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Two Rocks Balanced - 64L - Low tech

an other option is the 'mini amano'. I have these shrimps.They are as big as a Cherry shrimp but breed twice as fast
Day 131 update

Not much going on. Tank is cranking away nicely. Still BBA troubles, as usual, on the fringes of leaves.
During last week's water change I cut things back a bit.
Exciting news is that the Bucephalandra appears to like it in the tank, as it now has 3 flowers, almost a mere 5 weeks after the very first flowering.
I highly recommend this plant to those who want this periodic 'high' from seeing new flowers blooming in their tank.

from the side
from the front (white 6000K white balance)
(with auto white balance)
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Very nice top view! Now your plants are filling the scape nicely.
Thanks Alexander.
I decided to take more photos from above -- this the viewpoint from which I enjoy my aquarium most of the time. Less so from a straight facing 'aquascape' view. It is a planted 3D tank after all!
It is a low-tech tank, so it does take a while for it to fill in.
I thought the same Christmas Moss hopfully it improves my scape.. it didnt, it grows so fast it ruined my scape took almost all out again. And once it is in there your stuck with it till the last day.. So be carefull with that stuff, whit how much of it and where you put it. It grows like hell...
If you plan to grow large clumps of it, regularly inspect the inside, since you have BBA.. I once found a large nest of it inside a rather latge patch of moss.. It collects all kinds of stuff floating around.. 🙂 Would be a pitty for such i nice scape you got there..
I thought the same Christmas Moss hopfully it improves my scape.. it didnt, it grows so fast it ruined my scape took almost all out again. And once it is in there your stuck with it till the last day.. So be carefull with that stuff, whit how much of it and where you put it. It grows like hell...
If you plan to grow large clumps of it, regularly inspect the inside, since you have BBA.. I once found a large nest of it inside a rather latge patch of moss.. It collects all kinds of stuff floating around.. 🙂 Would be a pitty for such i nice scape you got there..
Hi zozo, thanks for the comments.
I only put moss on 3 branches of the wood, where it will be hopefully easy to maintain.
As this is my very first scape, I took my time in deciding on getting the moss on it. I consider it an evolution / experiment of what I had over the past months.
Mine is a low-tech tank (no Easy Carbo anymore and only 6 hours of light/day) , so I hope the moss does not grow like hell, but slowly and 'elegantly'. Luckily not much stuff floats around. I try to keep feedings to a minimum.
Yes, i see the picture it looks very nice, like the canopy of a tree.. I can compare your scape a bit with mine, many plants, like a jungle style in a small inveronment. HAd the same idea with the moss. I don't know how it grows in low tech, but i'm about to find out, i'll give it a go. In high tech it was a menace in my case and totaly grows out of proportion. Chrismas moss doesn't realy creep, it more likes to branch out (Hence the name - christmas tree) with is brush like strings and hook togheter, it becomes a large filter sponshe like that over time catching a lot of debris (You'll will notice a color change when it gets dirty) and of course it catches also the BBA floating around. If you want to keep that in check it needs a lot of trimming and inspection. Than you'll have tiny pieces of moss floating around and spreading if you don't pick it all up again.

I've seen many very beautifull scapes whit lots of Christmas moss, my respect to those aquascapers, it must be a meticulous job to maintain in shape.. I'll never use it again in a jungle style, there are other more suitable and even as beautiful mosses for that.

I'd love to see how it works out for you.. 🙂 Succes!!
Hi everyone. I am now back online. The summer was busy. But the fall season is here and it is once again time to start doing some indoor gardening.
The tank has been ticking along nicely, with basic maintenance.
Most of the plants have been developing nicely. Only the Ranunculus inundatus melted away over the months.
I also added some Cryptocoryne spec. Flamingo in the empty spot in the front right corner.
Pictures via mobile - as my trusty Sony ILCE-5000's memory card is packed:
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