Sorry in advance for the long post. I'm really looking to see if there is anything I could/should do from the point I'm at now either tweaking or fundamentals to head off the usual total algae take over while the tank tries to find it's balance (which is what I usually see, making it pretty unsightly on and off for the first 6 months or so).
So I've just setup my 3rd tank (after a 60l Superfish Scaper and a Fluval 125). The new tank is a Diversa 300l (120 x 50 x 50cm, approximately 270l after addition of substrate).
I across all three have largely followed the 'Father Fish' method having had reasonable success with this over time (Soil/Peat Moss/Pond Mud first layer mix of circa 2cms with a raft of additives (not selling the product but see [link] for list of additives if interested)...followed by a 5cm-10cm cap of Pool Filter sand). I'm in Essex area and the water is reasonably hard but nothing outrageous...PH of ~ 7 to 7.5, GH 8, KH 10.
For lights I have 2 x Hygger 28w strips raised 2 inches, and 2 x 55w 5000 Lumen Floodlights on a DIY stand about 9 inches from a lid made of twinwall polycarbonate.
I'd say that the tank is moderately well planted currently, all be it the stems are 'early' in their size so aren't well established yet. Planting list is (mostly from K2 Aqua on Ebay):
Anubias Nana
Anubias Barteri
Microsorum Trident
Bacopa Caroliniana
Piptospatha Ridleyi
Cryptocoryne Wendtii green gecko
Ludwigia Glandulosa
Cryptocoryne Petchii
Bucephelandra Sintang (and a couple of other small varieties)
Hydrocotyle Leucocephala
Echinodorus Bleheri
Staurogyne Repens
Alternathera Rosanaervig
Red Tiger Lily
Vallisneria Asiatica
Hygrophila Pinnatifida waiting on some Hygrophila Difformis to add too.
I've also got a very well established emergent Echinodorus palifolius, and a Peace Lily, Monstera and Devils Ivy in suspended pond baskets as emergent plants, and Water Lettuce as a floating plant across about 1/3rd of the tank surface. There is a good sized piece of Corbo Root (which seems to get algae forming on it like no tomorrow) and then hardscape of Slate.
Stocking wise, I've got 5 angel fish, 6 Peppered Corys, 2 Kribs, and 6 Blue Tetras (all but 4 angels and the Corys have been moved in from the other tanks), as well as 8 small horned nerite snails. Tank was 'Nitrogen cycled' with some Nitrico Goop massaged into the filter (an Eheim Experience 350) and an airstone for extra surface agitation at the opposite end to the filter outlet. Tank is at 25-26 degrees C, and also has some leaf litter (Oak Tree leaves) to try and promote microfauna development as they break down. I'm debating going the Father Fish root of adding leaf material from a local stream for extra biodiversity too.
What I'm really looking for guidance on is start points/suggestions around the current setup, and also the establishment of the below regime:
1. Ferts...I'm of a mind to dose initally with TNC Complete @ 10ml per day. Is this necessary in a soil based, low tech tank like this?
2. Organic Carbon....the tank is low tech, and was wondering if a daily dose of 5ml of Easy Carbo would help the plants establish/ward of the initial algae take over. Would this become a 'forever practice' or get dialled down over time?
3. Lighting period...I've currently got them on way too much I think...the Hygger's for 5 hours on, 2 hours off, 5 hours on, and the Floodlights for 3 hours on, 2 hours off, 3 hours on.
My goal ultimately is to get to 'fewer' water changes...not never, but sparingly as possible as my water source is a garden hose, which I've very little I can do about temperature...and certainly at this time of year a big water change would result in a big temp differential with the water at circa 5-8 degrees. Happy to perform regular plant maintenance.
Anyway, if you've made it this far thanks for reading, and I'd welcome comments/watchouts/'What the hell are you doing's etc.
Some pics to show the build and where I am today attached (with the diatoms and fluffy green algae already starting to make their presence felt on the Anubias etc).
Thanks in advance....really appreciate any feedback.
So I've just setup my 3rd tank (after a 60l Superfish Scaper and a Fluval 125). The new tank is a Diversa 300l (120 x 50 x 50cm, approximately 270l after addition of substrate).
I across all three have largely followed the 'Father Fish' method having had reasonable success with this over time (Soil/Peat Moss/Pond Mud first layer mix of circa 2cms with a raft of additives (not selling the product but see [link] for list of additives if interested)...followed by a 5cm-10cm cap of Pool Filter sand). I'm in Essex area and the water is reasonably hard but nothing outrageous...PH of ~ 7 to 7.5, GH 8, KH 10.
For lights I have 2 x Hygger 28w strips raised 2 inches, and 2 x 55w 5000 Lumen Floodlights on a DIY stand about 9 inches from a lid made of twinwall polycarbonate.
I'd say that the tank is moderately well planted currently, all be it the stems are 'early' in their size so aren't well established yet. Planting list is (mostly from K2 Aqua on Ebay):
Anubias Nana
Anubias Barteri
Microsorum Trident
Bacopa Caroliniana
Piptospatha Ridleyi
Cryptocoryne Wendtii green gecko
Ludwigia Glandulosa
Cryptocoryne Petchii
Bucephelandra Sintang (and a couple of other small varieties)
Hydrocotyle Leucocephala
Echinodorus Bleheri
Staurogyne Repens
Alternathera Rosanaervig
Red Tiger Lily
Vallisneria Asiatica
Hygrophila Pinnatifida waiting on some Hygrophila Difformis to add too.
I've also got a very well established emergent Echinodorus palifolius, and a Peace Lily, Monstera and Devils Ivy in suspended pond baskets as emergent plants, and Water Lettuce as a floating plant across about 1/3rd of the tank surface. There is a good sized piece of Corbo Root (which seems to get algae forming on it like no tomorrow) and then hardscape of Slate.
Stocking wise, I've got 5 angel fish, 6 Peppered Corys, 2 Kribs, and 6 Blue Tetras (all but 4 angels and the Corys have been moved in from the other tanks), as well as 8 small horned nerite snails. Tank was 'Nitrogen cycled' with some Nitrico Goop massaged into the filter (an Eheim Experience 350) and an airstone for extra surface agitation at the opposite end to the filter outlet. Tank is at 25-26 degrees C, and also has some leaf litter (Oak Tree leaves) to try and promote microfauna development as they break down. I'm debating going the Father Fish root of adding leaf material from a local stream for extra biodiversity too.
What I'm really looking for guidance on is start points/suggestions around the current setup, and also the establishment of the below regime:
1. Ferts...I'm of a mind to dose initally with TNC Complete @ 10ml per day. Is this necessary in a soil based, low tech tank like this?
2. Organic Carbon....the tank is low tech, and was wondering if a daily dose of 5ml of Easy Carbo would help the plants establish/ward of the initial algae take over. Would this become a 'forever practice' or get dialled down over time?
3. Lighting period...I've currently got them on way too much I think...the Hygger's for 5 hours on, 2 hours off, 5 hours on, and the Floodlights for 3 hours on, 2 hours off, 3 hours on.
My goal ultimately is to get to 'fewer' water changes...not never, but sparingly as possible as my water source is a garden hose, which I've very little I can do about temperature...and certainly at this time of year a big water change would result in a big temp differential with the water at circa 5-8 degrees. Happy to perform regular plant maintenance.
Anyway, if you've made it this far thanks for reading, and I'd welcome comments/watchouts/'What the hell are you doing's etc.
Some pics to show the build and where I am today attached (with the diatoms and fluffy green algae already starting to make their presence felt on the Anubias etc).
Thanks in advance....really appreciate any feedback.
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