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  1. A

    DSLR or Bridge?

    I don't use a flash, but this is only because at the time I couldn't afford one and now I don't have a fish tank and currently I do not find it limiting my photography. It would certainly help though. Depending on how bright your fish tank lights are you could get away with it, the 350D has an...
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    DSLR or Bridge?

    Thats what I have, excellent choice for a beginner in the SLR market :thumbup:
  3. A

    DSLR or Bridge?

    I had a Fujifilm Finepix S5700 Bridge (£88) and it gave me good results, it was just limiting when you wanted to try something a bit different, and it can be frustrating in aquarium photography as you are limitied to ISO400 (due to noise any higher) which makes for a slow shutter speed - unless...
  4. A

    Canon 350D

    Thanks for the info :thumbup: I've been looking into getting a large aperture lens and that Canon one is perfect :thumbup: I think I'll do some test shots tomorrow, although I need to do a final clean up & photograph the tank for IAPLC :roll: lol Thankyou, Aaron
  5. A

    Canon 350D

    Thanks for all the responses :thumbup: It was between the Nikon D40 & 350D as I was looking at Dave's & Graeme's photostreams. I went with the Canon in the end after reading about the D40 needing AF-S lenses due a lack of motor in the body or something, so I thought it would be better to go...
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    Canon 350D

    Thanks for all the responses guys, it was Between the 350D and nikon D40. I was looking atboth Graeme's and Dave's work but after Reading something about the D40 Needing AF-S lenses i decided it would be easier to go with the canon. I have never used the histogram before and I have just gone by...
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    Canon 350D

    Hi all, it's about time I invested in a better camera, the fuji S5700 was great, but I felt it held me back in places, so I purchased a second hand 350D. It come with a 18-55mm canon lens and a spare battery for £240 and is like new, no scratches or marks :thumbup: My Uncle then gave me two...
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    stumpy woods.

    The colours are always so vivid :thumbup: Especially on the moss covered tree trunk :thumbup:
  9. A

    New Camera

    I agree with Neil, if you have the fish swimming into space it looks better, :thumbup:
  10. A

    Is there an idiots guide to photgraphing Tanks?

    use a tripod, set on a a 10sec timer so you dont get any blur when you press the shutter button. press the shutter half way to focus, do this until it is right, then fully so it takes the pic. What camera do you have? Thanks, Aaron
  11. A

    Best Snow pic

    Thats amazing Mark :clap: I Want to see it on a HDTV now :thumbup:
  12. A

    Best Snow pic

    That is my way of thinking too, but I have just found this mind boggling bit of info :crazy: The colours of black & white Part 1 The colours of Black & white Part 2
  13. A

    Technical Photography question

    Take a look at this page here, it exaplins what is happening viewtopic.php?f=35&t=9067&start=50 Thanks, Aaron
  14. A

    Best Snow pic

    while on the subject of B&W, is there any difference between shooting in B&W, and shooting in colour then desaturating it? Something I have always wondered and whether it makes a difference, they both look the same to me in the end so I am thinking not :!:
  15. A

    Best Snow pic

    oh thats awesome Caroline. Where abouts do you live? :thumbup: I like your last picture, John :thumbup: Really eery :shifty:
  16. A

    Microscope Pics

    Thankyou, i expeced them being more with a camera, the quality isnt that bad with what you have uploaded, I can put up with that. :thumbup:
  17. A

    Best Snow pic

    snow bike, anyone? one that has a bit of quality in :roll: Yes, there is a car in this picture! lol Thanks, Aaron
  18. A

    Microscope Pics

    brilliant :thumbup: If you ever get spyrogyra that looks cool under the microscope. Can you post a pic of your equipment please? what magnification are you using on these? I have been looking at microscopes which are around £120 for a decent one but havent looked at any which can take...
  19. A

    Shrimp images.

    very good, Mark :thumbup: even the unfocused/ unsharp images still manage to look sharp (if that makes sense!) :D :thumbup:
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    Are you planning on doing an emmersed setup (riparium perhaps :wink: ) or are all these mosses just for photography?
  21. A

    Bird pics

    that last pic is awesome :thumbup: caught the bird but still some movement in the wings :D
  22. A

    Camara advice?

  23. A

    if scared of spiders, do NOT look.

    Im not complaining :P Love all of these pictures.
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    why stinging nettles sting.

    that thing's like a mini microscope lol.
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    saintly's Nature plant pot.

    haha, its like is own little world.
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    raging planet of dandelion.

    I have seen that too, albeit being sold online but still as bad. I love the fuscia flower. cant wait to see some aquatic shots with it :thumbup:
  27. A

    raging planet of dandelion.

    amazing.... make sure you are clicking on the pictures people! They are mega :o
  28. A

    Help with photo editing

    sorted it, if anyone wants to know... tools > transparency > colour to alpha.
  29. A

    Help with photo editing

    Hi, i am creating a brochure for my ICT coursework, and i am trying to put some images in circles across the page, however, there is a white box behind them which looks rubbish, any ideas how to ge it off? I have GIMP, and i have tried cutting it away with magic wand but then publisher wont...
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    schmap photo...

    I did rotate it after :roll: but this is when i just did a bulk upload a few weeks back before i edited any! Thanks, Aaron
  31. A

    schmap photo...

    I have just had an email telling me my photo has been shortlisted to be used in the 9th edition of the brochure guide of Southampton :D Hopefully they'll use it but even still to be recognised is a great feeling :thumbup: Thanks, Aaron
  32. A

    A different planted tank...

    composition has always been great, the first thing that struck me is the sharpness of the images, i always thought they couldnt be much better, but looking back at older pictures the clarity isn't there. Good use of bokeh too, the fact that you can see some of the plants in the background and...
  33. A

    A different planted tank...

    amazing pictures, best i have seen from you :thumbup:
  34. A

    help with autostitch

    38mm - which is the widest angle. I'll try anothe attempt, but i thought the idea of a panorama is to get as much landscape in as possible thanks, Aaron
  35. A

    help with autostitch

    i get that on every pano' i take :eh: now you have metioned that James i seem to recall reading about that feature on GIMP :thumbup:
  36. A

    Photo of mine might be used on TV!

    congrats :thumbup:
  37. A

    help with autostitch

    thanks, i do crop it but then the fence still isnt straight. I have tried changing the perspective but that didnt work thanks, Aaron
  38. A

    Why I no longer keep fish

    I have started a new thread so this doesnt get hijacked, thanks, Aaron viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7739
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    help with autostitch

    Hi, as i was explaining on another thread, whenever i use autostitch it comes out really distorted, any tips or ideas where i am going wrong? or do you have to edit it a final time? Thanks, Aaron
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    Why I no longer keep fish

    what stitching program do people use? I have "auto stitch" and whenever i try to stitch them together it comes out like barrel distortion - really, really badly.
  41. A

    Longleat Safari Park - holiday photo's

    Re: Longleat Safari Park lol, thanks ceebee
  42. A

    Photoshop CS Plug-In

    I use neat image, only when it is really noticeable
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    Why I no longer keep fish

    you always get such amazing colours in your shots, it has everything going for it, the large version is worth clicking too hehe :wink:
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    Longleat Safari Park - holiday photo's

    Re: Longleat Safari Park it was when i was photographing subjects around the water. here is an example. as you can see, to correctly expose the island, the water was always overexposed, so i could never get that crisp look. perhaps i need a polarizer, but i havent read to much up on the...
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    Longleat Safari Park - holiday photo's

    Just been staying at the capsite which is literally a two minute walk away from the main attraction. You can hear the sea lions barking? all day, with the lions then taking over at night! The good thing about it is you purchase a passport ticket which last you all season, so even if you dont...
  46. A

    what is a Good Camara?

    lense gives you aperture & focal length. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2459&hilit= viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6653&hilit=aperture+iso&start=10
  47. A

    Holiday Photos

    I am always amazed at the little detail you and others pick out of photo's, i always go back and i'm like, oh yeah, :oops:
  48. A

    Holiday Photos

    excellent pictures :thumbup: i like so many but the one below the firworks has a great DoF :thumbup:
  49. A

    Through the tunnel

    hehe, we are getting 2 guinea's and a rabit after we come back off holiday
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    Equipment needed to take a photo of two iPhones

    haha, i could see the point behind cars though, i have got a similar affect to what they did with my built in flash :lol:
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    Equipment needed to take a photo of two iPhones

    Re: Equipement needed to take a photo of two iPhones lol, thats crazy!
  52. A

    Mullion Cove - handheld landscapes

    thanks for all the replies, all make great sense :thumbup:
  53. A

    Snaps of my larger fish

    i thought it was an adult :lol: Nice pictre, very decieving :thumbup:
  54. A

    Mullion Cove - handheld landscapes

    If RAW is better then why do photographers still shoot in JPEG occasionally? Nice shots anyway :thumbup:
  55. A

    Show us your makeshift photography lighting....

    i have 3 x 100w standard bulbs :lol: it helps slightly :thumbup:
  56. A

    450d lenses or compatibles

    :lol: I know when i got mine i couldnt put it down :roll:
  57. A

    450d lenses or compatibles

    Get some pictures up then :mrgreen: :wink: Aaron
  58. A


    ok then, try using aperture proirty rather than the preset settings. Set it to "A" then you can alter the Aperture, and ultimately DoF. larger aperture (smaller number!) = less DoF. So for making the background blurred use f/3.5 and if necassary, macro or super macro. Also experiment with...
  59. A


    Rule of thirds is basically the same as aquascaping. You dont stick a red plant dead in the centre, it is always better to have it 1/3rd from either side. With moving objects, have the larger open space in the direction it is moving I find it hard to use B&W, very rare i use it, when used...
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    im on to many forums already :roll:
  61. A

    shots from Mexico

    wow, love the street & ruins. very nice
  62. A

    Waddington Airshow 2009

    Thanks everyone :) George, yes they did bow to the crowd. I just love how they can fly perfectly level horizontally & vertically. I was watching a programme the other night on how one was being built, Went together quickly! Everytime i go it always looks interesting & makes me want to join, but...
  63. A

    Waddington Airshow 2009

    Anyone else go? Feel free to post your pictures here :) This is the radar on the Awax, weighs 5 tonne and only the white strip is the radar, the rest is aerodynamics! lol Thanks for looking, Aaron. :)
  64. A

    Fishkeeping on a slightly different scale!

    wow, i saw an aquarium which was 3million litres, imagining a tank 4x that size is quite difficult :shock: :shock:
  65. A

    Advice for taking tank shots with my Fujifilm s5600?

    tank shots are tricky, i have had my S5700 6months and have i only just begun to take good shots! I use aperture priority (f/3.5), ISO200/ 400 - depends on lighting, and use a tripod! a bit of post editing after and you should get some good results. Mine havent been too bad, my latest attempt...
  66. A

    Earl Of Mount Edgecombe

    now that is cool! I use GIMP, Paul. http://www.gimp.org/
  67. A

    Plec Pics

    i would say the bottom one, as it is a little less intense in the colours. Go on, say you prefer the 1st one :lol:
  68. A

    Plec Pics

    Does you camera have custom white balance? I get a pice of white paper under my light then take apicture of it and it sets the WB for me. The last 2 are a bit pout of focus but the rest are fine too me :D
  69. A

    Trip to London.A few more pictures.

    Re: Trip to London. good pictures :) I like the 5th shot. It is very moddy and contrasty - modern & old feel to it at the same time. I know, it is so frantic to what i am used too i think it would annoy me! By the end i was getting bored of having to push through the packed crowds (and this...
  70. A

    Black Phantom tetras

    dam that is a good shot!
  71. A

    A Rose

    nice shot & texture. Here is a rose i took the other day,
  72. A

    camera people

    megapixels doesnt really matter, unless you are going for large prints which i doubt you will. lenses are more important than the camera (to some degree.) just some basic terms: aperture (f/) - a larger aperture (smaller number!) for example f/3.5 will minimize the depth of field, and because...
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    camera people

    it isnt a DSLR, but i use a Fuji Finepix S5700 which cost me £88 brand new :D It is a bridge camera (the next step up between a compact & SLR) my pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/anorth1/ Nikon D40's are around £200-£250 depending on where you look.
  74. A

    Autumn Blush themes.

    i like your over contrasty and overexposed images but i think it is too much on the 1st pencil fish shot. The tank shot might be a little OTT but i'll sit on the fence with that one :P lol
  75. A

    Allways looking for Inspiration.

    also using a lower ISO. I have yet to try taking some water pictures, will see if i can get to the peak disrict sometime :D
  76. A

    Thought I'd show...

  77. A

    Thought I'd show...

    I love the street photpgraphy too :)
  78. A

    How to shoot HDR?

    thanks, lol.
  79. A

    A Subset of Sublime Subtropic Sunsets

    i like them all :) yeah, took a bit to get my mouth around lol.
  80. A

    Shooting tanks with off camera flash?

    Those Interfit lights are more in my price range, however, for now i have just bought 3 x 100w bulbs to hang above the tank which will hopefully help. If not, it isnt much of a loss at £4.50 for everything :lol: I can use it in other photography anyway.
  81. A

    Shooting tanks with off camera flash?

    Thanks, Mark
  82. A

    Shooting tanks with off camera flash?

    Thanks, Mark. Hopefully Stu will see this post :wink: if not i'll PM him. Might just get a couple of 200w standard bulbs. thanks.
  83. A

    Shooting tanks with off camera flash?

    because i cant afford studio lighting, do you think something like this 75w/ 375w equivalent will work? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1x-Daylight-Bulb- ... 2|294%3A50 i have just tried it with a 11w/ 60w equivalent and failed miserably :lol: :roll: sorry for the hi-jack, Tom. Thanks.
  84. A

    How to shoot HDR?

    :lol: it does look like it, thanks.
  85. A

    How to shoot HDR?

  86. A

    Action Photography - Speedway

    I think pictures are mostly boring without crowd & advertisements. :|
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    Action Photography - Speedway

    i like the first shot, good DOF as it slowly gets out of focus
  88. A

    do you need water?

    superb shots Mark. I love the bokeh in all of them, particularly the 2nd picture, dont you have another website or a flickr account with all your shots on :roll: I would love to see them :) :wink: There isnt enough on planted box lol
  89. A

    Photographic Opportunism.

    you know, it probably does :roll: I have had it over a year and you are supposed to do it every month or so aren't you :oops: lol
  90. A

    Photographic Opportunism.

    pic 1 i dont seem to like at all - sorry :? It looks washed out & pale to me pic 2 is my fave, as i love the dramatic, warm sky/ smoke. pic 3, i love the shadows on the pylon springs I am very good at giving critique out though, :oops: thanks.
  91. A


    nice plate 8) seriously though the plate does add a lot to it!
  92. A

    Blue Iris

    beautiful shot, something makes it an excellent pic but i cant put my finger on it, the large leaf perhaps? I dont know... but anyway well done. :D
  93. A

    Who needs plants, anyway!?

  94. A

    Who needs plants, anyway!?

    I got the same as you Mark, but once downloaded i got the "correct" information :!:
  95. A

    Who needs plants, anyway!?

    looking forward to the marine, if done correctly they can be stunning, but on the other hand i also think they can be bad to look at in some cases, not sure why though :| That tank looks nice too
  96. A

    getting extra lighting over subjects

    is that an osaka :!: i might just buy an ordinary light bulb, attach a 2metre cable then fit a reflector somehow, job done :D
  97. A

    Grans backgarden

    2nd pic is v.good
  98. A

    getting extra lighting over subjects

    it is an option, that is still in the back of my mind. Nikon D40's are dead cheap now, even brand new.
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    getting extra lighting over subjects

    thanks for the tip. I am still looking at other options too.
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    getting extra lighting over subjects

    it wasnt that specific model, just an example as it was the first i came too :roll: camera isnt that good, do you think an extra 100w would be sufficient?