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  1. W

    Cobbles and pebbles safe to use?

    Great! Thank you Mark
  2. W

    Cobbles and pebbles safe to use?

    Hi guys, I'm setting up my first planted tank so I'm a complete newbie to aquascaping. I've got some cobbles and pebbles I'd like to use, sourced from a gravel pit on a family farm. They are a variety of colours and look great when wet. I've scrubbed them and rinsed and soaked with boiling water...
  3. W

    Hi from Cardiff!

    Hi Guys, Thought id take the time to say hi! Im Will, i live in Cardiff and have been keeping fish for several years, and although ive had a few plants in the past i wouldnt regard it as a planted tank. I've decided that its time for my tank to have a makeover, and have always been inspired...