Hello from the USA. I have come here from the recommendation of Happi.
Setup is as follows:
50 gallon aquarium running on 20 gallon diy sump.
I have fluval 3.0 light
Black Diamond Blasting sand - Medium grit
Target 4 dGH - 0 dKH
Co2 injection targeting 1-1.2 drop in PH
Estimate 54% weekly water change with Macros front loaded.
Fighting BBA for a long time.
I was dosing CSM+B daily for Micros, but switched to Topica Premium Nutrition dosed daily for Micros.
I have been switching over from low tech to high tech the past 4 weeks or so.
This was my starting point into dry ferts.

I want to get away from dosing sulfer. So I switched the MgS04 for Mg Gluconate and K2SO4 for Potassium Chloride. Did my normal water change yesterday and today when I got home form work. I have cloudy water. This is my first time with cloudy water in years. Something to note. I dosed the tank on Saturday with API algaefix

Cloudy 50 gallon after switching to Mg Gluconate and Potassium Chloride. Water was clear right after water change and the rest of the day with Co2 injection.

Skipped water change on the 30 today due to cloudy 50 gallon.

Setup is as follows:
50 gallon aquarium running on 20 gallon diy sump.
I have fluval 3.0 light
Black Diamond Blasting sand - Medium grit
Target 4 dGH - 0 dKH
Co2 injection targeting 1-1.2 drop in PH
Estimate 54% weekly water change with Macros front loaded.
Fighting BBA for a long time.
I was dosing CSM+B daily for Micros, but switched to Topica Premium Nutrition dosed daily for Micros.
I have been switching over from low tech to high tech the past 4 weeks or so.
This was my starting point into dry ferts.

I want to get away from dosing sulfer. So I switched the MgS04 for Mg Gluconate and K2SO4 for Potassium Chloride. Did my normal water change yesterday and today when I got home form work. I have cloudy water. This is my first time with cloudy water in years. Something to note. I dosed the tank on Saturday with API algaefix

Cloudy 50 gallon after switching to Mg Gluconate and Potassium Chloride. Water was clear right after water change and the rest of the day with Co2 injection.

Skipped water change on the 30 today due to cloudy 50 gallon.