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  1. Tim Harrison

    My first aquarium, running for 7 months

    There's nothing ugly about that tank. Superb, well done :)
  2. Tim Harrison

    Office scape

    Lovely little island scape and nice use of epiphytes. Very much like how you've filled the canvas, but left enough negative space for contrast and to give the whole thing some tension.
  3. Tim Harrison

    Can I see your black lava rock islands

    What are the dimensions of your tank? Post a pic of possible it’ll help folk visualise the possibilities
  4. Tim Harrison

    Hi everyone

    Welcome 🙂
  5. Tim Harrison

    Not an expert

    Very nice 🙂
  6. Tim Harrison

    Some of my plants and tank picture

    Great looking tanks and healthy plants.
  7. Tim Harrison

    My first aquarium, running for 7 months

    Well done, it’s a great looking scape with very healthy looking plants.
  8. Tim Harrison

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Welcome 🙂 It’s a very good start, and looks great as is. It’s a nice composition. Maybe experiment with more hardscape and see how it looks. The principle is fairly simple really. It’s like drawing a picture on paper. Use the whole sheet, fill the canvas. Don’t just draw in one corner. This...
  9. Tim Harrison

    Transient Life in Twilight

    I already use it, a lot . . .
  10. Tim Harrison

    Dry start scape

    Thanks @foxfish I’m hoping it wasn’t just luck and I can carry the experience through to this one. And thanks also @Geoffrey Rea, good to be back 🙂
  11. Tim Harrison

    Dry start scape

    Finally got around to creating a scape, the first in a long while. It'll be dry start, and likely stay that way for a few months or more whilst home renovations are undertaken. I've been on a bit of a journey over the last 20 months or so, and I've still yet to arrive. But it's good to be...
  12. Tim Harrison

    First real attempt

    Very nice. I like how you've used just a few species and resisted the temptation to cram more in.
  13. Tim Harrison

    my juwel rio 300

    That looks spectacular. The lighting combination appears to make the colours pop.
  14. Tim Harrison

    Myrtle's MTS - a photographic tour!

    Wow, just wow. That's amazing. You've done it now. You've got no choice but to keep this thread updated 😁 Seriously though, it'd be great to see all of these together again and how they're coming along at some point in the future.
  15. Tim Harrison

    ADA Backlight.

    Looks great 👍
  16. Tim Harrison

    Transient Life in Twilight

    Thanks for the info. That’s one of my favourites as well. Seen it in the flesh more than a few times. I like what Tai and Dave have done with the planting very much. It takes me back to when more natural looking scapes were the norm not the exception. And reminds me of how I first started out. I...
  17. Tim Harrison

    Transient Life in Twilight

    Very nice, What are your low-energy plant choices?
  18. Tim Harrison

    A Little Bit Mossy

    Looking good :cool:
  19. Tim Harrison

    New member & new tank

    Welcome :) Nice looking tank
  20. Tim Harrison

    I'm new here, so decided to introduce myself

    Quite a few folk have had a similar experience, including me. It’s very strange, it’s almost as though vallis has forgotten how to grow in an aquarium. Probably because very few try to grow it these days. It’s a much maligned and underrated plant. Maybe it’s playing hard to get as a result. It...
  21. Tim Harrison

    The Yank Tank

    Welcome :) Politics aren't allowed, and we won't judge regardless who's in government, so don't worry ;)
  22. Tim Harrison

    Hillstream Loach Riverscape

    Very nicely done 👍
  23. Tim Harrison

    Uns 60s

    Very nice 👍 I think it's a very decent read.
  24. Tim Harrison

    Old school under gravel filter tank.

    Really great to see an old school tank, just how I used to do them back in the day. With regards UG filters, they always worked fine for me… https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/dr-timothy-hovanecs-comments-about-bacterial-supplements.62201/page-3#post-614068
  25. Tim Harrison

    My little gallery

    Welcome, lovely scapes :)
  26. Tim Harrison


    Really stunning, shared on Instagram :)
  27. Tim Harrison

    60 cm planted tank

    Welcome :) Very nice scape 👍
  28. Tim Harrison

    My 6x2x2ft Aquascape, Low Tech.

    Looks spectacular. Start a journal and keep us all updated with progress :) Can we have a square on FTS please?
  29. Tim Harrison

    125 litre jungle low tech scape

    Very nice and very impressive without CO2 👍
  30. Tim Harrison

    2 month update

    Very nice, I'd leave it for a while yet too.
  31. Tim Harrison

    My Cryptocoryne dominated 100 lt riverscape .

    Very nice and great to see a lace plant in there too ;)
  32. Tim Harrison

    First post in over 7 years - Juwel Rio 125

    Welcome back Fred, looking good so far :) You may want to think about transferring your images to Flickr. I migrated when photobucket started doing weird things and demanding money from me. It took me a couple of hours but I'm glad I made the change.
  33. Tim Harrison

    Day Vs Night setting

    I think it's probably more common than was thought to be. Apparently a wide range of fish species posses this adaptation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vision_in_fishes I think spectrum matters to lifecycle and growth morphology, any white light is full spectrum, as far as plants and humans are...
  34. Tim Harrison

    Planted Tank For A Single Mated Pair Of Discus

    Welcome back Steve. Good to hear you were successful breeding discus. And your friends tanks are very nice :) I know the wholesaler in Bedfordshire ALF had some monster pieces of bogwood. Give them a go and see, although they're big on supporting the high street so chances are they won't sell...
  35. Tim Harrison

    Day Vs Night setting

    Not really, it's too dim. I doubt it's even anywhere near the light compensation point, for instance. The goldfish Carassius auratus has tetrachromatic color vision it can see in the red, green, blue, and UV regions of the spectrum.
  36. Tim Harrison

    Day Vs Night setting

    Outside the photoperiod my light is on but somewhat dimmed, only enough to view the tank and appreciate the colours of the plants and critters. Obviously it goes off completely at bedtime :)
  37. Tim Harrison

    "Project Ikebana"

    Absolutely stunning, thanks for posting Shawn :)
  38. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Members' Full-Tank Shots

    NatureScape ADA 60-P
  39. Tim Harrison

    Low-tech 30 liters

    Hi and welcome. Nice setup, how long has it been running?
  40. Tim Harrison

    From This to This!!!

    NatureScape ADA 60-P Dec 2018 June 2019
  41. Tim Harrison

    054l - My own Borneo

    Clive, the expert that just keeps on giving... Does the charcoal in my filter take the fertiliser out of the water? Tank looks great btw.
  42. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Members' Full-Tank Shots

    Nano NatureScape 30cm Cube
  43. Tim Harrison

    From This to This!!!

    Nano Nature Scape 30cm cube From this... April 25 2017 To this... Dec 21 2017
  44. Tim Harrison

    My Pics - Always in development

    Looks fine to me also, and you obviously can grow plants. I'm sure your new scape will be just as good, if not better. So onward and upward ;)
  45. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Members' Full-Tank Shots

    Return of the Shallow 60x40x25(h)cm IMG_0085 by Tim Harrison, on Flickr
  46. Tim Harrison

    From This to This!!!

    From this 25.08.2017... To this 31.03.2018...
  47. Tim Harrison

    35l "Keep on rockin!"

    Congratulations on your win Andy, well deserved ;)
  48. Tim Harrison

    016l - Number 19 - Mateusz Salawa

    It sure does look amazing...I like it a lot :)
  49. Tim Harrison

    Low tech tank (Newbie)

    It's never grown well for me low-energy, but it can be a little temperamental high-energy as well.
  50. Tim Harrison

    Low tech tank (Newbie)

    Very nice Ray, all looks very healthy :)
  51. Tim Harrison

    my new nature aquarium

    Well you certainly planted it for immediate effect, I'm sure it will look even more stunning when it's grown in.
  52. Tim Harrison

    my new nature aquarium

    ...Jean-Michel is that you...aquarist/ horticulturist at the Royal botanical gardens of Kew? :)
  53. Tim Harrison

    my new nature aquarium

    Hello Napoleon, welcome. Nice work ;)
  54. Tim Harrison

    Nature 40

    I've never kept them but thought in most cases it was best to keep them on their own even males and females except of course when they are actually breeding.
  55. Tim Harrison

    Nature 40

    Looking good, but how do you manage to make two Bettas compatible ?
  56. Tim Harrison

    Low tech nano in study

    Technically speaking LC makes it high-energy. But either way looking great ;)
  57. Tim Harrison

    My first Dutch Tank............

    Wow, that is spectacular ;)
  58. Tim Harrison

    Nature in my living room

    Welcome to UKAPS, looking good ;)
  59. Tim Harrison

    My two special Aquascapes.

    You're going to have to sort something out with regards that water supply of yours Keith, it's a great shame you've had to give up your tanks because of it :(
  60. Tim Harrison

    First Low Tech Planted Tank... Now High Tech!

    It's a great jungle scape;)
  61. Tim Harrison

    First Low Tech Planted Tank... Now High Tech!

    Looking good Mr Hidley;)
  62. Tim Harrison

    From This to This!!!

    From this, 4 May 2016... To this 18 Aug 2016... Windswept Eternity Custom Optiwhite 60x40x25(h) https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/windswept-eternity.37490/
  63. Tim Harrison

    35l "Dead wood, new Life"

    Great scape...there's some major artistry demonstrated in the placement of the plants:)...
  64. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Members' Full-Tank Shots

    Windswept Eternity Custom Optiwhite 60x40x25(h) https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/windswept-eternity.37490/
  65. Tim Harrison

    Heavy On The Plants..

    Spectacular, sort of a dutch jungle hybrid, it reminds me of the images in the book that got me started way back in the late 1970s...The Complete Aquarium Encyclopedia of Tropical Freshwater Fish by J.D, von Ramshorst.
  66. Tim Harrison

    First Low Tech Planted Tank... Now High Tech!

    Vallis can synthesis carbon from bicarbonate so it will usually do very well in hard water. So will crypts, Bucephalandra and anubias species and very probably a variety of mosses. I'm not sure about H. tripartita...I haven't had the same low-energy success as it appears MrHidley has had...
  67. Tim Harrison

    My kitchen nano

    Lovely...delicate and well tended garden:thumbup:
  68. Tim Harrison

    My kitchen nano

    That's looking very cool:cool:
  69. Tim Harrison

    My kitchen nano

    Great little scape:thumbup:
  70. Tim Harrison

    Wet Dream by Luis Batista

    Paulo, according to Google translate he called you a Portuguese shovel:eek:
  71. Tim Harrison

    First tank in 30years (2 days old)

    Nice...very natural looking;)
  72. Tim Harrison

    Planted Fluval Osaka 155

    Always liked the Osaka range...scape's looking great.
  73. Tim Harrison

    First Low Tech Planted Tank... Now High Tech!

    Yep good idea. Should all be fine;)
  74. Tim Harrison

    First Low Tech Planted Tank... Now High Tech!

    Just take as much water out as possible and cover the tank top with cling film, it should be fine. But I suppose it depends on how far you're travelling.
  75. Tim Harrison

    First Low Tech Planted Tank... Now High Tech!

    Well done MrHidley...a triumph;)
  76. Tim Harrison

    Number 13 - 60x35x35 (74L)

    I thought it was just the camera angle, unless you're referring to the black mollies http://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/poecilia-sphenops/?;)
  77. Tim Harrison

    Number 13 - 60x35x35 (74L)

    Nice, your fish seem very at home, and I particularly like this image...
  78. Tim Harrison

    Number 13 - 60x35x35 (74L)

    Very nice scape...and video of it happening... In my view it deserved better...well done;)
  79. Tim Harrison

    slow growing 200l 1 year on

    Great looking tank, and low maintenance - best of both worlds.
  80. Tim Harrison

    Number 7 - 60x30x30 (54L)

    Hello Matthew, and welcome to UKaps, nice scape.
  81. Tim Harrison

    My Aquarium corner

    Nice corner;) Love the improvised stand.
  82. Tim Harrison

    My other 60

    That looks great...Glowlights were one of the first fish I kept...underrated IMO;)
  83. Tim Harrison


    Wow...fantastic, that tank looks very accomplished indeed.
  84. Tim Harrison

    Unconditional Love V.1 & V.2 by Yoda

    Stunning as usual Yoda:)
  85. Tim Harrison

    10 years old 90 gal tank restart

    Hi and welcome, nice tank
  86. Tim Harrison

    My 680 Dutch tank

    Fantastic, healthy plants and great to see my old favourite - platies.
  87. Tim Harrison

    Update on my 2 scapes

    Really nice and well executed.
  88. Tim Harrison

    Update on my 2 scapes

    It's all good dude...you're doing an awesome job...you should post more frequently...
  89. Tim Harrison

    From This to This!!!

    Tulgey Wood 60l From this - April 2014 To this-ish - Dec 2014 Or alternatively this - Jan 2015
  90. Tim Harrison

    Mot's aquascapes - Added AGA 2015 Aquascapes

    Hello Jeff...very nice scapes, and what Iain said - spectacular moss!
  91. Tim Harrison

    Windowsill Nature pt. 2

    Amen to that...I've tried to coin the phrase Hybrid-energy in my tutorial...but it doesn't seem to be catching on:rolleyes:
  92. Tim Harrison

    Scape that s#@t!

    Yep...I think that'd be a good idea too...it detracts from your obvious genius...
  93. Tim Harrison

    Brighid Sleeps

    Sounds awesome...:)
  94. Tim Harrison

    Brighid Sleeps

    I can see that, even without too much imagination...it's what makes the UK's landscape so special:)