Wednesday night is my tank maintenance day, this week again I removed the majority of the Floating Plants as they rapidly overtake almost the entirety of the surface of the tank except where I have one of the duckbills pointed at the surface. I do this regularly so that the plants under them can get some further growth. The Gobies and Snails are also keeping the tank and glass really clean, I have a few small patches of "dust" algae on the glass and AOI section. The removed Floaters go into a container on my Kitchen window sill to grow Algae on the roots before I re add to the tank and then watch the Gobies Feast.
The Bucephalandra's are looking really good, I can see some new leaves (could have been from the In Vitro Cups and just unfurling?) and are colouring up beautifully. I also have a series of buckets that are currently soaking Driftwood (locally collected Oak) for this and other tanks (including the Larger tank that is expected in January 2025) eventually I want to rescape this tank with no rockwork and more branches, or go the alternative route and have this tank mainly Pebbles and Stones for the Gobies and remove the Rasbora to the larger tank when set up along with a lot of the plants.
The Lagenandra Meeboldi is getting nice and big now, has also send out a new small plant just infront of itself but behind the Bucephalandra. So what was 2 plants is now definitely 3. This is one of the main reasons that I am considering moving the fish and plants from this into my larger set up when it arrives as I love the leaves on this and have been reading and looking at Planted tanks with established clumps of this, so maybe a Ghats Region themed Large Tank in the future? Rasbora, Loaches and Glass Catfish....
Kedagang - Mini Portion, this will be for the 24 Litre Tank attached to the Balrog/Buffalo Skull. New leaves at the base that are light coloured?
Needle Leaf - Again a tiny portion for the other small tank
Pygmea - the main section that is showing a lot of the unfurling leaves