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Sexing Rainbow Fish


9 Oct 2020
Hi all,
For a couple of weeks now I have been noticing some behaviour in my aquarium with some of my rainbow fish. Not sure if there being playful or showing signs of mating.
I have taken photos of each Rainbow Fish seeing if anyone is able to sex these guys/girls for me.
I have also numbered them.
Any help and advice would be much apricated :D
My Rainbow fish


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I have done some research as when i brought these I was told its impossible to sex at the young age I got them. I was told the males can dull in colour before settling into a tank then start revealing there colours once settled. I personally feel like I have a couple of males and females but not 100% sure
Ok I did think 🤔 the ones you have mentioned. I did think they where male from what I have been reading doing reach sometimes can be confusing as there’s many sites that have different opinions and information on sexing rainbow fish 🙂
You can get differrent quality in rainbows aswell, they’re a lot of hybrids and poorly bred fish in the market. Especially when it comes to bosemanis. Fish one and six look like they’ll grow into very good fish. One thing with rainbows is make sure you give them time, they can need well over a year before they start showing their true potential.

Thankyou for all your kind words they have settled in really well I’m so happy with them they have been graded as high grade when I brought them as I didn’t want to get some that won’t colour up to there potential. I am keeping an eye out for 2x Blue rainbow fish to complete my collection tbo then that’s it for my tank. I’m curious to see what sex they are tho not that I’m wanting to breed just nice to know what sex they are.


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