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British summer time

Would you vote for permanent British winter time or permanent British summer time?

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Hi all,
I’m not going to bother trying to find a link but I read an article some years back saying studies had shown it was not healthy to get up early in the morning. The earliest suggested time for most people to rise in the morning being 08:30. I know lots of people who out of habit still get up at 07:00 like I used to have to, even though they no longer work. :crazy:
New Scientist ? <"Changing clocks twice a year is bad for health and energy use Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/articl...-bad-for-health-and-energy-use/#ixzz6IAYheSHB">, there is also this one <"The biological reason why it’s so hard for teenagers to wake up early for school"> and <"I’m already on British Summer Time – and I can’t recommend it highly enough">.

cheers Darrel
I'm not British, but i never understood the silliness of scrambling with the clock back and forth from summer to wintertime...

What was actually first?.. It was originally just summertime, wasn't it? If it was up to me, cut the crap and let it be...
Hi all,
What was actually first?.. It was originally just summertime, wasn't it?
It was originally "GMT" <"Greenwich Mean Time">.

Because the prime <"meridian for longitude"> could be anywhere on the globe and the British decided in was at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. It sort of makes sense, because the International Date Line is in the middle of the Pacific, but I'm not sure that was the reason. Under GMT (at Greenwich) when the sun is at its zenith it's 12 midday.

Before we had trains we had local time, so <"Bristol Time" was ten minutes later than "London Time">.

One of the arguments that certain portion of our press have put forward against moving to permanent British Summer Time is that it would be "unpatriotic" to abandon GMT. This was Peter Hitchens in the <"Mail on Sunday">.
Now, the European Union, which has ruled our time since 2001, plans to give up doing so. Whether or not we leave the EU, we will soon be free to set our own clocks as we wish. We can at last go back to Greenwich Mean Time, real, organic, British time, the whole year round.

I'm going to start a campaign for the <"return of the Groat"> as "real, organic British" money. I'm predicting some success for this, and possibly backing from large Hedge Funds and Russian Oligarchs resident in London.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,
That would be ReGro after a BrExit... :thumbup:
"ReGro" I like it. I say <"let's get it done">, it could prove popular and develop un-stoppable momentum.

We've already got pestilence (probably followed by famine), so why not a <"return to feudalism"> and the groat to go with it?

Slogan "I maybe poor, but at least I'm British. True patriots support real British poverty, poverty you can rely on, it's built to last"

cheers Darrel
Hi all,
Slogan "I maybe poor, but at least I'm British. True patriots support real British poverty, poverty you can rely on, it's built to last"
I've had a re-think, "Make Britain Groat again" is snappier.

Even later edit: I've had another rethink and "Support the Groat, it's the GOAT" is my latest offering.

cheers Darrel
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Hi all,
Thanks guys that's pretty conclusive. Permanent British summer time it is then.
I'll write to Boris and tell him we've made our minds up
Tim as soon as he sees your 'moderator' status
.....but that is a sane and sensible suggestion, and "super moderator" sounds suspiciously like an expert...........

Also just remember the <"Badger cull">, that could actually be a win for GMT.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,.....but that is a sane and sensible suggestion, and "super moderator" sounds suspiciously like an expert...........

Also just remember the <"Badger cull">, that could actually be a win for GMT.

cheers Darrel
How so Darrel? Not sure I understand what you mean 😕
Hi all,
How so Darrel? Not sure I understand what you mean
If the badgers have <"moved the goal-posts">? How can you be sure that 17 - 2 is a conclusive victory for BST?

It might be that it looks like a conclusive win, but following some careful analysis of the figures it maybe that "BST 17 - GMT 2" is actually a vote for GMT.

As an example a couple of years ago we had a <"local referendum in Corsham"> which asked us if we would mind having "a thousand new houses built if the railway station was re-opened and infrastructure improved?" We had already been promised the railway and infrastructure changes when the <"MOD built Basil Hill>.

The result was a truly overwhelming win for "No new houses" and the outcome was............ 1200 new houses, no new infrastructure and no re-opening of the railway station.

cheers Darrel
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Is it a comment on how cynical and undemocratic local government is?
And how they manipulate questionnaire bias and data?
I have firsthand experience of both...