Thanks Tim! This will then take off the lampeyes and nanostomus out of the equation...Nice scape antoni, if its any help the lampeyes will jump and if the pencils are of the same nature as beckfordi they will probably take a dive out of the tank as well, I'm keeping boraras species in an open top and as of yet no jumpers
The Boraras are nice, one of my all time favorite, but the rock is quite redish as well and they might blend in with it...
The s. alxelrodi would look ace in this scape.
Can you manage to get hold of all these fish?
Thanks Ian, yes the S. Axelrodi were the first choice... but now the duel is between the Boraras and the Axelrodi...

MY LFS have the both species in stock and can deliver the other 2.