I'm very happy with. dSLR next though :thumbup:
  37. J

    FujiFilm Finepix s1500

    "A bad workman always blames his tools" :p
  38. J

    FujiFilm Finepix s1500

    I love my S5600 Finepix.. Great for point and click, but full auto mode if I feel the need to get techie. Macro mode is great too.
  39. J

    60 cm - Old fashioned Dutch style scape

    Why is that a issue bud?
  40. J

    saintlys tiger endlers

    Hope Dan likes fish fingers bud :lol:
  41. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CALLING ALL BRAINS! It might take them a few days to adapt, but they should be fine. I think Aaron changed to low tech as its easier to maintain. Cheaper too.
  42. J

    saintlys tiger endlers

    :lol: Markybob, can I buy some fish off you bud? :lol:
  43. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CALLING ALL BRAINS! Numbers... err.. a pinch of this and a pinch of that basically :lol: I wouldn't worry about it too much at this stage. Stop liquid carbon altogether. Adding it means there is a need to do water changes. Aaron North recently changed his...
  44. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l UPDATED 08/01/10 EI is based on 3-4wpg with around 30ppm+ of co2. So dosing full or even half EI isn't needed. The plants simply can't use that much ferts throughout the week. Liquid Carbon on a tank this size isn't enough imo. You'll probably kill all...
  45. J

    60 cm - Old fashioned Dutch style scape

    Looking good Maurits :) Have a Look at JamesC's brilliant algae guide here: http://www.theplantedtank.co.uk/algae.htm This should help you pin down what algae it is and what's causing it :thumbup:
  46. J

    Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l CLOSEING down today 1st May

    Re: Journal 2 . Finaly, 4ft 238l UPDATED 08/01/10 Chilled bud, hope you're good... Time to save those pennies imo and get some pressurised co2. I know funding is tight, especially this time of year straight after Christmas, but you really will not regret it mate. Until then, I'd lay off the...
  47. J

    Adam's 40cm Nano

    Nice Ad :thumbup:
  48. J

    Amazon biotope Lnumber/Aphisto tank

    Nice setup :thumbup: Welcome to ukaps too :D
  49. J

    60cm nature scape v2

    Sweet Sam :thumbup: Careful on the increase to 10 hours though bud, its really not needed after all :)
  50. J

    Best Snow pic

    The quality of those vids is just outstanding bud :shock:
  51. J

    Setting up new planted tank

    Personally, I've had more success adding the powders direct, but either way works :thumbup:
  52. J

    Setting up new planted tank

    Welcome to the zoo :) Firstly, 10 hours of light per day is way too much imo. Start off with 6 for a good few months, then increase to 7 for a couple of months, then 8. Plants don't need anymore than this. By far the best way of fertilizing is the EI method. Some find this confusing at first...
  53. J

    Pogostemon Helferi - Die Back

    I haven't heard of anyone having problems with liquid carbon and my old mate Pete Helferi, and 2ml per day shouldn't worry it anyway. Are you using pressurized co2?
  54. J

    5D mk2 random test shot

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  55. J

    spot dosing liquid carbon - how long to kill BBA?

    Try to remove as many of the tufts of bba as possible, then turn filters off and dose the full amount to the infected area. Leave for a few minutes then put your filter back on. You should notice the bba change colour and die back within a few days.
  56. J

    Aquascaping Funny

    :lol: :thumbup:
  57. J

    driving test success

    Congrats Nick :thumbup:
  58. J

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 Ouch :( Its a pig of a job I know, but the end results are worth it :)
  59. J

    60cm nature scape v2

    Re: 60cm nature scpae v2 Looking great bud :D How did you attach the moss after? Superglue?
  60. J

    Project 178

    Loving that bud, very nice indeed :clap:
  61. J

    One last try

    Not at all Sam, we want you to succeed :) Your light unit looks quite high too - can you lower it closer to the water a bit? Move your DC around a bit too - and use the fish for signs of co2 being too high. If the fish are ok, you CAN go a little higher :D
  62. J

    One last try

    The rocks could be upsetting a balance within the tank, but I think you are light limited. Add the third tube and more if you can - hc simply adores high light and co2, and struggles without it. Maybe a switch to dry powders is in order too?
  63. J

    One last try

    I'm going to suggest you need more light and more N.
  64. J

    My Private Island - 240l tank

    Re: 240l tank rescape (name coming later) Awesome! :clap:
  65. J

    60 cm - Old fashioned Dutch style scape

    Such rich colours... what is the red plant in the centre mate? Macrandra?
  66. J

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday :D
  67. J

    UKAPS Baby!!!

    Many congrats Sam :thumbup:
  68. J

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    The sense of depth here is just nuts, great shots bud :thumbup:
  69. J

    fighting blue green algae

    Check The Green Machine site, one of the sponsors :)
  70. J

    Memorable Night / My 20 liter ADA Nano

    Amen brother, this has been a very inspirational piece of art, and its been great following its journey :thumbup:
  71. J

    Staurogyne sp planting

    Yup :thumbup:
  72. J

    Dying Vallisneria Spiralis

    Any form of liquid carbon (EasyCarbo) will melt many species, including Vallis I'm afraid.
  73. J

    Frog O Sphere

    Its like the little betta homes only worse :(
  74. J

    Staurogyne sp planting

    Its basically a stem plant, so yes :) Cut just above a node and two new stems will grow. You can also replant the tops.
  75. J

    Andyh's 60L kitchen tank

    Yeah, photos make a journal... I hate seeing just final images. Looking good too bud :thumbup:
  76. J

    Hungarian Aquascaping competition 2009.

    Congrats Viktor! A really good turn out with some fantastic scapes. Well done to all who entered too :)
  77. J

    Bubbles per second!

    Bubble rate means nothing, as bubble size from regulator to regulator will vary, also the tubing, bubble counters, etc. I run my bubble count at stupid levels on my 60cm tank. Go by the Drop Checker. Try moving the DC around within the tank too.
  78. J

    what determines the capacity of a diffuser?

    I remember George saying he spent a lot of money on an ADA diffuser for it to not be as good as a cheap version he had. Much of it is down to pot luck with how good the quality of the ceramic disc is. I've noticed this with my two cheap Spiro diffusers - 1 releases many ting bubbles across the...
  79. J

    Tank for moss and emersed growing - DONE :)

    Super impressed with the build quality mate, really well done :) Do you mind if I ask how much your friend charged to cut the perspex?
  80. J

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    My co2 comes on a good 3 or 4 hours before lights on :thumbup: It could be a flow issue you have though Ad...
  81. J

    Saintly's 120cm 'hill's of desire'

    MTS would turn over a house given the chance mate :D
  82. J

    Tank for moss and emersed growing - DONE :)

    Re: Tank for moss and emmersed growing - DONE :) I want one! :D
  83. J

    Boyu Vs Up Aqua In-Line Diffusors - Quick Review

    Great comparison between these two.. I wonder how well the Cal Aqua In-line diffuser would compare in this test? I'm yet to try the Up Aqua product, but I've long used the Boyu Diffuser and think its great. Never had a problem with hoses slipping off, so no need for jubilee clips imo, and while...
  84. J

    "Serenity Peak" Mark's 60cm Iwagumi

    Well done mate, you've done a great job with this considering its only liquid co2 :clap: Take the korolia out and resnap it, its a great pic :thumbup:
  85. J

    60 cm - Old fashioned Dutch style scape

    Progressing well, with such a fantastic mix of colours and textures. Its really refreshing to see something that's not 'Nature Aquarium' style grow and develop! :clap:
  86. J

    10L Planted Low-Tech Shrimp Tank.. HELP! :)

    You should give others a go. We've found NatureSoil to be better than AquaSoil in many ways, including no ammonia, firmer grains, and better growth.
  87. J

    Juwel Nitrate (Green) sponge

    You don't say what type of algae it is... Lowering your nitrate levels wont help as excess nutrients don't cause algae, and if your plants starve you'll just be adding to the problem. You'll probably find its caused by inconsistent co2 levels due to your DIY co2. On larger tanks you'd be far...
  88. J

    Tank for moss and emersed growing - DONE :)

    Re: Acrylic tank for moss and emmersed set-up Cool :D Not a lot of room for access to the moss chambers though, or am I wrong? What filter are you using bud?
  89. J

    Tank for moss and emersed growing - DONE :)

    Re: Acrylic tank for moss and emmersed set-up Good start bud, you're flying along! :)
  90. J

    Wunderland Miniature Railway

    Wow :clap:
  91. J

    AGA 2009 Results - XL Category Winner

    Re: AGA Results That tank has by far the best looking Limnophila Aromatica I've ever seen and overall the tank looks so well maintained and lush its really hard to fault.
  92. J

    AGA 2009 Results are out

    Well done all :thumbup: Paul, cheers mate. Yes, I agree about it being slightly too overgrown, but was rushed and had no time to recover from the sharp lines after a trim. I do think they might have missed the point slightly too :lol:
  93. J

    Easy to remeber dosing days.

    Trace begins with a T, as does Tuesday and Thursday. NPK on other days, weekend off 8)
  94. J

    Comp_Nov09: Foothill Valley

    Re: Comp_Nov09: Untitled Love the hardscape :D I would have liked to have seen this with a dark substrate though... can make all the difference.
  95. J

    90x45x45 "Llyn Peninsula"

    Re: 90x45x45 "LlÅ·n Peninsula" How did I get dragged in to this? :crazy: Here ya go Tony: http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2 ... l=1&id=111
  96. J

    Lights on Lights off!

    Yeah, I'd reduce the co2 on time too... I switch mine on three hours before lights on and off an hour before lights off.
  97. J

    Algae Problem or lack of ferts?

    Yup :) Or as I said earlier, just cover parts of the tube(s) with some dark card, like I did here: http://www.plantedbox.com/wp-content/up ... 260126.jpg :thumbup:
  98. J

    Algae Problem or lack of ferts?

    It'll probably be ok with just one bulb, My 4x24w works with 1 or 3 bulbs in :thumbup: Have a good read of the EI guide here: http://www.ukaps.org/EI.htm as you may find you are missing out on a few other ingredients too :)
  99. J

    Lights on Lights off!

    I start out at 6 hours per day, then work my way up over several months to 8 hours for high tech setups and 10 hours for low tech low light no co2 tanks.
  100. J

    Algae Problem or lack of ferts?

    EI suggests we aim for 3ppm per week of PO4. So with your biomass, light levels and co2 injection, I'd start with that for a few weeks, then increase or decrease as desired. Just to make it clear, when Mark says raising the light, he doesn't mean raise the light levels, but actually raise the...