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  • Users: rebel
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  1. rebel

    AI Prime Freshwater vs Chihiros RGB2

    Thanks very much. I am not concerned about photographing the tank. When I look at at, I want it to look perfect with regard to cooler and high CRI spectrum. Budget is not really a concern. I will have a look at the blade. Never heard of it prior...
  2. rebel

    AI Prime Freshwater vs Chihiros RGB2

    HI everyone, Longtime no see. I have been chugging along with my 2 footer for several years quietly.... My interest has peaked slightly again and wanting to get a 4 foot CADE or similar setup. 120cm x 65W x 60H https://www.cadeaustralia.com.au/product-page/river-1200-s2-black I need it to...
  3. rebel

    CO2Art Pro Elite Needle Valve

    Could you please give me a link? I want to get the best needle valve - set and forget. I want my grandchild to inherit as part of my will. :)
  4. rebel

    CO2Art Pro Elite Needle Valve

    Any suggestions for the best needle valve for CO2 that's freely available all over the world? Assume money not an issue.
  5. rebel

    Life expectancy of aquarium silicone ?

    This is not a good analogy. A little leak in the roof/gutter is not catastrophic and actually expected while a leak in an aquarium is a little less expected and not acceptable.
  6. rebel

    ADA Gallery Japan

    I am visiting Japan at some stage and was going to visit but this looks like I won't be able to. Maybe the Gallery will die out as the memory of Amano also slowly fades from the public...... Seems so backward to close it due to COVID now that it also is a distant memory.
  7. rebel

    ADA Gallery Japan

    It looks like they have permanently closed it?? https://www.adana.co.jp/en/contents/gallery/index.html Does anyone else have intel? Thanks...!
  8. rebel

    Soaring energy prices & aquascaping

    That is a bit much. I think they are scamming you. Nothing has gone up by x5 just yet.
  9. rebel

    Soaring energy prices & aquascaping

    Do you mean 50% efficiency? That might take a long time or may not even be possible depending on the environment. I would not be holding my breath. I have 20% panels which are doing a great job so far. I only get 33% of market price for energy sold back to grid but better than nothing...
  10. rebel

    Soaring energy prices & aquascaping

    Does anyone here have negative energy bills due to offset from solar?
  11. rebel

    Wow! Been EI dosing just days and look…

    I agree with you. But most people need to learn to grow plants well before they learn to slow growth to a manageable level. I find that very slow growth can cause algae in the wrong hands. also the tank looks very boring when it's very slow growth.
  12. rebel

    British summer time

    HAHA! This is so true.
  13. rebel

    Frequent small water changes or weekly large?

    I would suggest 100% daily or more like continuous flow. That's what happens in natural systems... :)
  14. rebel

    Soaring energy prices & aquascaping

    In Australia we are looking at falling energy prices potentially due to renewables. Only problem is we don't have nuclear which would be really nice to complement solar. What's your yearly energy cost for the fishies?
  15. rebel

    Wow! Been EI dosing just days and look…

    Great stuff man. My experience with ferns is that they need LOTS of K and PO4. I would double that once you are eased into EI. Pump that CO2 and it will grow like crazy.
  16. rebel

    Taiwan Bee not so nano

    Wow that Ficus may damage your wall or maybe not???
  17. rebel

    Mosses that do or don't attach to Hardscapes!

    Yes. Keep that bush trimmed with weekly trims. Just like maintaining a nice hedge.
  18. rebel

    Aquascaper 900 - Comeback Lockdown Tank :)

    Yes, Java really needs good K and PO4. The latter will avoid GSA on the leaves also. You can grow HUGE java by tripling KPO4 and pumping CO2.
  19. rebel

    Aquascaper 900 - Comeback Lockdown Tank :)

    Gotcha. I will try this but struggle as the pvs pipes are kinda stiff and difficult to work with.
  20. rebel

    Not sure this will fly with the wife, new layout.

    Keep layout. Get new wife.
  21. rebel

    High Nitrates readings

    You can proceed as if you didn't record the nitrates. They don't matter in the dark cycling. Wait for ammonia and nitrite to read negative, do 100% water change and then add the fishies.
  22. rebel

    Aquascaper 900 - Comeback Lockdown Tank :)

    Great journal and scape man!! I have the same Borneo Wild pipes. What are your thoughts on the turbulance that the outlet causes on the water surface? I find that it's a bit much for my 160L tank but perhaps I am using a too large filter.
  23. rebel

    The Celestial Swamp - A voyage through a flooded forest fringe (Shallow Riparium)

    Like you, I find Chemiclean really good. I don't bother with anything else if cyano hits.
  24. rebel

    ADA Amazonia

    Yeah just bucket cycle for one month to rid of the ammonia and add to sump in a bag. Then you can take it out once it's 'spent' and replace.
  25. rebel

    Cleaning filter best way

    Shouldn't the real question be concentration of chlorine/chloramine vs dwell time. How much rinsing is required before significant bacteria die for example? If there is 5% die off and there is no measurable effect on the tank, then I would be ok with it...
  26. rebel

    Cleaning filter best way

    That water is iconic because Dynamo walked on it....?
  27. rebel

    Cleaning filter best way

    I am sure this has been discussed to the death. I just clean my filter with rain water because I have access via a tank and it's free. I used to clean it with tap water in the past. I don't think you can kill all the bacteria with a quick rinse like that. Others opinions may differ....
  28. rebel

    Green water algae after no water change for 2 weeks (high tech)- how to treat root cause?

    If the OP truly had an outbreak of Euglena, then increasing CO2 could make it worse? It looks like Euglena can use CO2 to photosynthetise....? https://www.ijert.org/research/co2-sequestration-and-growth-characteristics-of-euglena-gracilis-in-a-photo-bioreactor-IJERTV2IS110415.pdf This might be...
  29. rebel

    Houseplant grow light suggestions?

    I assume you want nice aesthetics as well as power? How about those PAR38 bulbs that are warm (if you like that). You need to figure out a lamp holder...3 would be plenty for a corner like that I reckon....
  30. rebel

    Has anyone encountered this color rendition oddity?

    Cheaper for you to just get used to it... :) As long as there is no comparator, I find that I have just got used to my modified Chihiro A series lights. I added some RGB to them and still chugging along since 2015 when I got them second hand!!!
  31. rebel

    New Decade, New Decadence...

    How about Amano shrimp, black mollies etc? Algaexit will kill so many shrimp IME. Not all though, depending on the dose.
  32. rebel

    Green water algae after no water change for 2 weeks (high tech)- how to treat root cause?

    I once had a green water problem. I paid $80 for a UV unit. Within one day the problem was gone. I have never had to use the UV since. I suggest you borrow the UV unit for one week and pay the owner $10.
  33. rebel

    Has anyone encountered this color rendition oddity?

    Very curious indeed! Does this mean that you may not notice yellowing of plants due to nitrogen deficiency etc while being lite by Chihiros RGB???
  34. rebel

    Co2 reactor air

    This was my previous setup but all my plastic atomisers kept leaking!!! During the operation, it looked like there was some bubble escape to the tank. It all depends on flow, size of reactor and bubble size etc therefore no harm in experimenting.
  35. rebel

    Most quiet external filter

    Is it possible to use their pump inline on your own filter (turned off)???? https://fzaqua.com/collections/filter-system/products/dc-controllable-pump?variant=40331120771237
  36. rebel

    Co2 reactor air

    Hmm Thanks. Yes my pipes are hard and I am terrified of causing a slow leak when I am not there. I will have to give up the tank if the floor gets permanent water damage... I filled it up but due to air lock it naturally has to empty fully (ie I have to manually start flow by siphoning the tank...
  37. rebel

    Co2 reactor air

    Yes. Since yestersay the level has increased slightly. Filter flow appears to be normal. 2213 is not that strong at the best of times.
  38. rebel

    No idea what to do - poor plant health and algae

    If you can get em a true small SAE would help out to remove the worst of it also. Once job is done and algae is under control you can return him to shop or give it away etc.
  39. rebel

    Co2 reactor air

    I labelled the input and output in red and the extended airline CO2 input in yellow. I extended it to improve dwell time of the bubble. I am not really getting enough co2 dissolution with this reactor yet. My Eheim 2213 may not have enough ooomph perhaps! Maybe I will add an airstone to the end...
  40. rebel

    Co2 reactor air

    I have been out of the game a little and don't understand that last bit of your sentence. Is this some sort of aquarium lingo or PBS space time sort of lingo??
  41. rebel

    Co2 reactor air

    THANKS! I can't really turn it upside down due to stiff pipes but will patiently wait for the air to dissapear. I just thought it was a bit wierd how it seems so resistent to filling up.
  42. rebel

    Co2 reactor air

    Yes the connection is right. The transparent pipe is connected to aquarium I am not injecting yet. This is how it looks with the filter running over night. I couldnt get the air bubble to dissapear.
  43. rebel

    Co2 reactor air

    This has an air bleed but its where you inject the co2. I modified it by attaching an airline to carry the co2 to about 3/4 way down so that it can rise up. Not sure of brand but it is from ebay. Thanks.
  44. rebel

    Co2 reactor air

    Holla everyone, I have been playing with this CO2 reactor and elongated the inlet by adding a piece of air tube. Since I reconnected it, it refuses to fill to the top. Seems to cause an air lock each time I try. Is this due to some leak or other reason? Thanks.
  45. rebel

    Ember Tetra Schooling - comparisons between 5, 10, 15, and 20 fish

    You can keep 20 easily. They remain pretty small. I have a feeling that they don't like super fast flow.
  46. rebel

    Aquascaping Contest Scandal

    While you remain a pillar of integrity, the same cannot be said for the shills on instagram out to make a few (hundred thousand) bucks by working 30 minutes per week. :)
  47. rebel

    RCS keep on dying

    When did you start this tank? Maybe it needs time to 'cycle'. Nitrites (if the measurements are correct) will definitely knock off shrimp faster that you can say "Shrimp on a barbie".
  48. rebel

    PFK subscribers - what do you get from the magazine?

    It is natural for people to lose interest in their hobbies and move on to others. To be fair on the mag, they can't be interesting to everyone all the time. The UKAPS crowd is more advanced in their hobby anyways.
  49. rebel

    Aquascaping Contest Scandal

    The 100s who cheated and got away with it should thank you and thank photoshop. But then those people have a sense of design though. There is some skill involved. Maybe they should be hired by the instagram aquascapers who edit the hell our of their scapes and increase the saturation to 300%.
  50. rebel

    Aquascaping Contest Scandal

    Buying photoshop is more expensive than actually getting a tank and doing the scape. :) Gimp is better value/suited for IAPLC manipulation.
  51. rebel

    Sewage dumping in rivers.

    Is it treated sewage or the raw stuff? Treated sewage is released into the oceans and also various marshlands (I think) that have reed like plants to absorb them.
  52. rebel

    Won't use RO anymore, will some difficult plants gonna to survive ?

    Not sure about first 3 but others would be ok. Especially the last few. You should expect some losses though unless you are wiling to do the transition very slowly over a couple of months for example. That way you can back pedal and save em.
  53. rebel

    RO Water, Remineralizers and pH

    Use gH/kH to measure the water rather than pH. gh 5 and kh 2 would do you nicely.
  54. rebel

    Can Anyone Recommend A Reliable CO2 Check Valve?

    This is so true about the push fittings! They are used so widely as well. I recently had a window cleaner do my house. He had this complex filter setup to get water clean before he cleaned it with a water fed hose. The water fed hose had these fittings. He had borrowed the equipment from a...
  55. rebel

    Using high and low ferts alternating

    Those are filamentous diatoms etc. They will go naturally. I'd soldier on ahead at full speed. There nothing stopping you from attacking it daily with a toothbrush.
  56. rebel

    Tank has odd problem with plant decay and bba but sister tank does not

    I suggest swapping the livestock between the two tanks and comparing and contrasting over 2 months. This is an interesting issue and I very much doubt there are easy answers.
  57. rebel

    Coral red pencil fish

    LMAO! What's a small bite among friends?
  58. rebel

    A thick and full carpet...

    Is it GSA? If so add some more phosphate (or even some more of the usual ferts). Otherwise you could reduce light slightly.
  59. rebel

    Aquarium Plant Fertilizers - Sources of Nitrogen

    @jaypeecee It's worthwhile adding some fast and medium growing plants also. Java fern can handle alot of abuse etc. I have personal experience with java fern which did ok with 'organic' urea addition but this caused a massive green thread algae explosion in that container.
  60. rebel

    Tiny tank experiment - do I need flow?

    I find that small containers of water like this will go stale etc unless it's very well balanced. Due to small size, it's hard to balance em fast. I think you will need to water-change daily. This type of container is good for wabicusa though. Love to see your progress either way.
  61. rebel

    Where to start to create this style of scape?

    YES! But this scape is a refinement of years of practice with very very careful attention to detail. the picture looks like it's been taken with some sort of clouding in the water to create that hazy effect etc etc. I suggest you practice arranging in a scape box daily (20 minutes should do...
  62. rebel

    Have You Seen? Post a thread as a Question rather than a Discussion!

    BookFace also has this functionality! Nice addition.
  63. rebel

    Using drained water of EI method fertilized planted tank for vegetables irrigation

    One word answer. Hells YEAH! I chuck it all on my lawn but in reality I'd love to collect it and irrigate it out to my rest of the garden.
  64. rebel

    Terrestrial plant fertiliser

    Only reason is that urea/ammonia can cause massive algal blooms. It depends on the stability of the system and some aquarists do get away with it. Try it and see. (Without fish of course)
  65. rebel

    CaSO4 sources, what am I getting?

    I use hemihydrate (designed for gardens) and epsom salts. It works fine.
  66. rebel

    Night lighting

    I just use a night light in the room but it doesn't allow me to view the tank though.
  67. rebel

    Rotala Macranda red-Deficiency?

    Agree no major harm.
  68. rebel

    Colour of substrate compared to hard scape

    Truth! before rocks become blunt and rounded with age, they break off and settle into a stream. the very old rocks are rounded if they are carved by water constantly.
  69. rebel

    Colour of substrate compared to hard scape

    Most certainly not. Have a look through various rivers etc and see. I have seen many examples where there are many types/shapes of rock with various colours of pebbles etc.
  70. rebel

    Can low light cause BBA?

    Duuuude, Did you see the thread on what causes BBA? It's a rite of passage in this forum. :)
  71. rebel

    Aquascaping Contest Scandal

    Wow so now they are coming out of the woods.... :) This to me sounds like cheating. Why anyone would cheat while doing a hobby is beyond me. Drain the swamp and build a planted tank with the water. I hope you realize that in those platforms, what you see is tailored to your world. You may not...
  72. rebel

    Easy way to "test" and breakdown of what to test.

    This is a good question and can only come with practice (ie daily observation) and experience. Watch for growth and any appearance of algae on older leaves. I usually reduce light a little if there is algae.
  73. rebel

    "Fifty Shades of Green" - (1600 Litre Sanjarami)

    Buce does better in CO2 IME but some people seem to grow it without CO2. Not sure about Anubias petite/Pangalino etc. I have some but they seem to be slightly more demanding that other anubis.
  74. rebel

    Aquascaping Contest Scandal

    @Steven Chong ; Keen to hear your commentry on this. Surely Amano would not approve of this sort of behaviour.
  75. rebel

    Major shrimp deaths, feeling like giving them up :(

    Never. While I can repair that tank potentially I refuse to sell it to another as I thought it was either the tank or the filter. One possibility was stability due to the tank being small but I had those shrimp in a bucket in a shed for goodness sake! Sometimes you have to just move on. I have...
  76. rebel

    Aquascaping Contest Scandal

    It would be amazing fun to totally troll the ADA comps next year!!!! I think I will enter but need to find a free Udemy course for photoshop editing. ;)
  77. rebel

    Major shrimp deaths, feeling like giving them up :(

    Hi Nick, I don't think you have isolated the cause for the deaths. Good to hear maybe they have slowed down. There is something seriously amiss though because I have kept cherries in 0-30 degrees, 0 to very hard water, low to very high CO2, 60% water changes with temp fluctuations of 5...
  78. rebel

    "Fifty Shades of Green" - (1600 Litre Sanjarami)

    Great example of long-term CO2 and Non-CO2 aesthetic as well as longterm tank husbandry! If you add smaller anubis/buce then I think the leaf sizes will balance out and improve depth of planting. The current leaf sizes look too even.
  79. rebel

    Observations/testing of long-term carpet planting

    Choke out and die then float off. If you give it light, it will come back but patchy and then repeat the cycle again. Have you ever kept a grass lawn? Similar sort of progression if you don't cut it regularly, the bottoms can yellow etc etc.
  80. rebel

    Best LED

    Maybe the use case could be intermittent; much like how I use UV (only used 3 times ever!).
  81. rebel

    Best LED

    Tom says he tried it and it doesn't work. I reckon someone else should also try it!!! How far would ultrasound frequencies travel in water??
  82. rebel

    Surface Film

    My unbiased view is that we should call it Rebel Scum. :happy:
  83. rebel

    Question about sand and dirt

    For low tech, I would just use coarse sand and root tabs (with or without some clay). No need to get fancy.
  84. rebel

    Best LED

    This ammonia hypothesis is 'proven in the hobby' is it not? I thought there was countless conversations about it in the 90s or maybe 2000s in the Barr report forum. EI would somewhat support this also right with huge doses of nitrates etc?
  85. rebel

    Best LED

    Agree with this. The only wean point is the that 90 degree arm which can sometimes wobble (maybe they fixed it in the newer versions). Good to hear that the output is good as this was one of my hangups about it.
  86. rebel

    Best LED

    This is what I mean. Some of these manufacturers are trolling the users. :) Imagine paying hundreds to get a light that's loud and ugly!!!
  87. rebel

    Best LED

    Most of the RD you pay for is for the salt water lights. Their freshwater lights are just as a hobby (for them) and it is evidenced by loud fans and poor spectrum for the freshwater lights. It's similar to living in the 90s with a seperate controller for adjustment rather than built in wifi...
  88. rebel

    Another new joiner - google SEO for AKAPS needed?

    One's search results are customised to you. Everyone one sees what google thinks they want to see and will cause maximum 'engagement'. Engagement increases their revenues. One word: Duckduckgo.
  89. rebel

    People whose aquariums aren't covered: have you had any issues with evaporation?

    No issues. How do you mean? due to humidity???? It depends on your environmental humidity/ size of room etc etc. It's hard to generalise.
  90. rebel

    Will APFUK starter kit suit my needs?? 4 Month update with pics

    Macro is more important so that should be first. ;)
  91. rebel

    Best LED

    What is best is Beer, Beets and Battlestar galactica. :) Best option would be ADA Solar RGB. What's your maximum budget?
  92. rebel

    Everything DIY build

    Up at night, Down during day.
  93. rebel

    The Art of Nature Aquarium

    You guys are spoilt for fish over there. In Australia we have to pay crazy prizes for uncommon fish. Apistos are often $50 each.
  94. rebel

    Has anyone used an automatic roller filter such as Clarisea in their sump?

    I don't use any sponges or filter wool for my planted tank. Occasionally use a polishing filter wool in a small powerhead only.
  95. rebel

    Everything DIY build

    In the ADA gallery, the minions move the outlet pipes up and down on a daily basis. This is the way.
  96. rebel

    Alger and dead fish :(

    Unlikely. I reckon you should reduce light by 20%. Increase water changes to 50% twice a week for 3 weeks then back to 50% weekly. Reduce Carbon by 50%. Cut off all leaves with bad algae and remove em. Clean the filter also. Then watch for the next couple of months.
  97. rebel

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Technical masterpiece! most won't realise the effort to capture such an image.
  98. rebel

    Post Your Pics & Videos of the Great Outdoors

    Oh Man! I haven't been to the UK but this makes me cringe due to the episode of "Quantockking" in the series Peep Show!!