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Start Up Co2 Set


31 Dec 2023

Getting back into this freshwater game and looking for a start up co2 kit that’ll be on a medium planted 200 liters of easy plants.
Is there a start up system out there with a solenoid and readily available co2 refills?

Appreciate any input👍
I have found this one. I am new to the whole CO2 thing as well but this seems good and can use sodastream refill bottles which are readily available.

Personally I am torn between this kind of system and a Bio low pressure system 🤔🤔
I agree with Ben. A bio yeast based system such as the Neo Co2 system is too small litres, and adapting a yeast set up would be time consuming. That leaves the obvious pressurised CO2 system and perhaps also a citric acid reactor? The Colombo or Fzone citric reactor(smaller reactors are available) might be a good place to start as less material is needed and it does come with the bottle already. which has minimal running cost since you only need bicarbonate soda and citric acid from the supermarket.
^I have one of these and it works well for medium sized aquarium. Since you have easy plants you don't need to blast it with CO2 so this could be sufficient supplementation!
Thanks for your response DioramaDieHard, the Fzone 4 liter is what l’m pondering now.
As you have one do you mind telling me what the working pressure is? I’m of the understanding that some diffusers require higher working pressures. The Fzone regulators have gauges for contents pressure and working pressure, both are just direct readings, working pressure isn’t adjustable.

Getting back into this freshwater game and looking for a start up co2 kit that’ll be on a medium planted 200 liters of easy plants.
Is there a start up system out there with a solenoid and readily available co2 refills?

Appreciate any input👍
By far the most convenient and cost effective way is the fire extinguisher method
Fire extinguisher CO2

For the hardware check out our sponsors. They offer some decent solutions, and will be happy to talk you through it if you give them a call.