Well it's been just over a month now and I am having a great time with the scape, the plants are making me wonder sometimes and some are thriving and others are well so so!
Ludwigia palustris 'green'
These guys are doing great they shot up 10-15cm in 7 days, I've trimmed the tips of some of them as they reached the surface but still need to trim some which have broken through the surface. Unfortunately the aquarium is covered else I would have let them be!
They seem to be doing ok but I have a concern, you may notice the second picture which shows all their crowns darkening... I am keeping an eye on it. All I have done was reduce the photo period by one hour, I'll see what happens and keep you updated.
They just keep on growing, I'll have to trim them again soon. They are pearling beautifully and you can see micro oxygen bubbles rise up from them.
They are slowly covering the bottom of the aquarium. Interestingly the ones on the right hand side of the tank are stronger growing than the left hand side. I'll have to look at my light distribution I think.
It has created one massive leaf, the photo is a little dark but I hope you can see it. It's colour is a nice deep burgundy on the newer leaves and the older ones are a deep green/brownish colour. I love this plant!
I think they have started to put some good growth in, they are starting to look good and their colour has been getting a deeper green compared to when I just planted them.
My mosses have gotten a good foothold as well and is starting to grow nicely!!
My Amano shrimps are doing a great job of keeping the algae at bay and melting every few days.
The inhabitants currently consist for:
Paracheirodon axelrodi - Cardinal tetras x18
Danio choprai - Glowlight danio x12
Melanotaenia praecox - Dwarf Rainbow x12
Otocinclus affinity - Dwarf Oto catfish x5
Cardinals multidentata - Amano shrimp x8
Crossocheilus oblongus - Siamese algae eater x1 funny thing is this guy decided to adopt the Oto cats as his friends, spends all his time with them, however he doesn't have the sucker mouth to stick to the glass so he has to swim a lot !!
I also got a Eheim surface skimmer to deal with the surface scum and can't recommend it enough it works great!!
I also went back to the in tank diffuser the inline one was just to much and made the tank look like Sprite, I also got the flow sorted to 'push' he bubbles down hopefully the video works
That's it for now