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Thailandia Sunset

Oh and I almost forgot, I am reviewing my dosing. Minor detail. Removing KCL entirely from my mix and dropping K to ~23ppm in my next mix. In the following mix I will probably drop it further down to 20ppm. This decision came after a conversation and advise from Raj (@GreggZ you know him well I believe). Let's see how things go from here. I also increase each channel of the WRGB light by 5%.
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Yep Raj is a friend of mine and knows his stuff. Curious what do you hope happens from reducing K?

For me I've never seen any big changes from adjustments in K, other than dosing way too little or way too much. Seems to work pretty well for me in a fairly wide range.

I'll be curious to follow along.

Oh and BTW nice set of pics!!
Curious what do you hope happens from reducing K?
Nothing much really. I just think that 28ppm is already on the high end, and 20ppm will probably be enough as well. The initial idea is actually to remove KCL to remove all chloride and I don't think that the lost K will impact much if anything. Reality is that KCL is not even adding that much Chloride. ~4ppm weekly so it's on the low side anyway and removing it will probably be a non-event.

Oh and BTW nice set of pics!!
Thank you. I am really hoping for the R. tulu to survive. It's giving me cold sweats. The whole set of plants cost me ~85USD so would be annoyed to lose them.
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L. Pantanal (right) is leaving the tank next week... She too has a behavior which is not worthy of my time anymore. Look at that sad, dropping, shrinking shenanigans compared to L. Meta on the left showing gratitude and embracing life. I warned her many times over that this is not acceptable and that there would be consequences. She didn't listen.
I have been struggling with Rotala tulunadensis. Pictures were taken 1 day appart for 4 days. For some reason, stems will grow fine for a week or two then suddenly out of the blue will exhibit this black veining, then all leaves will eventually melt. I have lost already 4 stems like this and still can't figure out the reason for this behavior despite parameters in the tank being unchanged. Anyone having experienced the same thing with this plant?

IMG_7907.JPG IMG_7909.JPG IMG_7918 2.jpg IMG_7919 2.jpg

edit: added additional pics.
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Do you have any delicate salad-like plants? Im not sure how tasty some of those rare erios are..
Thats about the only risk I think, that they might turn on some of the plants
Poll here.
Yes or No for two Plecos L114 super red in this tank?
If no, why?
I'm no pleco expert, but I have two in my small tank and was wondering if moving them in this bigger 90cm would be a good idea.
View attachment 190559
Poll here.
Yes or No for two Plecos L114 super red in this tank?
If no, why?
I'm no pleco expert, but I have two in my small tank and was wondering if moving them in this bigger 90cm would be a good idea.
View attachment 190559
bad idea, they get big and will kick up that aquasoil as they dig about. They’re more carnivorous feeding on molluscs and similar stuff. But they’ll uproot those plants as they dig around for food.

They’ll eventually get around 12 inches although I imagine it’ll take some years, they don’t grow like common plecs.
Do you have any delicate salad-like plants? Im not sure how tasty some of those rare erios are..
Thats about the only risk I think, that they might turn on some of the plants
I wouldn't be concerned about the erios. In the tank they currently are I have the same erios and they don't touch it.

bad idea, they get big and will kick up that aquasoil as they dig about. They’re more carnivorous feeding on molluscs and similar stuff. But they’ll uproot those plants as they dig around for food.
I haven't seen them dig in the tank they currently are. Is that something they develop with time? Because if that's the case then obviously it might not be a good idea. Truth is I didn't pay much attention to that 60cm tank. It's more like a holding or nursery tank so whatever happened in there, stays in there.😅
haven't seen them dig in the tank they currently are. Is that something they develop with time?
Will just be as they get larger, from around 4inches on they will more than likely start to become a problem. L number plecos in a high tech planted tank can be done but I wouldn’t say it’s ideal for either them or the plants. Mounds of rocks and wood are more plecos kind of tanks.

Coming back from holidays to find this:
I think L. Meta got a bit too excited of my absence and decided to grow beyond the authorized level.

Anyhow, this tank is about to get a reset in the upcoming weeks. I see more and more algae appearing right and left and this is a sign organics are building up . Soil needs to be vacuumed deeply and I really need to remove some Bucephalandra as they are choking.
I thought I would make a post about how DIY fert is not always perfect.
When I prepare ferts I always keep a small quantity (~100ml) in a separate container to monitor the solution. As you can see my last batch turned bad and mold/fungi developed. Incidentally in this batch I used a new potassium nitrate salt that I recently purchased as the one I had used in the past is derived from urea (April batch - see the yellow tint). When I looked at the actual dosing container under my tank I also saw that mold in the solution.

This got me wondering if urea had some antiseptic property or it's just that the new KNO3 I have is just very dirty. When preparing my ferts I always thoroughly clean the containers with bleach and I boil the water that I use to make the solutions as well.

I thought I would make a post about how DIY fert is not always perfect.
When I prepare ferts I always keep a small quantity (~100ml) in a separate container to monitor the solution. As you can see my last batch turned bad and mold/fungi developed. Incidentally in this batch I used a new potassium nitrate salt that I recently purchased as the one I had used in the past is derived from urea (April batch - see the yellow tint). When I looked at the actual dosing container under my tank I also saw that mold in the solution.

This got me wondering if urea had some antiseptic property or it's just that the new KNO3 I have is just very dirty. When preparing my ferts I always thoroughly clean the containers with bleach and I boil the water that I use to make the solutions as well.

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Did you add potassium sorbate?
I always got mold/fungi in my DIY ferts batches after a few months at first then I just starting making enough to last a couple of months, which kept it under control.
In fact I never had any mold/fungi prior using the new KNO3 salt I bought in June. All my batches are designed to last 2 months at most. I went back to using my urea based KNO3 see if that solves the issue.
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It varies for me, some containers I always seem to get a bit of mould, but some I never get any mould - it does seem to vary depending on the container despite rigorous disinfecting prior to mixing.