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  1. Tim Harrison

    Changing times for UKAPS

    It is the end of an era. Paulo pretty much built this forum as it stands today singlehanded. He's been its backbone and lifeblood for well over a decade. The fact that UKAPS is still going strong when almost all other forums have gone to the wall stands testament to his dedication and hard work...
  2. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS has passed 20,000 members.

    Despite its name UKAPS is a truly international community with members and visitors from all 4 corners of the globe. In terms of active membership and visitors, the English speaking nations like the US, NZ, and Australia account for a growing number, and at times account for nearly half of folk...
  3. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS has passed 20,000 members.

    UKAPS has passed 20,000 members. That’s quite a landmark achievement and a strong indication that the forum remains as popular as ever. A very big thank you to all of you for making the forum what it is today, an informative, friendly, and safe space to hang out with likeminded folk 🙂
  4. Tim Harrison


    It’s as @Hanuman mentions above. Signatures etc don’t show on phones.
  5. Tim Harrison


    Are you accessing the forum from a phone?
  6. Tim Harrison


    We’re lucky to have you in our corner. Above and beyond the call of duty. Thanks Paulo.
  7. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Meet in Spring 2023

    Come along Piotr, you can be incognito ;)
  8. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Meet in Spring 2023

    Stu there's an official thread here. And yes me, Paulo, Geoff, and Dan will be there among many others https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/ukaps-meet-aquarium-gardens-march-26.71397/
  9. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Meet Aquarium Gardens March 26

    It's official, hope to see as many of you there as possible. From 10am onwards ;)
  10. Tim Harrison

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Thanks John, that's a good idea. All donations are very greatly appreciated, and as the donation panel on the homepage mentions, they go toward running the forum. Not only to meet hosting costs but also for addons and features that help keep the forum up to date and relevant; as well as fun and...
  11. Tim Harrison

    Changing times for UKAPS

    Ah, the good old days. Did you think you'd still be here over 12 years later doing the same job? The only problem is Paulo, you're so good at it you've become indispensable.
  12. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Meet in Spring 2023

    Be good to see you there Stu 👍
  13. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Meet in Spring 2023

    It would be nice to meet more of our members from overseas. Perhaps calling the forum the United Kingdom Aquatic Plant Society doesn't always seem entirely appropriate since the international membership is growing apace, especially from North America.
  14. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Meet in Spring 2023

    That might be a good idea too, we'll definitely give it some thought ;)
  15. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Meet in Spring 2023

    Yes party in the car park, maybe a bbq, and yes the tills will be open. AG is usually closed but will open up exclusively for us 🙂 It’ll be a blast, complete with sticky name tags perhaps, so we know who’s who. Always good to know who you’re chatting to, and to put faces to names.
  16. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Meet in Spring 2023

    Like Paulo mentioned above, AG will open exclusively for UKAPS, so the more the merrier. It's always great to meet other members and put faces to names. And if you haven't been to AG before it's well worth the trip, even from Scotland ;)
  17. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS on Instagram

    Quick update... UKAPS Instagram page has just passed 1500 followers. Another small but significant milestone on our wonderful forums journey. Thanks to all those who have followed us there and for all the likes and comments 🙌 Remember to follow UKAPS on Instagram if you haven't already :)
  18. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS New Logo

    This always springs to mind... https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/22/world/europe/boaty-mcboatface-what-you-get-when-you-let-the-internet-decide.html
  19. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS on Instagram

    For those of you not yet aware, UKAPS now has an Instagram page where we post many of the forums highlights. If you're already on Instagram it'd be great if you followed us on there too. If not, it's definitely worth signing up. It's an endless source of inspiration for all things related to...
  20. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS on Instagram

    News flash... UKAPS has just passed 500 followers on Instagram. Thanks to all those who’ve helped get the forum page off to a good start 👍
  21. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS on Instagram

    Remember folks UKAPS is now on Instagram. Tell all your friends, family and... pets to follow us... https://www.instagram.com/ukapsforum/
  22. Tim Harrison

    Moderator hogan53 name change!

    I was confused for a second this morning, then I remembered you'd changed your name 😬
  23. Tim Harrison

    New Admin

    Thanks Paulo and George. UKAPS is a great community to be part of, and clearly I'm not the only one that thinks so as it continues to grow and do well. Paulo is the backbone of the forum and his role is massive so it's a pleasure to be able to help out and offer support when and where I can...
  24. Tim Harrison

    New moderator

    Second that Paulo. Good to have you on the team Geoff 👍
  25. Tim Harrison

    Forum Issue

    Crikey, thanks Paulo, it seems to be one thing after another lately. I hope that's it for a while now.
  26. Tim Harrison


    Nice touch :cool:
  27. Tim Harrison

    Forum has been upgraded

    No not at all. We all have an opinion. One of the qualities that makes UKAPS so special is that it's a safe environment in which to voice those opinions without fear of being trolled or otherwise abused. I guess some images can be a little on the large side if they're loaded directly to a...
  28. Tim Harrison

    Forum has been upgraded

    Know what you mean, but I don't think it's a very popular format when viewing a thread. I doubt that most folk actually bother to click on the thumbnails and I also think full size images look much better especially in a journal. Full size images add a great deal to the overall feel and look of...
  29. Tim Harrison

    Forum has been upgraded

    Dark style looks awesome too :)
  30. Tim Harrison

    Forum has been upgraded

    A very big thank you Paulo for giving up both your time and expertise. The new site looks and feels awesome :cool: I know it's taken many many days, not just to do the actual upgrade but also to do the necessary testing beforehand. And that it hasn't always been easy, there have been more than a...
  31. Tim Harrison

    Global moderators

    In the Forums page select which topic you want to post under and click Post New Thread ;)
  32. Tim Harrison

    Global moderators

    Thanks Paulo, just glad to be of help:)
  33. Tim Harrison

    UKAPS Tshirts options POLL

    It's all good I'd buy either an' declare to the world that I'm a fully fledged member...but left titty works best for me too...it's my best side...:D...you should see the other it's unnaturally large...must be all that tennis...:(
  34. Tim Harrison

    Forum Donations - Gauging Opinions (Poll)

    IMO the original idea is fine, but it needs to be kept stupidly simple, as soon as strings become attached things become unnecessarily complicated and start heading in to trouble. For me it's of paramount importance that the original ethos and integrity of the forum is not compromised, since...